Dealing with Red Wasps
Saturday, July 15, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
The red wasp is approximately an inch long, with red all over its body and dark colored wings. Every year the red wasp aggressively defends its nest, and sends some persons to the emergency room. It’s most useful for its killing of other insects, but overall, the red wasp is more dangerous in and around your home than beneficial. If you see red wasps flying around your home, it likely means you have one or more nests on your property. When you have a problem with red wasps and require assistance, contact The Bug Dude, we will take care of the problem for you with professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.

Red wasps prefer areas such as eaves, overhangs, soffits, siding and any crevices around windows. Other locations to watch include inside car doors where the hinges attach, in overgrown areas, garages and under shed roofs. If you have cracks in the siding, they may also nest in your walls. Adult workers and males live on the nectar collected from flowers, and sweet food wastes in garbage cans or in containers, such as a soda can. When outdoors,avoid an open drink, which may attract wasps. Always keep food and drink covered when outdoors. When red wasps, or other pests are ruining your outdoor time, give us a call to schedule pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
The nest is a paper-like structure of cells attached to the nest. A small stem is attached to the nest to secure it. The red wasp doesn’t reuse the nest, building a new one every spring. Treating red wasps is dangerous, it’s best to leave pest control in Fort Worth, TX to the professionals. Contact The Bug Dude to schedule treatment.
Tips to Keep Wasps Out of Your Home
- Sealing potential points of entry can’t only keep red wasps out, but also prevents other pests from getting into your home. Use caulking or expanding foam to seal holes in siding, around windows, and other potential entries. Sealing your home and scheduling pest control in Fort Worth, TX are the most effective tools in preventing unwanted pests.
- Replace or repair torn screens.
- If you have fruit trees, keep the fruit picked up.
Reducing the Chance of a Sting
Avoid wearing bright yellow, orange or blue clothing. In addition, avoid the use of scented shampoo, hairspray, cologne, perfume and other scented products. In addition, avoid swatting at wasps, which increases the likelihood of receiving a sting.
An additional fact to remember is that wasps don’t lose their stinger. They can and will cling to you and sting you repeatedly. Similar to a yellow jacket, wasps will pursue you for a great distance. Also, when their nest is disturbed or they feel threatened, they will swarm, potentially delivering multiple stings. An attack may be fatal, even if you aren’t allergic to their sting, as a nest may contain more than 800 individual wasps. Wasps are active during the day, and return to the nest at night. If you have wasp nests on your property, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
There are a number of different types of wasps, and you may have more than one type. When you call The Bug Dude to provide pest control in Fort Worth, TX, our technician will identify the type or types of wasps affecting your home. Correct identification may affect the program of treatment and prevention.
If you find a wasp nest, be sure to keep children and pets away from the area until it’s removed and/or treated. Contact The Big Dude today to schedule pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
The Treatment of a Wasp Sting
A normal reaction to a wasp sting is pain, swelling and redness around the sting site.
An extreme local reaction involves excessive swelling. For example, a sting on the hand may result in the entire arm being swollen. Doctors recommend you treat it as you would a normal reaction. An extreme reaction should peak at approximately 48 hours and gradually improve in the following days.
Anaphylaxis is the most serious and is discussed in the following.
If you have never been stung by a wasp before, you are unable to know if you would have a life threatening reaction. Wasp stings are painful, the following tips can help with the pain.
- Use a cold compress such as an ice-pack.
- Take an over-the-counter antihistamine to provide relief of itching, swelling and hives. However, never give this medication to children under the age of 2, or to pregnant women, unless your doctor says it’s okay. You may also take an “NSAID” pain reliever such as ibuprofen for the pain.
- If you have questions, contact your doctor.
The allergic reaction, anaphylaxis can occur when you have become sensitized to the poison in the sting. Anaphylaxis isn’t common, but can be fatal. If you have allergies to insect stings, talk to your doctor about a kit containing epinephrine, and carry it with you at all times.
If someone has the following symptoms after being stung, contact 911:
- Difficulty breathing
- Wheezing and/or trouble swallowing
- Swelling of the face, throat or mouth
- Rapid Pulse
- Restlessness and anxiety
- Dizziness
- A drop in blood pressure
If you are bothered by red wasps, or other pests, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude serves Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
The Bug Dude will take care of your pest problems with professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX. Vector borne diseases are a growing problem, and among these ticks are a common cause of illness. Ticks are small arthropods that feed on blood. They belong to the class Arachnida, a class which also includes spiders, scorpions and mites. They are both parasites and vectors of numerous diseases. Examples of the diseases they can transmit include Lyme disease, bubonic plague, Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Meningoencephalitis, tularemia, rickettsia, tape worm and others. They feed on humans, pets and livestock. Ticks aren’t insects, because they have eight legs, where insects have six.

While there are numerous species of ticks, the two most common species found in Texas are the Brown Dog Tick and the Lone Star Tick. The American Dog Tick and the Deer Tick are encountered occasionally as well.
While ticks are commonly associated with wooded areas, they also live in brush and grassy fields. The larvae, nymphs and adults typically feed on mule deer, livestock and other wild mammals, as well as humans, birds, reptiles and even amphibians.
Ticks are typically found when you inspect for ticks, or when the tick’s body is already engorged with blood. Ticks will also crawl up to the head, where the hair makes it difficult to see. Tweezers are the approved tool by the CDC for removal.
