Wednesday, June 25, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Prevent Vector Born Disease | Pest Control Fort Worth
Mosquitoes and ticks are on the rise due to elevated temperatures and increased rainfall in large portions of the country. Prevention is critical in the prevention of vector born disease by pests such as mosquitoes and ticks. Give The Bug Dude a call for pest control in Fort Worth.

With the spreading of Chikungunya mosquito disease, and Lone Star Tick Disease, families must be more vigilant than ever in mosquito and tick control around the home, as well as in their outdoor activities. Family members should apply Deet to exposed skin, and permethrin to clothing, keep grass cut and avoid wooded and brushy areas. It is also recommended that when outdoors, you should wear long sleeves and pants in light colors to help protect against mosquitoes and ticks.
As of June 17, there have been 57 cases in the U. S. of travel-related Chikungunya reported to the CDC this year. However, doctors don’t have to notify the CDC of suspected Chikungunya infections, so the number could actually be higher. Chikungunga can be transmitted to other persons if a mosquito bites an infected person, and then bites someone else. Chikungunga has no cure, and though rarely fatal, causes debilitating severe joint pain for as long as several months. It is a devastating disease, and calls for pest control in Fort Worth.
The Lone Star Tick Disease causes a variety of symptoms from large sores and rash that can be anywhere but the feet and hands with fever, GI distress, joint pain, cough and just recently the CDC announced, it appears to be responsible for thousands of southerners who have developed an allergy to red meats, with life threatening anaphylactic reactions, among other symptoms.
It doesn’t take long to see, aggressive actions are required to prevent the diseases these vectors are causing. Pest control in Fort Worth will be one the most effective actions in preventing mosquitoes and ticks from breeding upon your property.
You may be wondering what else a homeowner can do, besides applying Deet, keeping lawns manicured, and providing professional pest control in Fort Worth. If your property adjoins woods, apply a layer of wood chips or gravel between the lawn and woods to help deter ticks. Eliminate anything where standing water can accumulate to deter mosquitoes. Ensure all screens are intact and provide repair for even tiny holes where pests can enter. Check your pets after taking them outside and avoid tall grass when they are outside. Talk to your vet regarding prevention and treatment options and wash bedding frequently.
Check each family member carefully, especially in folds, and bends and the hair for ticks after being outdoors, place clothing in a hot dryer on high heat for one hour to kill any remaining ticks. Mosquito activity peaks at dawn and dusk, so avoid being outside during those times, and always wear insect repellent.
Finally, the lawn should be treated to prevent mosquitoes and ticks. The Bug Dude can provide the lawn treatment you need to help prevent ticks and mosquitoes on your property with pest control in Fort Worth. Give us a call for an appointment, and thanks for visiting The Bug Dude.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Cockroaches are one of the most common pest complaints in any area of the country, including Fort Worth. After a rain, particularly, they just seem to find their way into our homes, wreaking havoc on our nerves and patience. To win the war on cockroaches, let’s learn a little about them for proper pest control. If you would rather not learn more about these pests, simply stop reading and call us right away!

Cockroaches can enter our homes in many different ways, from outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes, and even on bags, boxes, or even on ourselves! Cockroaches love your home because there is warmth, plenty of breeding ground, and food. They can stay active year-round because of these amenities you provide them. They also reproduce quickly, so if you see one, there are most likely many, many more behind your walls.
Cockroaches can irritate allergies, even asthma in some people because of the dropping, cast-off skins, or dead bodies, so it is important to get the problem alleviated as soon as possible. Using homemade remedies or over-the-counter insecticides are probably not strong enough to completely mitigate the problem, as their eggs are naturally protected from you and these particular chemicals. Without specific pest control equipment, materials, and know-how, cockroach control can be a losing battle.
The best way to deter roaches from infesting your home is to put away food that has been left out and taken away any water sources. Pest control companies can do the dirty work, using desiccants, insect growth regulators, specially-developed sprays, aerosols, foggers, or emulsifiable concentrates to combat your cockroach problem.
Call us today to take a look at your home. If you have seen one cockroach in the evening, chances are it has been overcrowded and there are many more at bay. Get the problem resolved before you have a real infestation on your hands.
Monday, April 21, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Springtime Pest Control in Fort Worth
Spring is here, the birds are chirping, the winds have changed, the yard is turning green and the trees are budding. With all of these wonderful signs of the season come the pests, out of hibernation and out to welcome the season just like we are. A common, sometimes painful nuisance even in our own Fort Worth backyard is the fire ant. Native Texans know to keep our distance, but sometimes children, pets, or even adults stumble upon this common irritant. Considering pest control for fire ants? Let’s learn a little about the them, shall we?

