We are honored to receive the 2016 and 2017 “Best of Readers’ Choice” awards from Living Magazine for Pest Control. It is a privilege to get to work closely with the communities of the metroplex, so being recognized by those communities for our continuing efforts to provide reliable, friendly, and exceptional service is the greatest compliment we could hope to have been bestowed with. To the more than 35,000 readers of Living Magazine who cast their votes for us, we would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you.” Knowing that when you were asked who provides the best pest control service, you thought of us and wrote “Mid-Cities Pest Control” on your ballot, means that we have fulfilled our task of providing excellent service, and for that we feel exceptionally grateful. So “Thank you” to our amazing clientele, we look forward to exceeding your expectations for years to come.

Quick Contact
As anyone who has moved knows, it takes a little time to fully settle into your new home, hang all your pictures, put the finishing touches on decorations, and make the place uniquely your own. We have been in our Hurst location for year now (how time flies!) and are thrilled to have made our home in this thriving and unique city. It has been a pleasure to get to integrate our office staff and technicians in one building, allowing us to provide more efficient and comprehensive service, while also allowing for a greater sense of community within our company and the chance to continue to grow our staff as our client base increases. To everyone who knew us at our Bedford locations, we are proud to have started our journey in that amazing city and to continue to serve that community. If you’re ever in our area and want to check out the new home of The Bug Dude, feel free to stop by and say “Hello,” we are always happy to see you; just look for the big “The Bug Dude” sign, you can’t miss us.
1832 Norwood Plaza Ct.
Hurst, Texas 76054.
Phone: 817-354-5350 or 1-800-310-BUGS
WebSite: www.thebugdude.com
If you are looking to stop by or would like to send us a letter, our new home is located at 1832 Norwood Plaza Ct., Hurst, Texas 76054. And of course, our phone number (817-354-5350 or 1-800-310-BUGS) and website (www.thebugdude.com) have stayed the same.
Start the buzzzzz that: Because of clients like you, we have outgrown our present facility and will be moving soon! Details to come!!!!!

While chances are you will never need a ghost removed from your home, there will probably come a time where some other variety of pest will need taking care of. Be sure to give the Bug Busters at Mid-Cities Pest Control a call!
To better serve you, our valued clients, The Bug Dude is now on Thumbtack!
By utilizing this tool, we will be able to quickly, and easily connect with you; providing prompt customer service. You can also read about other jobs we have completed, and write reviews to let us know how we are doing.
We hope that this service will make it easier for you to find great pest control services in your area!
Hawadax Island
Nearly a year and a half after Rat Island was declared “rat-free,” the U.S. Board on Geographic Names on May 10 officially restored its original Aleut name. Hawadax Island, reflecting the island’s true traditional name and celebrating the successful removal of invasive rats from this important seabird sanctuary.
Located in the Aleutian chain 1,300 miles west of Anchorage, Alaska, this remote island in 2008 was the largest rat eradication endeavor to date in North America and the third largest in the world. Some 25 tons of a brodifacoum bait, manufactured by Bell Laboratories, were aerially broadcast on the 10-square-mile island to purge it of rats, once and for all.
Rats were first introduced to the island when a Japanese fishing vessel ran aground in 1778 and they had thrived ever since, preying on the eggs and chicks of nesting seabirds. By the time research staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy,and Island Conservation of Santa Cruz, Calif., initiated the Aleutian Seabird Restoration Project in 2004, the island was “eerily quiet” for lack of birds.
But, that’s all part of the island’s history now that non-native Norway rats were successfully eradicated and, in their place, native seabird species, such as the Leach’s Storm petrel, are rebounding. Restoring the island’s original name puts closure to that chapter.
Community Connection to the Land
For Gregg Howald of Island Conservation who worked on the project, the name change also attests to the deep bond between the people and their land. “For me, the name change gives us an insight into the impact of the work we do beyond the ecological recovery, and demonstrates the connection the local communities have to the land, and the necessity for strong partnership for sustainability of these restoration programs and projects long after we are down the road to the next island.”
“Island Conservation congratulates the people of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska for embracing the removal of rats from Hawadax Island and, with this formal name change, the symbolic return to an earlier time.”
Historic Aleut Name
Hawadax Island, the name petitioned by the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) in Alaska, which represents the Unangan/Unangas, was chosen after extensive research of historical Alaskan records, the Aleut dictionary and other Aleut sources.
“Hawadax (pronounced ha-wa-thah) is the oldest name we could find that did not refer to rats,” said Karen Pletnikoff, APIA’s environment and safety program manager who spearheaded the name change.
“Hawa, the root word,” she explained, “is directional, meaning “over there” and dax means “those two,” a fitting description of the island’s geography, referring to “two round knolls on the island that are so large, so prominent you can see them from the water.”
