Pantry Pests breed quickly, which can allow their population to spiral out of control in short periods of time. Keeping pantry pests out in the first place preserves food ingredients. The following information provides a better understanding of these common pests, and how proper storage and pest control in Fort Worth can rid your home of them.
Merchant Grain Beetles and Saw Toothed Grain Beetles
Grain beetles are usually detected when homeowners find the pests in pantry products or on surfaces such as counters or shelves. Saw toothed grain beetles appear very similar to Merchant grain beetles. The Merchant grain beetle is capable of flight, while the Saw Toothed beetle is not. Both are scavenger feeders, meaning you aren’t likely to find them in whole grain foods.
These beetles can typically be found throughout the year in pantries. Grain beetles prefer cereals, cake mixes, macaroni, cookies, pasta, flour, dried fruits, dried meats, and chocolate.
Grain beetles can quickly take over food products and contaminate them. Their body shape allows them to get into sealed cardboard packaging and soft plastic packaging where they eat, live and reproduce, allowing infestations to grow quickly. It is the larvae that do most of the damage, but the adult beetle is what is commonly found. If you have an infestation, discard of contaminated foods, vacuum the cabinets thoroughly, and call for pest control in Fort Worth.
Pantry Pest Control
Control of these beetles requires the inspection for and removal of infested food products, and pest control in Fort Worth. Non-infested foods should be transferred product into tightly sealed plastic, metal or glass containers.
Vacuuming the shelves, including the corners using a crevice tool is also suggested followed by sealing and disposing of the vacuum bag.
Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth to stop the cycle of these insects in your home.
Indian Meal Moths
Indian meal moths, commonly called “meal bugs“, are found throughout the United States, although they are not native to the U.S. These moths are attracted to light and any area where food is stored, including pantries and cabinets. They enjoy a more varied diet than grain beetles and prefer to feed on dried fruits and vegetables, grains like flour and cornmeal, pasta, cereals, seeds, spices, nuts, chocolate, candies, pet food (especially bird seed) and powdered milk.
Other sources to check include dried fruits, dried flowers, nuts, and decorative wall hangings containing food products such as nuts, beans or spices. A thorough cleaning and professional pest control in Fort Worth is the best means of eradication when multiple sites of infestation are present. Food should always be stored in plastic, metal or glass containers with airtight, secure lids to keep Indian meal moths out.
Bean Weevil
The most common pest of stored legumes, such as beans, cowpeas and peas in is the common bean weevil, though they will feed on almost any food source. The bean weevil is not a true weevil. They are members of the closely related seed beetle family.
If a bean weevil infestation is found vacuum the area, and contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth. Store beans in tightly sealed plastic, glass or metal containers.
Additional Tips to Keep Dry Foods Safe
A number of people freeze products such as flour and corn meal to kill any bugs that may be present after purchase. Due to the density of a 5 lb. bag of grain product, 5 days should be the minimum in the freezer. Just allow the product to sit out until fully at room temperature before storing.
An additional tip that manufacturers routinely use is absorbent products are oxygen absorber packs. Along with glass canning jars, these little gems can be your best friend for storing dry foods such beans, pasta, and rice. Oxygen absorbers contain an iron powder which reacts with the oxygen in the air within the jar, causing the iron powder to rust. Rusting uses up the oxygen in the glass jars storing your dry food product, any insects present will die. They provide other benefits including:
- Extends the storage life (beans are still good after 20 years according to experts).
- Prevents growth of aerobic (requiring oxygen) pathogens and organisms that can spoil food, including mold.
- Eliminates the need for chemical additives such as BHA, sulfur dioxide, benzoates, or others.
- Use with vacuum packaging to absorb virtually all oxygen and absorb any oxygen that may permeate the package for the most complete protection of dry foods.
- Contained in a sealed packet that allows oxygen and moisture to be absorbed, the packets are safe to place on top of food. If the container is later opened to remove part of the food, discard the old packet and replace with a new one before resealing the jar. They reach their maximum absorption in about 4 Hours.
Routine vacuuming of cabinets and cleaning, with routine inspection and disposal of infested goods will assist in keeping pests out of your food. By freezing flour, meal and rice after purchase and before storing, and the use of airtight containers for storage, pantry pests can be kept under control. Routine treatment of your home with pest control in Fort Worth will reduce the incidence of pantry pests.
Pantry pests can rapidly take over your kitchen. If you suspect an infestation, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude professionals serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Amazing Bugs | Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, January 01, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Today’s blog will provide you with some interesting bug news. We hope you find it interesting. The current number of identified animal species is 1,659,420. Not surprisingly, approximately 80% of those identified are arthropods, or insects. While humans are at the top of the food chain, arthropods claim dominance over the earth, as any homeowner in need of pest control in Fort Worth knows. Naturalists have pondered the mystery of when arthropods arose and filled the earth for centuries.
In an ambitious international collaboration, 100 scientists have combined their molecular, computational biology, statistics, paleontology, and taxonomic expertise to draw some surprising conclusions on when major groups of insects evolved.
Though we frequently hear of new fossil findings, fossils are actually rare. Fossils of insects are even rarer. The current research utilizes accumulated changes in DNA to determine the amount of time that has passed.
Looking at the genetic information in thousands of modern insect samples from hundreds of species produces an extraordinary amount of sequencing information. For all of our computing advances in the past half century, the required capacity simply doesn’t exist to handle the data counting into the quadrillions.