Prevention and Pest Control
Take extra precautions against ticks when outdoors or when in contact with outdoor animals. Inspection is always required for ticks after being outdoors. In addition, use veterinarian approved protection for pets and livestock. The Bug Dude can help prevent the risk of ticks with professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
Common Ticks in Texas
Brown Dog Ticks
The brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, is small and brown in color. Dogs and other canines are the preferred hosts, but they will feed on humans. The brown dog tick usually feed only three times during their entire life. First when they are in the larval stage, next while they are nymphs, and finally when they become adults. They leave their host when they molt for each stage and again to mate after their adult feeding.
Brown dog ticks are a known to vector of ehrlichiosis in dogs and cats, and canine babesiosis in dogs. Furthermore, they’re also capable of transmitting rickettsial diseases in humans.
Lone Star Ticks
The Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum, are common throughout Texas. The adults are tan to brown in color, with the adult females having a distinctive white “star” on their back. They will feed on humans during all three stages of their life. This tick can transmit Human Monocytic Ehrlichosis, Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness and Tularemia. Contact us today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
Tick Control
The Bug Dude uses different methods of tick control when implementing pest control in Fort Worth, TX. Treatment will depend on the species, and the extent and location of an infestation. In addition, it isn’t uncommon for homes with a tick problem to also have nuisance animal problems, such as rodents or other animals. You may not even be aware of an animal problem, but if they are hosting ticks, addressing the animal issue will help to prevent ticks.
How to Remove a Tick
The proper removal of a tick reduces your chances of contracting a disease. However, not all ticks will be a carrier of disease. Furthermore, when illness does occur, modern medicine offers treatment. Use the following method for removing a tick burrowed into your skin.
The CDC recommends using tweezers to remove a tick. First, pull back any hair to reveal the tick and bite. Next, gently grasp the head of the tick as close to the skin as possible. Don’t grasp the ticks body to avoid injecting the ticks blood into the skin. Pull outward in a straight motion until the head clears the body. Don’t twist or squeeze overly hard to avoid the separation of the head from the body, leaving the head inside the skin.
Once the tick is removed, wash the area with soap and water. Use alcohol or iodine to also cleanse the area. The signs of a tick related illness can include a rash or fever in the weeks following a tick bite. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX. We will get rid of your pests and provide tips to assist in keeping them away.
Carefully inspect your home for cracks and crevices, and also poorly fitting screens and doors. Ticks and other pests can enter the home through these, so careful sealing and properly fitting screens and doors can prevent their entry in your home. Furthermore, mow the lawn frequently to discourage ticks. In addition, remove bird nests and other nesting wildlife when possible to discourage tick infestation. However, professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX along with these precautionary methods provides the best preventative.
Pest Prevention Tips
When the inspection is complete, the Bug Dude may recommend actions to make your environment less hospitable for ticks. For example, trimming trees to allow sunlight to filter through into shaded areas may help to reduce tick populations. Other tick deterring tricks include removing leaf litter, thick ground cover and removing piles of debris, trimming shrubs away from the home and stacking firewood up off the ground. Target the areas pets and family members use. A tidy, frequently mowed lawn and routine pest control in Fort Worth, TX provides the best tick prevention.
Treatment by the Pros
If a tick infestation is especially heavy, it may be necessary to treat your pets, home, the lawn, and wooded areas. The Bug Dude can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX that you need to get rid of ticks, and other pests. Professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX is the most effective means available for treating and preventing a tick infestation. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
Mosquitoes | Pest Control Fort Worth, TX
Monday, May 15, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
With warm weather mosquitoes arrive, and bring a growing threat of disease. Habitat and the number of potential diseases that can and do occur in the United States now include West Nile Virus, Zika, Chikungunya, Malaria, Dengue, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, and Dog Heartworm. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes likely to be a vector of disease are abundant in the southern half of the U.S., including Texas. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.

Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)
The Asian Tiger Mosquito receives its name from its black and white striped body and legs. A native of Asia, it was accidentally imported to the continental U.S., in 1985 through tires from Asia. It’s an aggressive daytime biter and can be a vector of numerous diseases, including West Nile Virus, Zika, encephalitis, Chikungunya and dengue fever. As with other species of mosquito, only the females bite, requiring a blood meal to produce its eggs.
The Asian Tiger mosquito is found worldwide, and has adapted to colder climates. Recent research reveals the mosquito can pass Zika Virus along in its eggs. To date, Zika occurring naturally in the U.S. has occurred in southern Florida and southern Texas. The females lay their eggs inside containers where stagnant water stands, such as tires, flowerpots, birdbaths and baby pools, or any location that can hold water. Controlling the environment and scheduling professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX are the best means of reducing your family’s chances of mosquito-born diseases.
Preventing Asia Tiger Mosquitoes
An effective means of preventing mosquitoes is by eliminating standing water around your home.
Yellow Fever Mosquitoes
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are one of the most widespread of the mosquito species. Their common name originates from their being the primary vectors of yellow fever, which is prevalent in tropical South America and Africa. While yellow fever isn’t currently a risk in the U.S., the mosquito is widespread in the U.S. In addition, it’s the vector of other diseases, such as Zika Virus, dengue, Chikungunya and other diseases. Their preferred habitat is to live near and feed on humans, making them more likely to cause disease, than some other species, for example Aedes albopictus. However, it’s important to realize both can cause disease. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
With the introduction of new mosquito born diseases in the U.S., it’s essential for each home and community to do all it can to prevent mosquitoes, including pest control in Fort Worth. Aedes aegypti lays its eggs in standing water, often in man made containers. Furthermore, the eggs of this species can survive for as long as 8 months when they dry out. Once water is reintroduced, the eggs hatch, becoming adults within a week. The eggs are laid on the walls of containers and require strong scrubbing to remove them. They’re active throughout the day, and at dusk and dawn. Only the female bites, and feeds on blood, in order to produce eggs.
