Summer days in Texas are full of magic. The sunrise and sunset seem to last for hours and paint the most magnificent hues across the horizon. Skies are expansive and picturesque, clad in brilliant blue and dotted with incandescent white clouds that seem to hang just above your head. The days ring out with call to explore and play, a call tempered only by the heat, which has begun its steady march, and which will drive family and friends to spend their days in pools, lakes, rivers, and anywhere that offers the cooling relief of shade. But while these are exactly the places to enjoy a Texas summer, they come along with an all-too-familiar pest, mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are probably one of the most loathed summer pests, bringing with them irritation, itching, and the most disconcerting, a potential for disease transmission. They are definitely not something you want flying around your Father’s Day BBQ. Yet a gathering of friends and family in your yard or at a park, especially if there is any standing water or well-shaded areas, is exactly where you will encounter these pests. So before you plan the celebration of all things “Dad,” make sure your day won’t be cut short by these winged scourges.
Where Do Mosquitoes Live?

It’s pretty well known that mosquitoes breed in areas of standing water, but that isn’t the only place you will encounter these pests. Adult mosquitoes will often rest in tall grass, weeds, shrubs and brush, especially in shaded areas, during the hottest parts of the day. This means that the average neighborhood will have plenty of places for mosquitoes to build a population. So what are some of the areas of standing water you will find in your yard?
Common Mosquito Sources Around your Home:
- Water that isn’t regularly emptied/changed in birdbaths, baby pools, untended pools, flowerpots, and pet water bowls
- Standing water in gutters, fence posts with caps, wheelbarrows, buckets, tarps, tires, recycling bins, grill covers, and even stumps
- Storm drains and french drains
When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

In order to fully answer this question, there are two main few factors to consider.
First, there are 176 species of mosquitoes in the United States, 85 of which have been identified in Texas (according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension), and they don’t all have the same behavioral patterns. This means that although we generally associate mosquitoes with the evening and nighttime hours, they are active all day long.
Second, mosquitoes are active only when the weather is right. If temperatures drop and stay below 50°F, they will either hibernate or die off for the season. Once temperatures warm to a consistent 50°F, they become active, with temperatures of 80°F or higher bringing about the most prolific activity. As you can imagine, this means that Texas has a long, robust mosquito season.
Are Mosquitoes Dangerous?

We all know that being bitten by mosquitoes is unpleasant and invariably results in the telltale itchy welts, which can ruin an evening, but there is also a real risk associated with some mosquito bites. Though most mosquitoes are simply annoyances, some species can spread diseases that not only make you sick, but, in rare cases, can cause death. The transmissible diseases to watch out for in the continental United States are: West Nile virus, La Crosse encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and Zika (though Zika is extremely rare in the continental U.S.).
In addition, mosquito bites have the potential to cause a severe allergic reaction. The welts we all have after a bite are due to our bodies’ natural allergic reaction to the saliva deposited by the female mosquito when she bites us and draws our blood. The saliva is an anticoagulant, which allows her faster access to her food source, but which also causes our bodies to react and release histamines. For some people, the allergic reaction can cause symptoms beyond the standard welts and itching, and in rare cases, can lead to anaphylaxis.
Are Mosquitoes Dangerous for Pets?

Not only can mosquito bites be quite dangerous for us, they also have the potential to transmit harmful diseases to our pets. Though the reaction to a mosquito bite in dogs, for example, is often pretty mild, with symptoms similar to those in humans, there is the potential for the transmission of serious diseases such as: Heartworm, West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. However, it is important to note that as dangerous as a mosquito bite can be, do not attempt to use an insect repellent on your pets unless it is specifically designed and approved for use on animals. Sprays designed for humans, especially those containing DEET, can be toxic for your pets.
How Do You Get Rid of Mosquitoes?
When it comes to getting rid of mosquitoes there are two main avenues to pursue, and both are needed to keep your Father’s Day and summer celebrations safe and pest free.

First, have a pest control technician treat your yard for mosquitoes. A technician will evaluate the yard for potential hot spots of activity and will treat the yard accordingly. Generally, a liquid spray/mist is used so as to coat all the areas mosquitoes will come in contact with, offering a high degree of pest control. In addition, where applicable, briquettes may be used in certain standing water areas to help control breeding grounds.
Second, take preventative measures, as discussed below, to help keep your yard from being a mosquito haven. No matter how much pesticide you use, if your yard is a significant harborage area, you won’t be able to fully escape the buzz and bite of these pests. Only with the combination of treatment and prevention can you keep your yard a no fly zone for mosquitoes.
How Do I Prevent Mosquito Bites?

Unfortunately, there is no full-proof way to fully escape getting any mosquito bites this summer as you adventure outdoors, but here are some tips to help keep your time at home and in your yard as bite-free as possible.
- Eliminate any areas of standing water in your yard or on your home (areas of concern were discussed in the section above entitled “Common Mosquito Sources Around your Home”)
- Fill in or adequately drain any swampy or low-lying areas in your yard
- Remove or fill in any stumps in your yard
- Regularly inspect and clean gutters
- Maintain a well-trimmed yard: keep grass cut short, trees and shrubs trimmed, and remove all brush
- Keep windows and doors closed or make sure all open doors and windows have fully intact screens

This year don’t let mosquitoes ruin your outdoor fun; take action now and let this summer be pest and worry free. Plus, what better gift for dad than knowing that his yard will be safe for family fun and all day BBQs all summer long?
Additional Resources:
“Job 1: Eliminating Conducive Conditions” – PCT Online
“Mosquito Info” – The American Mosquito Control Association
“Prevent Mosquito Bites” – Center for Disease Control and Prevention
“Mosquito Bites in Dogs” – Wag!
May has arrived in Texas, and as rain gives way to sun and summer is only a breath away, it’s the perfect time to spend outdoors. Fortunately, this is also a time of year when celebrations of friends and family take the forefront as we honor the mothers in our lives as well as the many brave members of the military who have given their lives for our country. And whether you are gardening, hosting a BBQ, or just taking the time to relax and play with those you love, your yard is sure to hold a prominent place in your May celebrations.