Although uninhabited now, the island was used for millennia by Aleut, who relied on seabirds for clothing, protein, and ceremonial garb. The arrival of rats and their decimation of native seabirds likely negatively impacted what was once a large community. ”
The loss of those birds would have been a real driving force on where people could live,” Pletnikoff pointed out. Similarly, anything that would damage their seal-skinned kayaks, whether a rocky shore or a gnawing animal, was a threat to their survival because kayaks were essential for hunting and transport.
Some Aleut speakers in the village of Atka, located 300 miles from the island, still referred to it as Hawadax. Rat Island was the name given to it by a Russian explorer in 1827 for obvious reasons.
In the future, maps put out by the US Geological Service and the Coast Guard will reflect the restored name. And, although there were no ceremonies marking the return to its original name, the change had full support of the APIA and The Aleut Corporation that provided input to the historical preservation office.
“Every comment was positive and supportive of the change,” said Pletnikoff. “It took well over a year, plus two years to determine that the island was rat-free. It was well worth it to restore the historical name and highlight the successlul removal of an invasive species that had such detrimental effects on the island.
“Seabirds are essential to our ecosystem. Any temporary loss of high-population-level birds was fair trade-oil to get back such an important habitat for threatened and endangered species,” she added.
“The general numbers of returning seabirds is very impressive. Early reports about recovery of the rare and endemic Giant Aleutian subspecies of Song Sparrow are very exciting.”
Since the bait drop in 2008, researchers have monitored the island for signs of rats and bird recovery and will return in 2013.
Peter Martin, Bell’s director of research and development, said Bell was proud to apply its expertise to developing an aerial bait that was used successfully to remove rats from this important seabird sanctuary.
“We are certain that Hawadax will become a symbol in the international conservation community of how a dedicated group of individuals were able to turn back the pages of time to a day where endangered and threatened bird and animal species can again flourish in a pristine environment,” Martin added.
Wasps and bees are beneficial insects, although they are generally considered to be pests
because of their ability to sting. People often mistakenly call all stinging insects “bees”. On
their own bees are perfectly harmless and do good for their surroundings playing a big role in
the pollination of flowering plants. Wasps, in particular, can become a problem in the autumn
when they may disrupt many outdoor activities.
It is important to distinguish between these insects because different methods may be
necessary to control them if they become a nuisance. The first step a successful treatment is
to correctly identify the insect and locate its nesting site. Mid-Cities Pest Control, Inc. has
the knowledge, tools and correct measurements to provide you peace of mind, Plus a
warranty for any recurrence.
Contact us at 800 310 BUGS, or www.thebugdude.com
We found this dog donning a Mid-Cities Pest Control, Inc. shirt and sniffing out pests all around Dallas/Fort Worth.
Remember, when working with a pest control provider, the first step is to undergo a thorough inspection.
Be sure to contact The BUG DUDE for all your pest control needs. At the www.thebugdude.com or at 800-310-BUGS
Don’t kill him, just get him out of my yard !!
It is absolutely unmistakable. That awful, penetrating odor that seems to just cling to everything near the source of it. When you drive past a dead one on the the highway, seemingly no matter how long it has been there, the car is filled with the smell, and everyone in the car gets the blame. You pray that your curious dog doesn’t discover one in the backyard, and come galloping into the house to share his misery with the whole family. Even worse, you hope one of them does not discover the doggie-door itself, and come into the house to wander around and possibly leave the terrible problem on the carpet or furniture. This, of course, just has to be skunks.
Summer is coming and you want to be able to enjoy your yard in private. Skunks, opossums, rats, squirrels, raccoons and nakes love your yard too !!!
Most of the pests in your yard are nocturnal, sleeping during the day in underground burrows and emerging around dusk to search for food. Skunks are the primary carrier of rabies. So, as cute as skunks are made to appear in children’s cartoons, clearly these are not animals we care to co-exist with.
No space is to small no animal is too large for the mighty technicians at Mid-Cities Pest Control, Inc. Scott Henry made it under an 18” deck to capture an unwanted house guest.
- Keep pet food indoors and do not leave food of any kind outside.
- Cover trash containers and secure lids.
- Don’t leave plastic trash bags outside.
- Change automatic sprinkler settings often.
- Eliminate garbage, debris, lumber piles that critters could hide in or under
- Block off entry to areas below decking, porches, or outside sheds using hardware cloth or wire fencing. This wire should go into the soil extending away from the structure.
- Install motion-sensitive spotlights in garden areas, as the sudden bright light alarms the animals.
- Eliminate turf pest insects such as white grubs, to reduce food supply to skunks on your property.
We can capture your all garden critters, skunks, raccoons, possums, and more. Time to relocate an unwanted pest from your yard ? Give us a call: 1.800.310.BUGS (2847)