Mosquito Prevention
Mosquito prevention relies on eliminating standing water around your home. At least once per week empty and scrub items that can hold water. Alternatively, you can cover or throw away items which hold water. In addition, rain collection barrels should be covered with fine mesh screen wire to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside and laying eggs.
Additional Tips to Prevent Mosquitoes
When outdoors, wear a long sleeve shirt tucked into long pants. In addition, tuck pants into socks. Furthermore, use insect repellent containing 20% DEET, and professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
- Ensure the screens on windows and doors fits tightly, and is in good repair.
- Use mosquito repellents and follow instructions carefully.
- Use yellow “bug lights” outdoors, while not a repellent, mosquitoes aren’t as attracted to them as general lighting.
- Use professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX for treatment.
Facts About the Spread of Disease
Zika, dengue and Chikungunya are new to the U.S. It’s now known that mosquitoes which bite an infected person, can spread Zika when it bites. In addition, Zika can contracted through sexual contact with an infected person.
The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain and/or conjunctivitis. The illness is mild and symptoms may last up to a week. The need for hospitalization is rare. However, the threat to unborn children is critical, as it can cause severe birth defects.
Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever is a leading cause of illness and death in the tropics and subtropics. However, it has been reported in both Texas and Florida. Symptoms begin with fever, severe headache, with pain behind the eyes, rash, joint and muscle pain. Early diagnosis is critical as symptoms can become critical fast.
Protect your family by using the tips provided in this blog, and contact us for pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
Common symptoms are fever and joint pain. Additional symptoms may include rash, headache, muscle pain and swollen joints. It’s rarely fatal, but the pain is severe. While Chikungunya isn’t common in the U.S., and its territories, outbreaks have occurred.
Mosquito treatment involves the two methods of larvacide mosquito dunks, and a standard barrier treatment. The Bug Dude can provide the pest control in Fort Worth, TX that you require.
EPA Recommended Mosquito Repellents
The EPA recommends using a repellent with one of the following ingredients, and states it’s safe for pregnant for pregnant and breastfeeding women when used as directed:
- Picaridin, also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin
- Lemon eucalyptus oil (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD)
- IR3535
- 2-undecanone
Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX for mosquito problems, or other pest control needs. Professional pest control uses a mosquito treatment involving the use of larvacide tablets in stagnant water, such as ponds, and fogging in thick vegetation. Our knowledgeable professionals serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Fire Ants | Pest Control Fort Worth, Texas
Monday, April 17, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
The red imported fire ant is an invasive insect with the ability to sting repeatedly. The sting typically results in complaints of burning, itching and a white pustule that forms within 48 hours. Fire ants build mounds in the areas they inhabit, and will swarm when their mound is disturbed. They among the worst pests in the Southern United States in terms of effects on human health, property damage, and environmental damage. The Bug Dude can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth, Texas you need for fire ant control.

Fire ants form colonies close to homes, and prefer sunny locations such as dry fields and lawns. Entire colonies will occasionally nest in walls or rafters, and occasionally move in homes or other structures during floods or extended drought. Colonies can contain a population of several hundred thousand ants, and one or more queens. They are a threat to sleeping people, and especially to invalids and infants or small children. Serious injury or even death may occur when fire ants attack these defenseless victims.
It is not uncommon for fire ant mounds to appear after rain. Furthermore, when they first appear in the spring is the time to administer the first treatment. Contact the Bug Dude today to receive professional pest control in Fort Worth, Texas of your lawn and home.
Fire ants are known to cause property damage, including in home’s. They can cause short circuits in the home’s electrical system, and are notorious for invading air conditioning systems and electrical supplies indoors and out. In the public arena, they invade traffic signals, utility supply boxes, switching boxes, and other electrical and utility equipment, resulting in short circuits and damage to components. Ants are also a nuisance in home gardens and fields of vegetables, damaging crops and resulting in losses, especially during hot dry weather.
Professional Pest Control in Fort Worth, Texas
The first step in determining the proper treatment for an ant problem is the proper identification of the species. It is difficult to eradicate fire ants, as they will continue to spread in satellite colonies from neighboring properties. Controlling them, however, is possible. Managing fire ants, typically requires repeated treatments. Your efforts will be more successful if you can recruit the neighbors to battle fire ants. Otherwise, re-infestation will be an ongoing battle.
Home Remedies
You probably read a lot about home remedies, but the fact is they either do not work or cause damage to the environment. While some home remedies may kill fire ants, they will not eliminate the colonies. Disturbing mounds will only cause the colonies to move. Shoveling ants from one mound on top of another does not force the colonies to kill each other, as some people believe. Sprinkling flour, grits or other solid food substances onto fire ant mounds is also ineffective against them. The only effective treatment’s are based on science. Contact the Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, Texas.
Fire ants are omnivores, which means they feed on both animal or vegetable sources. They will eat meat, greasy and sweet foods, other insects, earthworms, ticks, boll weevils, spiders, arthropod eggs, flea larvae, cockroach eggs, honeydew, and others. Plant sources include seeds, such as corn, sorghum, and soybeans. Plants sources include, corn, potatoes,peas,okra, and citrus fruit to name a few. Fire ants will also feed on young and newborn vertebrate animals, such as birds, rodents, and calves. In addition, fire ants consume carrion when the opportunity arises. Contact the Bug Dude today to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth, Texas.