While a day spent in the backyard with family and friends sounds like a treat, it can quickly turn into headache if yard pests have decided to make your yard their destination this spring. Imagine trying to play soccer while dodging mole runs, or sitting around your patio at night relaxing with friends only to be harangued by June bugs; with a host of pests making their homes in soil, grass, bushes, and trees, it wouldn’t take much to ruin a beautiful celebration. But with some preventative measures and an eye kept out for warning signs, you can have your yard ready for the many festivities in store.
Starting from the ground up, we’ll cover some of the main yard pests and tell you what to look for, what to expect for treatment, and how to prevent or minimize their impact on you and your home.

First up are Moles. Moles are small mammals, generally around 7 inches long with velvety fur, small ears and eyes, a short tail, and large forelimbs and paws. They are excellent diggers, able to excavate tunnels, called runs, at a rate of 20 feet per hour. These tunnels are used for transportation between their burrows and the surface of the lawn where they find the various insects they feed upon, and can range in depth from surface-level to 10 inches underground. Generally, you will only notice mole activity in your yard when they are using it as a feeding ground, as the deeper runs don’t protrude the surface of the lawn.
Though they are active throughout the year, spring is a time of particular activity for moles, as it brings with it an abundance of insects for the the moles to feast upon, and it is also the time when moles go out in search of a mate (this is the one time of year when you will see multiple moles coming together, as generally they are solitary creatures). With increased activity, not only do you have to contend with greater damage to your lawn, you also have to be concerned about the escalated risk of damage to sidewalks and even your home’s foundation. Though a mole can’t directly harm the foundation or sidewalk, their runs can accumulate water, and as temperatures change, if those runs are too close to your home, that water can cause cracks to form.

What to Look for:
- Lines of dirt a few inches wide disturbing the grass in your lawn
- Volcano-shaped mounds of dirt with a noticeable hole in the center
What to Expect for Treatment:
There are two main methods for mole treatments: trapping and baiting. A pest control technician will evaluate situations on a case-by-case basis to determine which is the best method to use, keeping in mind the safety of pets and people who will spending time in the yard. Either way, mole treatments will take several weeks to complete, so the sooner you call, the sooner you can get your lawn back.
When it comes to preventing moles from invading your lawn the first recourse is to remove the moles’ food sources, this means keeping your yard free from grubs, ants, and other lawn insects. To do this, be sure not to over-water your yard; keeping it on the dry, compact side will not only limit insect activity, but it will also make it less inviting for moles. There are other more extreme measures that can be taken, such as the use of gravel and metal barriers and fences, but these are rarely needed, especially in the metroplex.

Grub Worms and June Bugs
Grubs are the larvae of insects, specifically beetles; the most common types to be seen in your yard are white grubs, also known as grub worms, which are the larvae of June bugs. Grub worms are plump, around 1/2” to 1” in length, are generally seen in a “c” shape, and, as the name suggests, are whitish in color. These pests can quickly destroy the root systems of turfgrass, eliminating its ability to uptake enough water and leading it to dry out and eventually die. In this phase of their life cycle, which occurs from mid-summer to late fall, they are the most damaging to lawns; come winter, they enter a dormant stage before transitioning into adult June bugs during spring and emerging from the soil to mate in late spring and summer.
June bugs themselves will cause some damage to plants in your yard, though the damage is not as severe as that of their larval form. Mostly June bugs are notable for being a nuisance. They are large nocturnal insects, clumsy fliers, and like to congregate at light sources at night, which means they are likely to disrupt any outdoor evening plans. And come morning, you will tend to find them dead on porches, clinging to window screens, and by any other nighttime lights.

What to Look for:
- Scattered, irregular brown patches of dying grass that can be rolled up like a carpet
- Evidence of birds or animals digging in your yard
- The larvae themselves, which would reside approximately 2” to 5” below the soil; if there are 10 or more grubs in a 1 square foot section, that is a sign of a significant infestation.
- A large number of June bugs in your yard during the summer months; this is a good indicator of a large grub worm population nearby
What to Expect for Treatment:
The best way to treat for both June bugs and grub worms is to have a pest control professional treat your yard when the bugs are in their early stages of development, before they become adults and start flying around.
In order to prevent an excess of June bugs from invading your yard the best thing to do is limit the grub worm population lurking under your grass. Unfortunately, there is no precise way to prevent grubs from being in your yard, but you can help limit their numbers through good lawn care practices such as maintaining proper irrigation and regular upkeep; it can also be helpful to allow the soil to be somewhat dry as grubs prefer moist areas. Additionally, by treating for grub worms as soon as you notice an issue, there will be fewer adult June bugs in your yard the following summer, which will lead to fewer grubs infesting your lawn the next year.

Webworms are the larval stage of the fall webworm moth. They mostly inhabit shade trees and shrubs, making their distinctive white web-like nests over the ends of the branches, and feeding on the leaves. The nests can surround several feet of the infested branch, with a dense population of larvae, as they will feed together until their final molt. Given a large enough population of these larvae, they can easily defoliate a tree, which is not only unsightly, but can cause damage to the tree.

What to Look for:
Keep an eye out for the fall webworm moth near trees in your yard; the moth is generally white, though it may have some dark-colored markings, has a slightly furry appearance, and has a wingspan of just under 1.25 inches. They usually start to appear in June, and will deposit their eggs on the underside of leaves. Once those eggs hatch into larvae, about a week later, they will begin to spin their silken web over the leaves they are feeding upon, gradually extending it over the summer. This means you also need to keep an eye out for the sizable whitish webs they suspend in tree branches and shrubs.
What to Expect for Treatment:
The best way to combat a webworm infestation is to have a pest control professional treat the infected tree or shrub as soon as you notice an issue arising.
There are two main methods to prevent a webworm infestation from taking over your yard. First, be sure to keep your yard free from leaf litter, especially around trees and shrubs, as the webworms will pupate in these areas before becoming adults and creating new webworm populations. Second, in the late fall or early spring, have your pest control technician perform a Dormant Oil treatment to any trees you are concerned will have a webworm problem in the upcoming year. Dormant Oil treatments are very effective at controlling this issue, but they need to be done while the tree is dormant (no leaves or buds) and the temperatures are just right (in the 50-70 degree range).