Did you know fire ants are not native to North America? It was actually imported in the 1930s on a cargo ship to Alabama. They love warm, sunny weather, so they stay in the southern US states: Florida to Texas, and all the way to California. They also like dryer weather to rainy conditions. Their mounds look like sandy hills and are much more visible after a rain.
Fire ant stings are very painful, and even fatal to some. Their sting includes alkaloid venom which is highly irritating that result in red bumps and white pustules. Fire ants are also known to attack a potential threat in large numbers, which could mean a LOT, because a colony can contain 100,00-500,000! Call your pest control service in Fort Worth if you suspect fire ant activity around your home. You definitely don’t want them coming inside! Your pest control company will inspect your property to determine the best route to proceed.
The best way to prevent fire ants is to be conscientious about putting food and drinks away after use. Take the trash out to a proper area and leave it covered. Leaving food out, especially sugary foods will entice these pests into areas you do not want them.
Friday, March 14, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Fort Worth Pest Control
An exterminator, or pest control professional, is trained in all facets of pest elimination, and uses a variety of methods to prevent future infestations from occurring. Fort Worth is no different from any other part of the country, in that we all have common household pests. Whether its yellow jackets or mice, we are here to rescue you!

A variety of tools are used to protect homeowners from invaders, but it is very important that your pest control professional uses the right tool for the job. It’s silly to think about a mouse trap being set for a cockroach, isn’t it? The professionals are trained to know what is best for each situation they encounter.
Traps are one method of pest elimination and they offer kill and no-kill options. They are not designed for large infestations, but can be very effective. Some variations include spring-loaded traps (traditional), catch-and-release models, sticky traps and electronic traps. Spring-loaded, electronic and multi-catch traps are most commonly used for rodents and snakes, while sticky traps are effective against a wide range of insects. Visual traps that use light to attract pests are effective against many types of insects as well.
Baited traps involve placing poison bait in a “bait station” that lures the pest into the trap. The pest then eats the poison and leaves the area.
Fumigation requires the location to be sealed off while it is filled with poison gases or pesticides. It is an easy way to target a large area quickly and efficiently if the home can be completely sealed. This is especially convenient for small insects or large infestations.
Poison spray targets a specific area and is most commonly used to exterminate insects.
If you are interested in other green or humane pest control options, there are also no-kill traps, diatomaceous earth, biological control agents like nematodes and mites, or just plain preventative measures.
Friday, February 21, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Pest Control for Dallas
Have you seen remnants of bugs or rodents in your Dallas home? Typically the places to look are along baseboards and window sills, in cabinets, and near doorways or openings in the wall. If you suspect you may have an infestation of one of these common household pests, call The Bug Dude for all of your pest control needs.