While gasoline will kill some fire ant colonies, it is strongly discouraged. Gasoline is dangerous, costly, and will kill the surrounding grass and other plants. Furthermore, it will pollute the soil and potentially the ground water you drink, and nearby streams, lakes and rivers. In addition, pouring hot or boiling water on a mound kills only the ants it can reach, those close to the surface. However, it will also kill grass and plant life. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth, Texas that will not harm your lawn.
Tips to Prevent Fire Ants in the Home
1. Clean up food crumbs, and drink spills. Never leave left overs out in the open or throw them outside. Place in a trash bag and tie securing, placing it in the trash. Fire ants will invade your home for sweets such as donuts, sugary cereals, and other sweet treats as surely as if you sent them an invitation. Store non-perishable food in tightly sealed containers to protect against fire ants. In addition, store pet food in sealed containers, and do not leave pet food out at all times to avoid providing food to fire ants.
2. Fire ants enter a home through cracks and gaps, including around windows and doors, or in the siding, around gaps surrounding incoming wires, cables, pipes and plumbing. Seal these entry points with caulk or expanding foam, and contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth, Texas.
3. Repair plumbing and roofing leaks, as fire ants are attracted to moisture, especially during a drought.
4. Check potted plants for fire ants in the soil before bringing them indoors.
5. Mulch is commonly used to assist outdoor plants in retaining moisture and deterring weeds. Unfortunately, it provides an ideal environment for fire ants. Our Though mulch is beneficial for plants, it provides a convenient environment for fire ants. Your pest control professional can advise you about alternatives for your area.
6. Maintain a space of at least 2-3 feet between your home and trees or shrubs to help prevent pests from entering.
Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, Texas for fire ant treatment. The Bug Dude can take care of your problem with fire ants or other pests with professional pest control in Fort Worth, Texas. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services you can rely on. Do not let pests ruin your outdoor activities and entertaining this summer, contact The Bug Dude today.
Pest Control Fort Worth, TX
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Preventive Pest Management
Often, the solution for a persistent pest problem is a combination of professional pest control in Fort Worth and preventative pest management. No homeowner cares for a pest problem, but it is especially important to effectively control them when family members experience allergies. Cockroach saliva, droppings, and cast-off exoskeletons are known factors that trigger allergies and worsen symptoms. Cockroaches are one of the most common triggers for those with allergies and asthma. If your home has a pest problem, contact The Bug Dude, we will take care of the problem with effective pest control, and assist you with tips for preventative pest management.

Preventative pest control has been proven to reduce the number of days sick from allergies due to cockroaches. Children are especially sensitive to the allergies triggered by cockroaches, with one in five children testing positive for an allergy to cockroaches. Together with professional pest control in Fort Worth, your family will be healthier and the risk of disease from the pests eliminated.
Children in homes being treated for cockroaches experience an improvement in their health, and less complications related to allergies. If you have a cockroach infestation, contact The Bug Dude today to schedule service. We recommend being proactive in your approach to the pests, before, during and after treatment.
Use the following tips to help keep these unwanted pests out of your home and to provide a healthy and safe environment:
• Seal all cracks and gaps around your home’s exterior, including the foundation. This includes around doors, windows, in siding, and place screen wire over vent pipes. However, use approved high temperature wire for vents that exhaust heat, such as a gas water heater and the gas furnace.
• Keep kitchen counters, the dining table and floors clean of drink, food and crumbs. Periodically move kitchen appliances and clean under them to remove any potential food source.
• Provide regular vacuuming of carpets, rugs, drapes and furniture to remove cockroach debris.
• Empty garbage cans routinely and dispose of in a tightly sealing trash can.
• Repair water leaks in and outside your home.
• Store nonperishable foodstuffs in tightly sealed containers.
• A neat, clean house is less inviting to pests.
• Check all bags and packages before bringing them into the home.
• Do not leave pet food and water out overnight.
• Cockroaches can produce a musty odor in your home when present in large numbers. If your home experiences this odor and no other cause can be determined by your plumber and HVAC technician, contact The Bug Dude for an inspection.
• Schedule routine treatment of your home with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
• Remove piles of paper and cardboard to avoid providing them with a handy home.
There are approximately 70 species of cockroaches in the U.S. However, only a small number will inhabit homes. Three that commonly live in U.S. homes include the American cockroach, the German cockroach, and the brown-banded cockroach. Our dedicated professionals can take care of your cockroach problem with pest control in Fort Worth, year round.
The American cockroach favors the habitat of food storage areas such as cabinets, pantry, basements, and sewers. They typically enter a home in shopping bags, often from bakeries, grocery stores, and restaurants. In addition, they will enter your home through the sewer pipe. Moisture from leaks, wet sinks and other sources are also an attraction for them and will contribute to their distribution in your home. These cockroaches develop wings when mature, and will fly.
The German cockroach is distributed worldwide. They favor the warmer, more humid areas of the home such as the kitchen and bathroom. However, they may be found in other parts of the home if food and moisture are present. They also are typically brought into the home in bags and boxes. In addition, they are known for their ability to transmit disease from the pathogens E. coli, Salmonella and Typhus. They tend to reproduce rapidly and will require professional pest control in Fort Worth to get them under control.