There are a whole host of pests looking to make your yard their home and feeding ground this summer, and though we have touched on three of the most common, there are easily dozens more to keep an eye out for, so pay close attention to your lawn, trees, bushes, and shrubs, and don’t hesitate to call for a pest control technician if you notice any signs of pests invading, such as: webs, large insect populations, leaves marred with holes, unusual growth-like scales or tubes, etc. This year, as holidays and summer approaches, let your pest control technician help your yard become a hub of activity for family, friends and fun, instead of a breeding ground and all-you-can-eat buffet for pests of all shapes and sizes.
Termite 101
Monday, April 30, 2018 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
It’s a warm Spring day, one of the first of the season; the air hangs heavy with anticipation of a storm. You’re taking a break from the yard work and Spring cleaning that inevitably call when temperatures first start to rise. Sitting on the couch with your loved one, you put on a show and settle in for a well-deserved rest. Not more than a few minutes pass before you feel something alight on your head; assuming it’s just an errant hair or a possibly a mosquito that followed you in, you brush it away without a thought. A moment passes before you feel another brush against your skin and you scratch at your neck, beginning to wonder if you should close the windows and doors and just turn the A/C on. But the couch feels too good to move and the company too good to leave, so you focus your attention on the show and vow to ignore any whispers of a touch against your skin.
That’s when it happens. A swarm of black flying bugs descends upon you and your loved one. In a matter of seconds dozens of the critters have landed in your hair, on your shirt, on your legs. You jump to your feet, suddenly finding yourself in a scene worthy of a Hitchcock film. As you both frantically brush the bugs from you and dart away from the center of the cloud, you search for its origin.

The culprit is a wood beam along the ceiling that the bugs are still pouring out from. Keeping your distance from the beam and from the window that they seem keenly drawn to, you take a closer look at one of the pests that has found itself on the edge of the pack. What you find when you search for a bug with long white wings and black body makes your heart sink: termites.

Termites’ reputation precedes them; they are an extremely destructive insect and account for billions of dollars in repair and treatment each year. This is not a pest to be taken lightly. But what do you do if you see a swarm in your home and what do you need to know about the pest you are about to do battle with? Here are the termite 101’s you really need to know:

Termite Types
Although there are around 2,000 termite species in the world and 55 in the United States (according to the Texas Department of Agriculture), the most concerning, and the most commonly seen in Texas, are subterranean termites. As their name suggests, these termites create colonies beneath the soil surface and from there extend their feeding sites above ground.
Within a colony there are three main types of subterranean termites you are likely to encounter: the swarmer, the soldier, and the worker.
- The swarmers are reproductive termites that are sent out to create a new termite colony. You will generally see them take flight on a warm, humid Spring day. They are approximately 3/8” long (including their clear/white wings, which extend well past their body), are dark brown or black, and have a fairly uniform body width. It is most common to see these termites around your home or in your home, especially near windows and indoor lights.
- The soldiers defend the colony from attackers, especially ants. They are most recognizable by their large rectangular head and pincers, and generally have a light-colored body with an orange or brown head. They are most likely to be seen if a colony is disturbed (for example, during a home remodel) as they will guard the affected area while workers attempt to repair their colony.
- The workers are the most prolific and are the ones that actually cause the damage to your home; they gather food, make tunnels, and groom/feed the soldiers, king, queen, and nymphs. They are approximately 1/8” long, are translucent cream-colored, and are soft-bodied. Since they spend their entire life in the colony you are unlikely to see these termites unless you have opened a previously enclosed area (such as a wall) for construction.

Warning Signs
There are three main signs of a termite infestation: swarmers, mud tubes, and damaged wood.
- Swarmers are the most readily recognizable and are the clearest indication to the average homeowner that there is a termite colony infesting their home (see “Termite Types” above for more on swarmers). The amount of termites in a swarm is proportional to the size of the nest, and a well-established nest can emit thousands of swarmers.
- Mud tubes are essentially protected pipelines the termites use for travel; they are firm and are constructed primarily of mud. Oftentimes, they are difficult to spot as they can range in color and size and can blend with the soil, concrete and brick they are often built on. Look for mud tubes primarily on walls, piers, foundations, expansion joints, and near plumbing fixtures.
- Wood damage can also be a sign of a termite colony, especially if the damage is in a honeycomb fashion, with many hollow sections following the wood grain. However, wood damage can be the result of many factors, making this a less reliable warning sign for termite activity.

How Concerned Should you Be?
A termite infestation is something you want to take very seriously; since termites consume the cellulose in wood for food, the larger the colony, the more damage they will need to do to your home to sustain themselves. but there is no need to panic at the first sight of a swarmer or mud tube. The good news is that it takes some time for a colony to do extensive damage to a home, and if you catch the issue in its early stages you are unlikely to be faced with costly home repairs. The bad news is that a termite colony can contain up to 1,000,000 termites, with workers living for around 2 years constantly doing their tasks to expand the colony, and queen termites living for more than 25 years producing more than 2000 eggs a day (at her peak); that’s a lot of damage potential if a colony isn’t caught and treated early on.

What to do if you Think you have Termites
- At the first sight of a potential termite colony, call a pest control professional and set an appointment to have the issue assessed.
- If you have active swarmers in your home, adjust your A/C to a cold, but still comfortable, temperature; this won’t kill the termites, but it will encourage swarmers to stay in the colony instead of flying around your living room.
- Collect a sample of any bugs you are seeing.
- Do not attempt to self-treat the termites or destroy any visible colony. Disturbing a termite colony will often cause them to move to a new, more secluded location, within your home, leaving them to do further damage until the colony grows to such a size its warning signs are again visible.
- If there is termite activity found, get it treated as soon as you can to prevent further damage to your home.