Cockroaches, fleas, spiders, mice, and ants are just a few of the pests that can come make themselves “at home” in YOUR home! The first sign of one of these pests should alert you that there could be many more hiding in and around your home.
Cockroaches can enter your home in many different ways, through cracks and crevices, vents, pipes, and more! They can flatten their bodies so much that it is hard to keep them out. They reproduce quickly and typically live behind your walls. Anywhere that is warm and damp is a perfect breeding ground for this pest.
Fleas are tiny and feed on organic debris. A common sign you may have a flea problem and need some pest control is that animals continually scratch and groom themselves. Adult fleas will feed on the pet’s blood and it is annoying and uncomfortable for them.
Spiders, although feared by many humans, control populations of many other insects. However, having spiders as guests in your home is usually not a welcomed thought. There are many, many different kinds of spiders and many are not poisonous. Different spiders like different climates: some like it dry and warm, others like it cool and damp. Look for them in dark, undisturbed areas.
Mice can be a terrible nuisance. They enter seeking food, water, and warmth. They tend to be rapid breeders, some year-round. They can damage and contaminate food and also bring in other pests like fleas and ticks into your home. Look for small holes (even holes you think are too small) along the floor.
Ants are probably the most common household bug for pest control. They seek sweet or greasy food substances most commonly found in the kitchen or pantry. They can nest almost anywhere, and can uproot and move when threatened. They leave an invisible chemical trail which contains pheromones for others to follow once they locate the food source. That’s why you see them in a line.
If you are having trouble with these or any other household pests, call The Bug Dude, your Dallas pest control company.
Friday, January 17, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Pest Control in Ft. Worth
If you have a pest problem that is taking over the peace of your Ft. Worth home, you may want to make the investment to hire a professional company to do the dirty work. A licensed professional has the time and ability to research your specific problem, safely apply the appropriate procedures and materials to control it, and should have years of experience to back up their solution.
A professional pest control service in Fort Worth, who practices integrated pest management methods and keeps up-to-date about the latest technologies, can provide you with the safest and most effective management strategies, especially if the solution required toxic chemicals.
Before hiring a company, do some research about your specific pest control problem and be somewhat familiar with the identified management method. Get recommendations from family, friends and neighbors about pest control services they have used. Research the company and know a little about what they believe and why they do what they do. Ask about required licenses, certificates, and insurance. Ask the company to inspect the site and review the solutions with your professional. Retrieve an estimate for services in writing and review it thoroughly. And probably the most important step is to stay in touch with pest control company and inform them of any changes in pest populations and then do your part to help manage the pest. Things like cleaning up food and fixing plumbing leaks can do wonders for deterring pests in your home.
Understand that you are buying value, not just price. Who wants uninvited guests over and over again that can ultimately cost much more than wiping them out the first time around.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Get The Most Out of Your Rodent Control
Mice, rats, squirrels, and other rodents are common problematic pests. They live where we live (especially in urban areas), eat our food, and carry diseases that are extremely harmful to our pets, children, and families. They are adaptable, able to climb seemingly unsurpassable places, and are nocturnal, making them hard to find and catch. Rodent control is a three-step process, so doing the first two yourself will give you an overwhelming advantage when it’s time to call us.

First, clean and seal off your home.
The first rule of rodent control is “don’t leave food out overnight.” Store as much as you can in glass or metal containers that they can’t chew through. The idea here is to cut off the rodent’s food supply, discouraging them to come and feast. Also, remove any pet food that hasn’t been eaten after every meal. Make sure your trash can is sealed and keep all of your kitchen surfaces clean and disinfected. Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. Lastly, seal off any cracks or holes you find along baseboards with caulk, steel, or concrete. Inspect every crevice for a place a rodent could get in. Also, seal off pipes, dryer vents and gas lines as these are common entry points.
Consider natural methods of extermination.
Do you have a cat? Cats are natural mice and rat hunters. They love to do it and are good at it. A few catches might ward off future infestations. Snap traps are also a cheap way to rid your home of mice. The trap can be a minor nuisance when considering small children or pets, but the cleanup is quick. Peppermint oil and cat or snake urine is also a great natural rodent control method. They hate the smell and will stay away. Ultrasonic repellent machines are available too, but are controversial as being truly effective.
Chemical extermination methods.
If you are experiencing a truly bothersome problem regarding rodent control in Dallas, call us to help employ our methods to rid your home and get it. One of the most effective measures to eliminate your mouse problem is to call a professional pest exterminator. We get the job done quickly and effectively!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Bed bugs are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. In the 1940s, cases of bed bugs were mostly eradicated in the developed world, but infestations have been on the rise since about 1995. Thoughts on the resurgence of bed bug population vary from complacency, increased resistance, bans on pesticides, and increased international travel. No one really knows why for sure there are more cases and why they are occurring more often, but detection and mitigation are widely known and understood now to help keep the population from getting severe.
Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval insects up to 4-5mm long and they prefer to be more active at night when the host is asleep. They can lie dormant and hidden for up to a year without a meal and are found in cracks and crevices, most commonly mattress seams, sheets, furniture, or on luggage. This is why bed bugs are found commonly in hotels because of the frequency of travelers, with many personal belongings occupying rooms.
Females can deposit 1-5 eggs a day, and may lay 200-500 eggs in a lifetime. Under normal room temperatures and with an adequate supply of food, they can live for more than 300 days.
Detection of bed bugs usually comes in the form of itchy bug bites on the face, neck, hands, or arms overnight. A rash, blood stains on sheets, or dark brown marks on the mattress are other signs of bed bugs. If you think you might have a bed bug infestation in your home, check the common places that they may show up and see if you can identify any of the clues we’ve discussed. Look behind frames, under wallpaper, in couches and other furniture. Even if signs confirm there were bed bugs at one time, this may not mean there is still an active infestation. Getting rid of bed bugs is not an easy process and most cases will require treatment by a pest-control expert.
Monday, September 23, 2013 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