The brown-banded cockroach is one of the smallest of the cockroach species, and are distributed throughout the U.S. They require less moisture than the American cockroach, and due to this, can be found throughout the home. They prefer warmer temperatures and are often found in appliance motors, inside electronics, on ceilings, and other warm locations.
Regardless of the species of cockroache in your home, we can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth that you require to eliminate the problem.
Cockroaches are typically nocturnal pests. When you see them during the day, it may may mean they were forced due to overcrowding. Unfortunately, this is a potential sign of a severe infestation, and professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential. Cockroaches will typically spend the day in cracks throughout your home out of sight. The treatment of a cockroach infestation may vary according to the species. For this reason, identifying the species in your home is essential. You can rely on the expertise of our professionals to identify and provide the treatment you require. In addition, we will identify potential locations of entry.
Cockroaches are nasty pests that can spread disease and contaminate food. They can pick up disease causing pathogens as they crawl through contaminated material or sewage and transfer these germs to food or food preparation surfaces and kitchen utensils. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they are proven or suspected carriers of the pathogens causing diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, plague, typhoid fever and viral diseases such as poliomyelitis to name a few. Do not risk your family’s health with a cockroach infestation, contact The Bug Dude today to schedule an inspection and pest control in Fort Worth.
If you have concerns over cockroaches or other pests in your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. Our pest control professionals serve Fort Worth, Dallas and the surrounding areas.
Pest Control | Fort Worth, TX
Saturday, February 18, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Common Spring Pests
Because Termites spend most of their time underground and in the structure of homes or other structures, it is unlikely you will see them. However, there are a few signs if you know what to watch for. The signs are few, and include mud tubes, bubbling and peeling paint and discarded wings. It is possible to see them when they swarm in the spring, which lasts a short time, otherwise you are not likely to see them. Contact The Bug Dude for an inspection of your home, and treatment for either active infestations or preventative treatment. Our professionals can provide the pest control in Fort Worth that you need.

The Importance of Pest Control in Fort Worth
Termites consume cellulose-based plant materials, including the wood structure and finishing inside your home. The majority of homeowner’s insurance does not cover termite damage to your home. Considering you have so much invested in your home, professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential. The Bug Dude will provide a comprehensive inspection of your home, and a customized treatment plan. Our highly trained professionals can determine if you have an active infestation, and can develop a treatment plan for preventing future ones.
Termite Types
There are three major types of termites in the U.S. The termite most people are familiar with is the subterranean, other major types include drywood and dampwood.
In its natural environment, termites feed on dead plants and trees, thriving on the nutrients contained in the cellulose of wood and plants. They will also eat paper, drywall and plastics. However, some species of termites will feed on living trees.
Spring Swarms
In the spring and summer, when a colony of termites has matured, you may see the winged reproductives’ swarming near windows and doors. They are attracted to light, and after breeding will establish a new colony or multiple colonies depending on the type of termite.
Pest Control and Deterring Termites
Professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential in providing protection for your home. The following tips should also be observed in conjunction with pest control. Begin with measures to eliminate moisture and food sources:
- Repair water leaks including leaking faucets.
- Divert the water produced by your home’s HVAC system to sewer/storm drainage when possible.
- Maintain clean, functional gutters and downspouts. In addition, divert water away from the home’s foundation.
- Maintain neatly trimmed shrubs, and clean planting beds near your home using rock or rubber mulch. Wood mulch provides food for termites.
- Seal all entry points to your home including around duct, water and sewer lines, cables and others.
- Keep firewood away from the home, stacked up off the ground, and clean up brush piles and clutter. In addition, have any tree stumps removed.
- Inspect wood fences and decks for damage. Damaged wood may sound hollow when tapped.
To treat or prevent termites in and around your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Chinese Beetle vs. the Ladybug
Ladybugs are a vivid red in color, while Chinese beetles are a brownish orange, to a slight red in the younger beetles. Chinese beetles, also called Asian beetles, can cause an unpleasant odor when distressed. The beetles will hibernate through the winter in your home. In the early spring when it is still fairly cold outside, they abandon hibernation and try to enter your home. If you see these spotted insects in your home, they are beetles, and not ladybugs who die off in the fall.
Chinese beetles eat aphids in your garden, but you don’t want them in your home. Winterize and seal your home to help keep them out. Repair or replace screens and use screen wire on foundation vents and plumbing vents. However, specialized wire is required for hot flues, such as a gas water heater or gas furnace. Professional pest control in Fort Worth can take care of a beetle infestation for you.
Ticks are another insect that makes an appearance in early spring. Ticks are another reason to seal all cracks, gaps and potential entries in the home. They will also enter the home via pets and persons who have been outdoors. Inspect your pets and children when they have been outdoors. Be sure to check crevices, the neck under the hair and underneath clothing. Professional pest control in Fort Worth is the best means of eliminating ticks from your lawn.
It will soon be that time of the year again, when mosquitoes plague us outdoors. Spring chores will assist you in reducing the number of breeding places for mosquitoes. Ensure all items that can hold water are emptied and put up. Remember, mosquitoes will breed in a tiny amount of water, and live in uncut grass. As you plant your flower beds this year, leave ample space for air to circulate, as this will also help minimize mosquitoes who often rest on vegetation during the daytime.
The Dangers
Mosquitoes can transmit serious disease, such as Zika fever, encephalitis, yellow fever, malaria, filariasis, dengue fever and many more.
The Treatment Plan
Controlling mosquitoes requires a combined effort of source reduction and the use of chemical control products if required. Since mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, source reduction is aimed at eliminating water sources which promotes breeding. Source reduction is an effective mosquito treatment long term when maintained consistently, although the treatment plan provided by pest control in Fort Worth may also require chemicals.