Preventative Measures
Though it’s impossible to fully prevent termites from invading your home, there are a few ways to reduce conducive conditions in and around your house.
- Make sure the soil line doesn’t touch any wood portions of your home
- Keep water away from the area around your home’s foundation
- Ventilate crawl spaces and any other areas prone to high humidity in your home
- Keep any stored wood away from your home, and ideally not in contact with the soil
- Eliminate any plumbing leaks as soon as they occur
Additional Resources:
“Destructive Termites in Texas” – Fumapest Group
“Termite FAQs” – Texas Department of Agriculture
“Subterranean Termites” – National Pest Management Association
“Native Subterranean Termites Reticulitermes sp” – Urban and Structural Entomology Program at Texas A&M University
“[Annual Termite Control Issue] A-maze-ing journey” – Anne Nagro – PCT
Spring, and Carpenter Ants, are in the Air
Saturday, March 31, 2018 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

An indigo hue of bluebonnets is overtaking the freshly green grass, leaves are excitedly bursting forth in droves from every tree, and exuberant song birds grace the morning air with their melodies; with a sigh and a warm breeze, Spring has arrived in Texas. Thoughts stray to picnics in the park, caressed by a sweet breeze, and days spent mostly outdoors while the air strikes a balance between crisp and torrid. Even the rains weaving their way through the weeks bring with them the fresh scent of spring and the promise of life renewed.
It’s no wonder then that this season has been appointed as the perfect time to rejuvenate our homes for the year ahead. Yes, it’s time for Spring cleaning.

The tradition of Spring cleaning has been around for thousands of years in one form or another in a wide array of cultures and practices, and has persisted in the general United States population, in part, due to its practicality. Imagine cleaning your home during the short days of winter when natural light is at a premium, or during the long, hot summer, when an open window will let in nothing but bugs and a stifling humidity instead of a fresh, cleansing breeze. So we persist in the yearly ritual, knowing that in the end we will be free of the clutter accumulated over the past year, and able to sit contentedly sipping coffee in a house with not a dust bunny or cobweb to be found.
In the maelstrom of cleaning, organizing, and dissecting every room in the house, it would be remarkably easy to gloss over the occasional oddity; for example, a small pile of sawdust on a windowsill or at the floor. With nothing else seeming out of the ordinary in the area, and the mess removed, it may appear that the job is done and your house is ready for summer. But after just a few short days of satisfaction with the spotlessness, you will almost certainly notice that the same pile of sawdust has re-appeared, and brought with it a bevy of concerns about its origin.

Perhaps the first thought that will rise up is fear that termites have invaded your home. After all, termites do billions of dollars in damage each year, are most active in Spring, and it’s even been said that if you live in Texas it’s not a matter of if you will get termites, it’s a matter of when, so naturally when a wood-destroying pest is envisioned, it’s their spectre that appears. But termites leave distinctive footprints, and these piles of sawdust, otherwise known as frass, are not among them (to find out what does signal a termite problem, check out our next blog all about termites). Frass in this context is an almost certain signifier that carpenter ants have taken residence in your home.

Carpenter ants are one of the largest ants you are likely to see in your home, they range in size up to 3/4 inch (compare this to the fire ant which is about a third the size), are generally red, black, or red and black, and prefer to make their nests in moist wood. Parent colonies are thus generally found outdoors where sources of moist wood (rotting trees, tree roots, tree stumps, and boards or logs lying on the ground) are prolific. The satellite colonies, which are never too far from the parent colony, are often found indoors in areas exposed to water leaks, condensation or poor air circulation, such as bathrooms, kitchens, attics, wall voids, and doors. These indoor colonies house workers, pupae and mature larvae; their primary function is to help grow the ant population, which is why when Spring arrives, winged reproductive ant swarmers will be found leaving the nest in search of new locations to populate.

It’s important to note the difference between ant swarmers and termite swarmers, as both are seen in Spring and both are often found dead near windowsills, attempting to get out into the world and create new colonies. There are two easy ways to distinguish between the swarmers; first, termite swarmers have wings much longer than their body, and second, ant swarmers have a distinctly segmented body. Either way, if you are seeing swarmers inside, that means it is time to call a professional for help as there is almost certainly a nest in your home, and the sooner it’s eliminated, the less damage will be done.

Carpenter ants, though less damaging than termites, are still more than capable of causing structural damage to your home. Once a nest moves in it will almost immediately begin to carve away at whatever wood it has infested, excavating tunnels and galleries to live in. This process is what creates the frass found within your home, as the carpenter ants push the excavated wood out of their nests, keeping their living space clean, even as they mess up your freshly tidied rooms. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat the wood, they merely nest in it, and prefer a diet of protein and sugar (like the meats, pet food, honey, and sweets kept in most homes). Their major damage comes from colonies that grow too large, or if they find their way into support beams and other structural wood areas, which is why it is so important to call for help as soon as a problem is spotted; early detection is key to keeping your home beautiful and sound for decades to come.