We’ve all been there… You’ve spent time and money planning a BBQ celebration. You have guests arriving, food on the grill, toys out for kids, everything is set. What comes next in many outdoor festivities is annoying, can be a health hazard, and unfortunately is all-too common: mosquitoes. It can quickly take the wind out of the sail of any outdoor gathering that otherwise would be a special time with friends and family. Once the sun starts to set and the summer air cools a bit, the mosquitoes come out to feast. This can happen especially after a rain. What can you do to prevent and control these mosquito infestations? There’s actually a lot you can do for mosquito pest control.
Mosquitoes go through four stages in their lifecycle: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. All but the last stage occur in water. Without water, mosquitoes can’t reproduce. However, if you think your yard is clear of all standing water, you may be surprised. The smallest amount of water, even that little piece of trash with puddled water sitting on it can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Here are a few mosquito pest control tips:
- Empty any standing water you find. Bird baths, flower pot saucers, pet dishes, old tires, unused swimming pools, buckets, and anything else you find can catch water and be a suitable breeding ground. Make sure rain barrels are covered and keep your gutters cleaned.
- Trim back vegetation. Mosquitoes feast on plant nectar when they aren’t out searching for blood, so they spend a lot of time in tall grass or around shrubs and bushes. Also, keep your lawn mowed and remove yard debris like piles of leaves and grass clippings.
- Use mosquito-repelling plants. Citronella plants are the scent used in the citronella candles commonly used to deter mosquitoes. They also avoid catnip, lavender, marigolds, basil, and peppermint.
- Hire professional mosquito pest control. Professionals can target specific areas and gain ground over these common pests. Ask about chemicals used, licenses, and application schedule.
Then sit back and know that your yard will be protected and you can start planning your next BBQ worry-free.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Any way you look at it, fleas are not fun. And despite common belief, they don’t exclusively feed on only animals. They can actually show up in pet-free areas and structures as well, surprising homeowners! Doing your best to prevent a flea infestation is the best way to go. Cleaning habitually, especially in areas that pets eat, sleep and play is mandatory. You should also regularly vacuum drapes, carpet, rugs, and furniture. To aid in prevention, either cut up a flea collar and stick it in the vacuum bag or dispose of the bag every time you use it to kill the flea eggs and larvae. Use washable pet bedding, put a flea or ultrasonic collar on your pet, and obviously bathe them regularly. These methods should go a long way in flea prevention.

If you find your home infested regardless of preventative measures, it’s time to prepare for flea extermination. There are some sites that offer DIY solutions for flea problems, but fleas are pesky, hard to find, and can be virtually anywhere. You’ll need to rent the proper equipment and measure out the right chemicals in the right way or it can be very dangerous to your furniture, your family, and your pet.
Hire a professional to do the work for you. They are knowledgeable, reliable, and have done this before. Your infestation won’t shock them a bit. Another advantage is the time commitment. A pro can treat an entire house and yard in only a few hours, where a DIY solution could eat up many more hours and not be as thorough. The last thing you want is a relapse infestation. Ensure your property and hire a professional to take care of your flea extermination. You’ll be happy you did.
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