To prevent pests in your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. Our pest control professionals serve Fort Worth, Dallas and the surrounding areas providing reliable pest control services. In addition, if you are having a problem with opossums, armadillos or other wildlife, contact The Bug Dude. We provide humane wild animal control services.
Interesting Bug Facts
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Interesting Bug Facts
Surviving Winter
While many insects, such as butterflies and dragonflies migrate to warmer temperatures in the winter, others tough it out in huddles with body heat sustaining them through the winter. Beetles, bees and ladybugs are examples of those who cluster together for the winter. The Bug Dude can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth that require to take care of clustering insects that can make life miserable when spring arrives.

Some spiders are capable of surviving the colder temperatures, while other insects are designed to freeze with the temperature – and survive. Mosquitoes and some other insects produce glycerol that acts as antifreeze enabling them to tolerate colder temperatures. On the other hand, crickets completely freeze in a process called torpor. Torpor is a state of suspended animation with their body completely shut down. Yet when the temperatures rise, they return to normal body processes. How they survive the complete freezing of their bodies is still a scientific mystery. If your home has a spider problem, give us a call to schedule pest control in Fort Worth.
If you require professional pest control in Fort Worth for a mosquito problem or other pests, contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control services. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Spider Silk is Strongest
The admirable strength of spider silk is often compared to steel, and can possess as much as six times the strength of steel per its weight. Spiders spin a variety of structures, but perhaps the most amazing is the Cyclosa who spins a web that’s an exact replica of itself, acting as a decoy to predators. To date, scientists have been unable to replicate spider silk in the lab, leaving it yet another scientific mystery.
True Horror Story
The tale of the Ampulex dementor wasp and the cockroach is a true horror story. A native to Thailand, the dementor wasp preys on cockroaches by injecting them with a venom that literally takes away their free will. The venom which is injected into a cockroach’s belly blocks a neurotransmitter called octopamine that initiates the roaches mobility. With this receptor blocked, the cockroach is able to move, but cannot direct itself in any specific. It becomes zombie like, capable of movement, but lacking instincts and direction. Once the cockroach is incapacitated the dementor wasp drags the cockroach to a safe place to eat it alive. Wasps’ offer many benefits, and are useful to farmers by eating crop destroying pests such as weevils, grubs and caterpillars.
Plan to Plant Mosquito Repellent Plants
Spring catalogs will soon be arriving, and with new mosquito born diseases now in the US, planning to plant mosquito repellent plants can make your home a safer place to be. While insect professional pest control in Fort Worth, and wearing repellents such as DEET is an essential, the following plants will aid you in repelling insects outside of your home:
1.According to the latest research the essential oil contained in catnip may be more effective than DEET in repelling insects. Continue to use your DEET, but planting catnip around your home may deter mosquitoes and other insects. However, it will undoubtedly attract your cats to enjoy the outdoors.
2. Citronella grass is recognized as a mosquito repellent, and is commonly used in candles, torch oil and mosquito coils. Its strong odor overshadows the scent of other plants that mosquitoes are attracted to and helps keep them away from plants that attract rather than repel.
3. Lavender is a beautiful plant with a lovely scent. Lavender is well known and used for teas, candles, soaps, lotions and many other products. While it’s pleasing to humans, mosquitoes are repelled by the lavender oil inside the plant.
4. Marigolds are popular flowers for gardens and flower beds near the home. They repel a number of insects, including mosquitoes! The dainty marigold contains Pyrethrum, a substance which insects scramble to avoid.
5. Peppermint helps to repel insects such as mosquitoes, and is often used to rub on fresh insect bites to provide relief.
6. Basil, rosemary and lemon thyme helsp to repel insects, and offers the added bonus of being used in cooking.
Other Tips to Prevent Mosquitoes
•Wear DEET on exposed skin when outdoors.
• Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes may breed. They only need a small amount of water to live and reproduce.
• Adult mosquitoes are attracted to uncut grass, unkempt lots, thick shrubs and trees. Maintaining a neat, trimmed lawn and thinning and pruning shrubs will assist in managing mosquitoes. Contact The Bug Dude to schedule pest control in Fort Worth.
Maintaining a neat, clean lawn free of standing water and scheduling professional pest control in Fort Worth will enable you to control mosquitoes in your outdoor space. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Termites | Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, December 15, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
With the arrival of cooler temperatures homeowner’s often think any pest problems are over until spring arrives. While some insects migrate to warmer climates, or overwinter in a type of hibernation, other insects remain active through the winter. For example, termites are active year round, and in southern regions, continue to lay eggs through the winter. However, in temperate areas, egg laying is suspended during cold weather. Termites are an example why year round pest control in Fort Worth is required. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule pest control services.

In its natural environment, termites metabolize cellulose into food, The cellulose comes from the leaves and the wood dead fall from trees. Their waste products add nutrients to the soil forming a cycle in nature that benefits the environment.
Termite colonies contain workers, soldiers, a queen and her attendants. The queen can live for years and produces thousands of offspring in her lifetime. Texas termites are classified as either subterranean or dry wood. Subterranean termites live underground, where they excavate complex tunnels to food. Dry wood termites do not require contact with the soil. A king and queen termite can start a colony by slipping through a crack into an attic or wall.