In addition to early detection and treatment, the most important thing you can do as a homeowner is to implement a few preventative measures to make your home less accessible for carpenter ants in search of a new nest. Here are the top five steps for prevention:
1. Replace any moisture-damaged wood in/on your home
2. If storing wood or lumber in a garage, make sure it has proper air circulation and is kept fully dry
3. Store firewood as far away from your home as possible
4. Trim branches away from the home, especially any that overhang the roof, eaves, or any nearby electrical wires
5. Remove all stumps and accompanying roots from your yard
Though it might feel as though carpenter ants have thwarted all the hard work put into Spring cleaning, the piles of frass besmirching your immaculate house are actually a boon for early treatment, a sort of warning signal for you to call a professional to keep your home as impeccable structurally as it is internally. In their own way, the carpenter ants doing their house cleaning will have led you to doing an even more thorough Spring clean than you had even known was necessary. And when all the treatment is done, the preventative measures implemented, and the remnant frass swept away, it will finally be time for that cup of coffee and a contented sigh at a Spring well begun.
Additional Resources:
“Carpenter Ants” – Jeffrey Hahn and Stephen Kells – University of Minnesota Extension
“[Annual Termite Control Issue] A-maze-ing journey” – Anne Nagro – PCT
Author Bio: Alissa Breach has been gaining knowledge and experience around pest control concerns over the last 9 years while working for Mid-Cities Pest Control. She has a creative writing BFA from UW-Madison and is always pursuing new and interesting writing projects.
Spring is almost here and so are termites.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Spring is almost here! There are many ways to mark the start of Spring: the influx of warmer weather, the return of green grass and blooming flowers, or just the official date on the calendar, but here at Mid-Cities Pest Control we note the change of season by the arrival of termite swarmers. When the temperature starts to rise and the humidity level is just right, that’s when they appear. They’re about the size of an ant, have black bodies and long white wings, and can most commonly be found inside your home heading toward the windows (and often dying on the sills). And though rain is a detterant for some pests, the humidity and rising temperatures of the past week have made it a nearly ideal time for termites to start their spring awakening. Just the other day we had our first termite treatment of 2018, and it’s only a matter of time before the swarms hit full force. So keep an eye out for these pests in your home and check out our upcoming April blog all about termites.
Author Bio: Alissa Breach has been gaining knowledge and experience around pest control concerns over the last 9 years while working for Mid-Cities Pest Control. She has a creative writing BFA from UW-Madison and is always pursuing new and interesting writing projects.
Make Pest Control Part of Your New Year’s Resolutions
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

It’s January, the New Year has begun, as have the earnest attempts to create and fulfill our New Year’s Resolutions. For most of us, this means a re-focus on health and finances; topping the list of resolutions for 2018 is to eat healthier, get more exercise and save more money, according to statista. The road to achieving these goals is generally peppered with trips to the nearest health food store, signing up for a gym membership, and cutting down on discretionary spending (goodbye daily morning latte); however, there is an area that is often overlooked when it comes to planning and executing resolutions: pest control.
Upon first glance, pest control may seem an unlikely component of a New Year’s Resolution, but it can actually play an important part of goals directed toward personal and financial health. Here are a few ways you can augment your resolutions while making 2018 a pest-free year.
Pest-proof your Home

With a few simple fixes you can significantly lower the likelihood of pest issues, and save yourself some money down the line.

1. Clear away yard debris (leaves, grass, branches, etc.) from alongside your home. These make for excellent harborage areas for a whole host of pests, plus keeping the area around your home free from debris will make early detection easier and ensure for a more effective treatment should any problems arise.

2. Caulk any small gaps you notice, especially around plumbing areas and windows. These gaps make for easy entry for small pests like ants or roaches.
3. Keep food in airtight containers. Not only will you be limiting food sources for pests ranging from roaches to rats, but you will also be saving some money in the process by keeping your pantry pest-free. It’s an unfortunate truth that dry goods can sometimes be host to weevils or moth larvae, but by keeping your food in airtight containers you can drastically limit the spread of these pests, and not have to throw away huge amounts of infested food (and the money you spent on it).
Bonus Tip: It’s a good idea to take a periodic look through any stored dried goods to make sure they are pest free; the sooner you catch a problem, the better.

4. Clean out your garage. And any other storage areas you may have. Storage is an ideal place for rats to make nests and roaches to find shelter and food (yes, they will in fact eat your cardboard boxes), especially if they are left largely untouched for long periods of time. Plus, take this chance to put any open food (pet food, bird seed, etc.) in an airtight container. Leaving these kinds of food sources in a garage is an open invitation for rodents and can lead to costly repair work. Every year we get calls from people who have had rodents get into their garage and find their way to their car (the warmth of an engine in winter is especially enticing), where they then chew on wiring, which can cost thousands of dollars in repairs.

5. Maintain a Clean Kitchen. Anytime food is involved, it has the potential to attract pests, which makes the kitchen one of the hot spots for pest activity. For best pest prevention, keep these tips in mind:
- Keep counters, sinks, backsplashes, and stovetops wiped down
- Keep trash in a closed bin and take it out regularly
- Clean out drains that could contain food debris with bleach
- Clean garbage disposal blades by running it with some ice cubes
- Regularly rotate and inspect fruit for signs of decay or fruit flies
Invest in a Service Plan

The adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as when Benjamin Franklin said it in 1735. This sentiment holds particularly relevant for pest control, as a pest problem can go from unnoticed to an infestation quicker than you might think. For example, in 1 month a pair of German Roaches could easily grow their population to almost 200 times its size. And once an infestation takes root, it is significantly more time consuming and costly to get rid of. By getting on, and staying on, regular preventative treatments, you can avoid having a major expense and hassle on your hands.
But why get on a service plan and not just do it yourself?
- First, pest control companies are licensed to use much more effective products than are sold in stores or online.
- Second, pest control companies have a much larger arsenal of products available to them to treat specifically for different pests.
- Third, some of the products used to self-treat can actually be counterproductive to a professional pest control treatment.
- Forth, pest control technicians are trained to spot problem areas and take care of an issue before it arises, so are much more likely to prevent an infestation from ever occurring.
- Finally, and possibly most importantly, pest control technicians are trained to provide safe pest control services, which means that you, your family, your pets, and your home will be in knowledgable hands. To illustrate this in perhaps the most significant way, you just have to look at recent Cincinnati news where a home was set on fire by someone attempting to kill bed bugs themselves (reported by WXIX).
Know the Early Warning Signs

As we have discussed, prevention is key, so knowing when a problem is brewing can help make the difference between having to treat for a minor inconvenience instead of a major infestation. Here are a few of the predominant signs that you need to call a professional ASAP:
- Swarming/Winged “ants”, especially in Spring. Though most types of ants have swarmers, in the Spring there is a good chance these could be termites, and catching these early can save you a lot of money in the long run.
- Piles of Sawdust. This is usually an indicator of carpenter ants, which are also wood-destroying pests and can cause damage to your home.
- Noises in the attic. Either day or night, this can be a sign of rodents, and where rodents go, so does costly repair work, not to mention the potential for disease.
- Red/Brown Spots or Black Dots on a Mattress/Boxspring/Bedding. Tthese are very likely signs of bed bugs, a pest that is notoriously difficult to get rid of, but the sooner they are treated, the better the chance of fully eradicating them.
Not only will you save yourself time and money by getting these issues looked at and treated as soon as they arise, but you can help save yourself the undue anxiety and stress of contending with a sizeable infestation. And if one of your main goals is health this year, keeping the negative side effects of stress out of your life is probably as important as hitting the gym regularly.

Though it almost certainly isn’t the first thing that crosses your mind when planning out your New Year’s Resolutions, getting a handle on pest control can be a significant asset in your attempts to create a healthier and financially stronger life in 2018.
Author Bio: Alissa Breach has been gaining knowledge and experience around pest control concerns over the last 9 years while working for Mid-Cities Pest Control. She has a creative writing BFA from UW-Madison and is always pursuing new and interesting writing projects.
‘Twas the Night Before Bed Bugs
Friday, December 22, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Tiny creatures were stirring, much worse than a mouse;
The critters were crawling ‘cross floors and up walls,
In hopes that a family lay answering sleep’s calls;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While in-laws lay snoozing, no cares in their heads;
The presents were ready, the meals were prepped,
We were all unaware of what lurked where we slept;
Insects as small as the seed of an apple,
Leaving traces on linens, a rust-black dapple;
Away from their shelter they crept in a flash,
To find dinner within the tiniest gash;
Drawn first by our breathing, and second by heat,
They find a nice place where the air and skin meet,
And on arms, face or neck, wherever they can
They make a small cut and go straight to their plan;
A week’s worth of food, in just minutes it’s done,
They gorge on our blood then back home they must run,
To bed and to couch, to socket and frame,
They leave nothing but traces and surety of name:
“BED BUGS!” we shouted as each of us woke,
And gathered together, yet none of us spoke,
We saw rashes and hives and googled all morn,
And then quickly we leapt, a plan had been born!
We heated the sheets and froze what we could,
But with hours of work, it still was no good,
As the bugs had been found from housetop to floor,
Yet with Christmas Day passing, we all cried “No more!”
There were presents to open and food to enjoy,
Christmas spirit is something these bugs can’t destroy,
So with hope in our hearts we turned right around,
Toward a tree decked with lights where presents abound.
Gifts from mother and dad, from daughter and son,
From aunts, uncles, cousins, we opened each one,
The best gifts by far were from jolly St. Nick,
But as daylight receded our joy vanished quick;
The bugs were still out there, just lying in wait,
A new set to feed while yesterday’s mate,
A cycle set forth to drive up their numbers,
And keep us from merry sugar-plum slumbers;
And though the bites, we knew, didn’t transmit disease,
The idea of rashes just made us say “Please,”
“Please send us some help to make right our bed
And give us to know we have nothing to dread;”
We spoke not a word and went straight to our work,
When “I know who to call” was said with a smirk,
The postcard was hidden among all the rest,
“The Bug Dude” we said, is clearly the best;
From nymph to adult, all the bugs would be slain,
Leaving none left to wait till again they can reign.
And with a call made for help, we said it just right,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!
Author Bio: Alissa Breach has been gaining knowledge and experience around pest control concerns over the last 9 years while working for Mid-Cities Pest Control. She has a creative writing BFA from UW-Madison and is always pursuing new and interesting writing projects.
Are Unexpected Guests Crashing Your Thanksgiving?
Monday, November 13, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
A cool breeze stirs the air, leaves rustle and fall to the ground, joining a pile of discarded acorns, Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns have been replaced by cornucopias and turkeys adorned with crimson, russet and amber feathers, and preparations begin for family and friends to join together for a feast. Thanksgiving is almost here.

As excitement mingles with eager anticipation, recipes are decided upon, grocery lists drawn up, and houses readied for inbound guests. Everything is on track until there’s a scurry in the attic late one night, a scratching in the bedroom wall, and a discovery of shredded boxes, paper, and insulation in a pile in the attic. With less than 3 weeks before Thanksgiving, rodents have arrived.
While thoughts of pumpkin pie, stuffing, and football were dancing through dreams, the rats and mice that have moved into the attic were busy foraging, building nests, and growing their population. And much as Thanksgiving is a time for family to come together, rats and mice keep their families close. This means that the nighttime attic noises are a sign that there may just be a rat pack crashing the festivities; and it’s not the crooning kind.
In fact, the average brown rat can give birth to 9 offspring after just 3 weeks of gestation. If left unchecked, that means that a starting population of 2 in November can soar to 400 by Easter. And mice are still more prolific; with a similar gestation period and litter size, they reach maturity sooner, which means that they can even outpace the rats in terms of number of uninvited and unwanted guests.
All those guests will inevitably have one thing on their mind…food. And just as Thanksgiving guests are there to eat their fill, so too are the rodents. From turkey to green bean casserole to scraps tossed in the garbage, they will eat just about anything. And not only do rats have no qualms eating our leftovers (at this point they have come to see us as their primary food source), but mice are also eating machines, needing to eat 15-20 times every day.
As rodents enjoy the spoils of a season of plenty, they are using their teeth for much more than just eating. Rats and mice will chew wires, boxes, paper goods, and more in order to shred them into small enough pieces to make nests for their ever-growing population. Imagine the old photo album sitting in your attic, the wiring to your A/C unit, boxes full of beloved Christmas decorations or childhood mementos all torn asunder by dozens of tiny teeth. Even more so, they are biologically compelled to chew and gnaw as their teeth constantly grow and have to be kept in check to avert disastrous consequences for the rat. But what do they chew on to keep their teeth filed? A rat’s teeth can cut through cinder block, aluminum sheeting, and lead, just to name a few. This means they will have no problem getting into any area of a home. They only need to make or find a hole about the size of a quarter to gain entry, and once inside they can jump (up to 3 feet high and 4 feet over), swim, and even climb certain walls in order to access food, warmth and nesting materials.