Termites are not a pest to be ignored, as they eat the wood that comprises your home, including its frame structure. In addition, they will eat any form of cellulose, wood, paper, cotton, cardboard, and burlap. As termites require water, any leak or areas where rain can collect facilitates an infestation. Contacting a plumber for leak repair is an essential step in discouraging termite infestations of your home and/or surrounding structures.
Termites are responsible for billions of dollars in damage each year, and is the reason why professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential. Our professionals begin termite treatment by identifying the type of termite present in your home or property.
Next, we search and identify the location(s) of damage and infestation. A reliable warning sign of termites is mud tubes rising from the ground anywhere along the foundation. The recommended treatment depends on the type of termite found. Providing a custom treatment plan that is the most effective plan once the termite type is identified. Once the infestation is taken care of with pest control in Fort Worth, our professionals provide post-treatment with routine inspections of the treated structure to ensure that termites do not return.
Interrupting the cycle of termites is essential in preventing the growth of the colony and the area of damage. A termite colony requires approximately two to four years to mature. Once matured, the colony population is large enough to cause serious damage. If pest control in Fort Worth is not provided, the population continues to expand exponentially, along with the growth of damage.
Pest Prevention Tips
Make your home less inviting to termites with the following tips:
• Contact a plumber for leak repair indoors and out.
• Repair or replace leaky roofs.
• Maintain gutters to ensure water is diverted away from the home.
• Ensure ventilation pipes are functional and free of debris, and use screens on ventilation pipes that do not exhaust heat.
• Ensure foundation plantings are at least 12 inches from the foundation and the wall. In addition, do not use wood mulches.
• Seal potential entry points, such as cracks and crevices in the foundation or siding. In addition, replace door sweeps, caulking around windows and doors, and seal around pipes and utility lines that enter the home.
• Store firewood and lumber at least 20 ft. from your home. However, termites will travel as far as 130 ft. to a food source.
• Clean up brush piles and other sources of potential food for termites from around your home.
• Inspect wood fences, decks and posts routinely for termites. When termites are found, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
Swarms occur in the spring when the young termite nymphs molt. On leaving the colony, the sexually mature male and female termites swarm in the spring. The swarm is seeking new locations to form their own colony, in your home, garage or other structures. The satellite nests they form for new colonies multiply the potential for damage. However, this doesn’t mean damage only occurs during the warm months. Homes provide the essential needs of termites year round, and damage can occur throughout the year. Only professional pest control in Fort Worth can prevent termite damage.
Termite Signs
The following signs can indicate the presence of termites. If you see them contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
• Buckling paint or small holes in the wood.
• Mud tubes on exterior walls, wood beams, on the foundation or in crawl spaces.
• Wood that sounds hollow.
• Discarded wings, occurs typically during a swarm.
• Swarming termites inside the home indicate an infestation.
Remember, termites are active even when they are not visible. Seeing termites or any of the given signs may indicate damage is already underway. Contact a professional for pest control in Fort Worth.
Professional pest control in Fort Worth is the solution for protecting your home and other structures surrounding it. Contact The Bug Dude today for an inspection to ensure termites do not causing costly damage to your home.
Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, November 17, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Winter Pest Control Tips

Homeowner’s often ask if continued pest control during the winter is even necessary. The answer is yes, it is wise to continue pest control throughout the colder winter season, especially in the warmer climates. During the winter months, insects and rodents want to find warmth and shelter, and this often means your warm home. While many pests will go dormant during the winter months, others will seek shelter or migrate south to warmer climates. This is the reason you may see more ants, roaches and other pests such as rodents during the winter season. With the right prevention, and professional pest control in Fort Worth you can protect your home from unwanted invaders.
Pest control in Fort Worth involves a two pronged approach. An effective pest control program involves steps for prevention and professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Why Spring Infestations Occur
Spring is several months away, but the treatment you provide during fall and winter affects the pest population in your home come spring. The increased sightings of roaches, spiders and other insects in the spring are typically due to homeowner’s who have not maintained pest control during the winter months. Many of the pests you see in the spring have wintered in the walls, attic, basement and crawlspace of your home.
Pests that were outdoors will move to your warm indoors if they have access, and when the insecticidal barrier provided by your professional pest control in Fort Worth becomes less effective. Providing a pre-winter inspection of your home for entry points, and scheduling The Bug Dude to apply insect barriers will help to keep your home pest free through the winter, and when spring arrives.
Pre-Winter Pest Management Tips
Cleaning Up Outdoors
Fall leaves and rain result in a mulch buildup around your home, and also clogged gutters, drains, and other areas where debris can cause clogging. These areas are potential homes for pest populations that can enter your home. Removing the debris will reduce pest populations and also ensure proper drainage of gutters and downspouts, possibly preventing damage to your home and roof.
Pest Inspections
Schedule a visit from The Bug Dude now for pest inspection and professional pest control in Fort Worth before winter sets in. In addition, use the following tips to ensure pests sty outside your home:
- Replace worn or damaged door sweeps on exterior doors and repair or replace damaged window screens.
- Apply screen to plumbing vents and chimneys. Only use heat approved wire and/or screen for chimneys and vent pipes where the heat is exhausted, such as gas water heaters and furnaces.
- Seal cracks and holes on the home’s exterior, including areas where utilities and pipes enter the home, using expanding foam, caulk, steel wool or a combination.
- Store non-perishable foods and pet food in airtight containers.
- Use a tightly sealing garbage can and dispose of garbage regularly.
- Keep attics, basements and crawl spaces ventilated and dry. If water is a problem in your basement or crawlspace, consider installing a sump pump. In addition to attic ventilation, have those roof leaks repaired!