It’s not uncommon to even find rodents making their homes in and around cars in a garage. The warmth from the engine is enticing as the temperature outside drops, but rats in a car can quickly lead to chewed wires and costly repairs. Though there is no way to fully prevent rodents from invading, keeping dog food or bird seed in sealed containers in the garage can help limit their initial enticement.
But rats and mice aren’t the only rodents looking to make a winter nest indoors, squirrels are also preparing for winter and they are doing much more than simply burying acorns. With uncanny agility, a squirrel can climb to just about any part of a house looking for a viable entry point, and when one is found, they have more than strong enough teeth to exploit any weakness and find their way into a warm attic abounding with treasures they can turn into nesting materials. Once inside they are not only a threat to wiring, stored belongings, and insulation, they can just about drive a person crazy with the ruckus of running in and out of entry points scavenging for food.
Fortunately, squirrel populations grow slower than rats or mice, which means that getting rid of them can take less time and get you back to your pre-Thanksgiving prep rodent-free even quicker. We use a humane live animal trapping procedure like those endorsed by the Humane Society, and once the squirrel is trapped our technicians will relocate it to a new home far enough away that it cannot get back to your house.
So who’s the most vulnerable to having rodent activity this season? Each home will have its own particular risk factors for nesting rodents as fall settles in and winter lies in wait. In established neighborhoods of Arlington, North Richland Hills, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Haltom City rodents tend to find easier access through gaps that arise as houses settle. These gaps, or entry points, will need to be sealed in order to control any rodent issues. Our technicians are experts at identifying rodent entry points and getting them fully sealed, and the Exclusion Work we do to prevent rodents from getting back through those entries is warrantied for a full year, meaning all your upcoming celebrations, from Christmas to Halloween will be worry free.

In newer neighborhoods of Frisco, McKinney, Flower Mound, Mansfield, and Allen rodents will find it more difficult to gain entry into a home, but they will be especially motivated to do so as recent construction will be pushing them from other nesting areas. And even if a rodent doesn’t find easy entry, they can still make nests near homes, which puts cars, outdoor wiring, siding, and any unprotected food at risk. If left unchecked, these populations will grow and eventually make their way inside.
It may feel overwhelming to discover a rodent population has settled into your home just as Thanksgiving approaches. There may be panic at the thought of relatives hearing scurrying in walls or scampering in the attic. Disgust as trash is strewn across floors, food is found nibbled and droppings discovered in attics, closets or garages. That’s exactly when you need to call a professional; our certified technicians will quickly and efficiently assess the situation and lay out a treatment plan which can give you peace of mind and free up your time to focus on the joy of family and friends gathering together to give thanks.
Additional Resources:
“The Facts About Rats” – U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
“Squirrels” – Humane Society
“Squirrels” – Texas Parks & Wildlife
Author Bio: Alissa Breach has been gaining knowledge and experience around pest control concerns over the last 9 years while working for Mid-Cities Pest Control. She has a creative writing BFA from UW-Madison and is always pursuing new and interesting writing projects.
Fall Pest Control
Sunday, September 10, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Providing maintenance to the outside of your home this fall goes a long way in preventing many different types of pests from entering your home. Called overwintering pests, they include specific insects and rodents who can begin entering your home during the fall. They will seek also seek shelter in your home when it turns cold. The following are tips for homeowners to use in conjunction with professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX to keep your home pest free. Contact the Bug Dude today to schedule services.
The invading pests of fall can also bring viruses and disease into your home. The cockroach may travel through the sewer pipe, and into unsealed food supplies, or crawl over the dishes in the cabinet and silverware in the drawer. The bacteria and viruses they leave behind can make you and your family sick.
Rodents are another pest that carries diseases and crawls over canned goods and among the dishes, and on counters. Unfortunately, they also chew on your home’s electric wiring and can cause a house fire. They chew through walls and may chew on furnishings, causing damage throughout the home. Droppings and possibly gnaw marks, or shredded paper are signs of an infestation. Check inside and outside of your home for any holes or cracks where rodents could possibly enter your home. Our technicians can take care of your pest control in Fort Worth, TX needs.
Termites can chew their way through your home’s structure, weakening it and can cause extreme destruction. You may not even know they are there, until they swarm in the spring.
Some species of spiders live longer than a year, and they will find your warm home an inviting place to overwinter. These include the poisonous species no homeowner wants in their home. Schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX today.
Many homeowner’s choose to provide their own pest control. However, a professional has the equipment to spray hard to reach places, such as the roof line and upper story window frames, for example. A professional also has the knowledge to identify specific pests, their preferences, and the best means of treating them.
Fall is a time when overwintering pests will enter your home. Maintenance and professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX can keep your home pest free.
The following tips will assist you to keep pests out of your home as the weather cools down. Contact The Bug Dude for all your pest control in Fort Worth, TX:
- Check screens for a tight fit, and if gaps are present, replace them. In addition, repair holes and tears or replace the screens. Secure screen wire over plumbing vents. Vents that exhaust heat, such as a gas heater, gas water heater and fireplaces will require heat resistant mesh wire or other product designed for it.
- Damp or wet areas attract pests in your home. Repair leaky roofs, leaky plumbing, and install a sump pump in wet basements or crawl spaces. Call today to schedule pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
- Seal cracks, gaps, holes and crevices on the home’s exterior using caulk and/or expanding foam. The areas you want to check for gaps where pests may enter include around duct work, plumbing, cables, or others. Mice can fit through a hole the size of a dime, so leave no gap untreated. Items that exhaust heat require a specialized high heat tolerant caulking. In addition, seal holes in siding and repair loose mortar on brick exteriors. These are also simple ways to keep cold air from entering your home in the winter, and hot air in the summer.
- Maintain a clean home, and clean up crumbs and dirty dishes. If you can’t wash dishes right away, store them in the dishwasher. Never leave water sitting in the sink.
- Store non-perishable food in airtight containers.
- Dispose of garbage routinely, and ensure a tight fitting lid.
- Replace worn, cracked or warped weatherstripping, and replace door sweeps.
- Firewood should be stored at least 20 feet away from your home. Furthermore, stack it on concrete blocks to keep it off of the ground.
- Trim shrubs and trees at least 2 feet away from your home.
- Use rubber mulch or gravel in flower beds. Never use bark mulch which attracts termites and encourages other insect infestations.
- Eliminate brush and junk piles to discourage pests.
- Keep grass neatly mown to discourage rodents and other pests.
- Don’t leave pet food out overnight, and seal the bags at all times. Pet food will entice pests to enter your home.
- Repair gutters and ensure proper drainage. Check the ground slope against the home’s foundation to ensure proper drainage. Gutter extensions are also effective in carrying water away from the foundation where drainage is less than desired.
- Don’t store paper products in your home. For example, cockroaches, silverfish and rodents will take advantage of paper products. For those you can’t discard, store them in tightly sealed plastic containers.
- Have dead trees and stumps removed.
- Check children’s outdoor toys before storing them or bringing them indoors.
- Treatment of fire ants will reduce or eliminate new beds in the spring. The Bug Dud is here to help for your pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
- If you see a lot of yellow jackets or wasps flying, it is likely a nest is nearby. Check under eaves, roofs and decks of all structures for wasp nests. Yellow jackets typically build in the ground. Yellow jackets can often be seen flying to the nest just before dusk. If you suspect a wasp or yellow jacket problem, we can help. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
These pest-proofing tips will assist to keep pests away from your home in the fall when the temperature begins to drop. However, if you have a pest problem, contact The Bug Dude to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth, TX.
Rodent and Squirrel Pest Control
Thursday, August 10, 2017 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