- Repair loose mortar and seal cracked siding on the house and around the basement foundation. Inspect windows and replace loose, cracked or missing caulking.
- Eliminate all moisture sites, including repair for water leaks and leaking outdoor faucets, and drains. Moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for many pests.
- Inspect boxes, grocery bags and other packages brought into the home for pests before bringing them in.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and at least 12 inches off of the ground. Professional pest control in Fort Worth also eliminates outdoor pests.
- Trim shrubbery back from the house, including tree limbs over the roof by at least 12 inches.
- Monitor for signs of a rodent infestation, and act quickly if present by contacting The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth. Rodents reproduce quickly, and will turn into a big issue if not treated.
Signs of a Rodent Infestation
- Droppings in cabinets, on counters, along walls, on top of wall studs or beams, near nests, and in boxes, drawers and other objects are a common sign of mice. Pick them up wearing gloves and dispose of properly. Completely disinfect the area once cleared.
- Listen for the scurrying, scratching sounds and gnawing sounds of rodents, especially at night.
- Watch for signs of gnawing on wood and electrical wire.
- Inspect for rodent nests in seldom used areas that are dark and secluded. This includes garages where vehicles, motorcycles, ATV’s and lawn mowers are kept. Rodents can destroy wiring harnesses in no time.
- Check for damaged food packages and dry pet foods. Don’t leave leftovers or food refuse out, dispose of it in the trash.
- If you catch a whiff of a musty odor, it may be due to a rodent nest, a dead mouse or droppings. Watch your pet, if it seems intrigued by a certain location, inspect it thoroughly for signs of a rodent issue.
- Sighting a mouse is a definite sign, and unfortunately, there may be more than one. Females give can give birth 10 times a year with 6 to 8 mice per liter. This is why you require prompt action for mice. Furthermore, it isn’t true that mice will leave in the spring. Your home is the ideal location for rodents with comfortable indoor temperatures and food. While more can come in during the winter if the home isn’t tight, mice in the winter typically means mice year round. The Bug Dude can take care of your rodent problem with pest control in Fort Worth.
Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth, our experts will provide the effective pest control you need. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, October 24, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Fall Tips
Controlling ants around our home’s and businesses is an endless battle during the warmer seasons. In the fall as food supplies dwindle, it isn’t uncommon for ants to target your indoor space for food. For many species of ants, the two main seasons of activity are spring and fall. Fall is a foraging season to prepare for winter and the indoor areas are often targeted. Treating fire ants in the fall with professional pest control in Fort Worth provides a distinct benefit that provides you with the upper hand come spring and the breeding season.

For example, during the summer, fire ants dig deeper into the soil to escape the heat. By the time fall arrives, they are moving closer to the surface. With winter’s arrival, they will naturally dig deeper to escape the cold. Untreated fire ant colonies can rapidly escalate into a mass infestation come spring. Fall provides an ideal time for pest control in Fort Worth, as they are closer to the surface. Furthermore, with the arrival of spring, you will have fewer ants to deal with.
Fall is an ideal time for pest control in Fort Worth as they’re closer to the surface. Due to the foraging activity of the pests, fall is also an ideal time for placing ant baits out, when research indicates the bait is taken back to the nest within the first few hours of its placement. Not only does fall treatment kill and continue to kill for several weeks, it weakens the colony with a reduced population during the winter. Fall treatment and winter are your partners in fire ant control and the control of other ant species.
Tips for Preventing Pests Indoors
When pest control in Fort Worth and prevention are used together, a higher degree of effectiveness can be achieved. It’s essential to add prevention techniques during the fall when insects are foraging to discourage them. The following tips will help to prevent pests of all kinds indoors, and may reduce the population outdoors come spring, by denying them access to food in your home:
- Trim back tree branches and shrubs that touch your home by 2 to 3 feet, to keep ants and other pests from entering.
- Eliminate food sources inside your home. Clean up crumbs, and don’t leave food or food waste out. Place dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and prevent access to food by storing non-perishables in sealed containers. In addition, don’t leave pet food out overnight to avoid attracting pests, and store extra food in sealed containers.
- Never throw food outdoors.
- Clean up spills on kitchen counters, and rinse out recyclables before placing them in the bin.
- Use gravel or stones around the perimeter of the home’s foundation to discourage pests and ant beds. Avoid mulch and plants as they provide pests with an ideal nesting environment.
- Before bringing potted plants indoors in the fall, inspect them for ants and/or other pests.
- Call your plumber for repair of leaky faucets (indoors and out), leaking sprinkler heads and water line leaks. You will save water and eliminate handy moisture for pests. In addition, roof leaks should be repaired. Leaks are beneficial to many insects, including carpenter ants and termites which can cause severe damage to your home. Eliminating leaks is the first step in ridding your home of these damaging pests.
- Storing firewood as far from your home as possible can eliminate carpenter ants, termites, spiders and other insects. Furthermore, elevate the stack at least 12 inches off the ground to discourage pests.
- Caulk cracks and crevices around windows, and in the foundation and siding. In addition, replace worn door sweeps and worn weatherstripping around doors to keep pests out.
Proper fall maintenance and professional pest control in Fort Worth is the most effective solution for ridding your home of ants and other pests, and for preventing them. Untreated fire ant colonies can rapidly escalate into a mass infestation come spring. Don’t miss the opportunity to reduce those numbers, call today to schedule fall treatment of the pests in your lawn and home with professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude provides the professional pest control services you require in Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
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