It can be difficult to keep rodents out of your home. For example, mice can squeeze through openings as small as a dime, and rats can enter through holes no larger than a quarter. Sealing any crack or gap they may enter is the best means of keeping them out of your home. Unfortunately, small spaces they can enter are easily missed, and can be in locations you never considered. The Bug Dude can locate potential entries and provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth to get your rodent problem under control.
Rats and mice aren’t the only rodent problem homeowners can face. Squirrels are also a problem for many homes. When winter arrives, like many species of insects, rodents, will try to enter your home for shelter during the fall and early winter. They can gain access to your home from utility lines, squeezing past the cables and wires and into your home. Squirrels will often chew through the roof and eaves to gain access to the attic.
If you have seen squirrels jump from tree to tree via limbs, you probably know they can potentially jump from nearby limbs to your home. From the roof, they can enter through gaps, cracks or holes under eaves, gutters, gables, siding, vents and down vent pipes and chimneys. A trip down vent pipes often results in the animals becoming trapped and dying, and odor can become a problem in your home. Don’t ignore small holes, rodents will often gnaw until it is large enough for them to enter.
Rodent Damage
Rodents gnaw to maintain a manageable length to their fast growing teeth. Their gnawing can cause significant damage to the home, and can be a threat to your health and even, the lives of your family. The threat isn’t due to the potential for disease alone, they can cause serious damage in your home without management. Furthermore, once they start multiplying, the problem can get out of control quickly. If your home is experiencing a problem with rodents, act now, and contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
The list of items and structures they can damage is extensive. They damage insulation, walls, doors, floors, plumbing, hoses, and perhaps most dangerous of all – electrical wiring. Rodent damaged wiring poses the risk of fire and/or shock. Rodents will chew through the insulation encasing electrical wiring. The insulation prevents nearby flammable materials, such as the wooden structure of the walls, from igniting when arcing or overheating of the wire occurs. If you have a rodent issue, contact The Bug Dude to schedule pest control in Fort Worth.
The experts estimate rodents are responsible for approximately 25% of all house fires due to damage to electrical wiring. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
The Signs of a Rodent Problem
You will know you have a rodent problem if you find the following:
- Signs of gnawing in or around your home, garage, workshop or other structures. Electrical damage may be not only in your home, but also in the vehicle, lawn mower or other outdoor equipment.
- Nest with nesting materials, such as shredded insulation, in the attic, basement, vehicles, outdoor equipment, or in sheltered areas on your property.
- Droppings are clear evidence of a rodent problem. Squirrel droppings are likely to be clustered in a single spot, while mice and rats will randomly defecate and abundantly.
- You may see mice and rats scurrying throughout your home. Hearing their scratching, gnawing and scurrying in attics, walls and ceilings are also possible.
- Inspect cabinets, drawers, boxes, and along baseboards for signs of a rodent infestation, such as droppings, nests, or chewed packaging.
- Sealing potential entry points is essential.
- Clean up food spills and crumbs. Put food up and discard food scraps in a tight fitting garbage can. Take out the garbage routinely.
- Store packaged goods in sturdy glass, metal or dense plastic materials.
- Repair damaged screens.
- Inspect door sweeps and replace cracked or damaged sweeps.
- Inspect and replace damaged weather stripping on doors and windows.
- Ensure chimneys are fitted with fire proof wire for chimneys, and close the flue when not in use.
- Ensure attics, basements and crawlspaces are dry.
- Maintain a tidy and uncluttered home, lawn and garage.
- Trim trees and shrubs a minimum of two feet from your home.
- In addition, check the attic, basement, nests, or chewed packaging. Rodent populations can rapidly expand, and early identification of an infestation can prevent damage in your home. The Bug Dude can take care of your rodent populations with pest control in Fort Worth.
- Store dry pet foods and bird seed in a sealed metal container. In addition, don’t leave pet food out overnight.
- Dispose of fallen fruit from trees.
- Keep the grass cut and around your home neatly trimmed.
- Store firewood at least 12 inches off the ground.
- Schedule routine pest control in Fort Worth for your home or business.
If you have rodents in your home, or other pest issues, contact The Bug Dude to schedule a professional treatment of your home. Rodents breed rapidly, and waiting to call for pest control in Fort Worth may result in damage to your home. Take control of your rodent problem now. Contact The Bug Dude for effective pest control in Fort Worth.
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