Alexander Stamatatakis, a computer scientist and bioinformatics expert and his research team devised a mathematical method to exclude unlikely combinations, thereby reducing the amount of data to the most likely combinations.
While the information may change as the project continues, current major findings of interest are:
- Insect ancestors appear to have originated during the Early Ordovician Period, approximately 479 million years ago.
- Insect flight emerged approximately 406 million years ago, about the same time plants began to diversify on land and gain height as forests.
- The rapid diversification of insects into the major orders we see today occurred before the emergence of Angiosperms (flowering plants).
Insects diversified at an extraordinary speed. When you consider that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, it’s only in the last 10% of earth’s history that plants were established. In the past 80 million years insects comprising the majority of the major groups still alive today populated the earth.
New information will undoubtedly be discovered, change and refocus once more. Eventually science will uncover the mystery of what came first, and the relationships between the groups, and when they emerged. The science may provide solutions to unwanted pests, and additional natural approaches for pest control in Fort Worth.
As long as mankind questions, science will continue to seek an answer.
Bed Bug Busters
Frequent travelers will be glad to know that control of bedbugs is in sight, providing a natural and safe approach for pest control in Fort Worth. Researchers at Simon Fraser University announced they may have solved the chemical code of bed bugs. In field trials, their bed bug attractant caught 100 percent of bed bugs.
If the early results are any indication, bed bug traps will help to prevent new infestations, and will potentially provide travelers with a means to ensure bugs traveling in your bags don’t gain ground in your home. Of course, natures creatures are always evolving and adapting, and pheromones are tricky substances to begin with. For now, the field trials are heralding a success in the war against bed bugs.
If you’re experiencing problems with bed bugs, one of our qualified specialists will be glad to provide you with pest control in Fort Worth.
Super Webs
In a true-to-life Twilight Zone moment, the Baltimore Wastewater Treatment Plant sent out a major SOS for help in 2009, when a giant spider web covering almost 4 acres of their facility was discovered. The discovery led to an eventual estimate of over 107 million spiders living in the structure.
It was reported that over 95% of the space was filled with spider web in some areas of the plant. The spider webs were so dense that it pulled 8-foot long fluorescent light fixtures completely out of place. However, the mega-web wasn’t the first found in the U.S. In 2007 a mega spider web was reported at Lake Tawakoni State Park in Hunt County, Texas.
Colossal webs are usually dominated by two species of spider in the United States, Tetragnatha guatemalensis and Larinioides sclopetarius, and always occur near water. Global warming has been named by some scientists as the direct cause of larger, longer lived spiders and an increase in the number of their offspring. If your home has pests, contact us today for pest control in Fort Worth.
No one wants bugs in their home, and our specialists can assist you in ridding your home of unwanted pests with professional pest control in Fort Worth. Homeowners often provide ineffective do it yourself pest control. Don’t suffer unwanted pests in your home, contact the pest control specialists at The Bug Dude to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas. We hope you found our bug news interesting and informative.
Brown Recluse Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, December 01, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

While deaths from the bite of a brown recluse spider are considered rare, no one wants to risk it with the life of their loved ones. Recently, a 5 year old Alabama boy died within hours of a confirmed brown recluse bite. Children and persons above the age of 50 are more susceptible to complications due to bites from the venomous spider. Prevention and pest control in Fort Worth are the best means to protect your loved ones from the bite of a brown recluse.
Brown recluse spiders have a characteristic dark brown violin marking on their back. They spin irregular webs, which aren’t used for catching prey, but rather used as a retreat. These spiders are nocturnal and eat other insects such as cockroaches and crickets. An increased presence of the spider’s typical prey can potentially increase their presence and the number of offspring. Keeping other insects under control with pest control in Fort Worth will reduce the available food supply for these spiders.
Vacuum often to discourage the brown recluse from making its home in yours. Don’t forget under and behind furniture, inside sofa beds, in corners and anywhere seldom disturbed. The next action you want to take is to place stored papers and other clutter in sealed containers. Tidy up and vacuum often is the adage for spider prevention. Pest control in Fort Worth is effective in a known infestation, and for prevention.
Treat the Habitat with Pest Control in Fort Worth
Brown recluse spiders often live outdoors where they are typically found around cedar shake roofs, rocks, utility boxes, garden equipment and woodpiles. They are sometimes even found in automobiles. Pest control in Fort Worth for the brown recluse includes the treatment of outdoor locations.
Indoors, brown recluses can be found in any undisturbed area, such as inside boxes, among papers, in bags and sacks, in seldom-used apparel and shoes, under furniture or in crevices of window moldings. Closets, attics, crawl spaces and basements are common brown recluse spider hiding spots. An area they seem to prefer is inside the bed linens, perhaps due to their tendency to build webs between a bed headboard and the wall. Treatment of indoor spaces with Pest control in Fort Worth is effective when routinely provided.
The brown recluse spider bites in defense to a perceived threat. Both the female and male brown recluse spiders can bite and inject venom. The recluse’s bite is usually not felt, but results in a stinging sensation, followed by intense pain as long as six to eight hours later. A small blister usually develops at the bite location that can turn into an open ulcer. Restlessness, fever and difficulty sleeping are common symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite. Some victims report intense itching after being bitten.
Symptoms of Brown Recluse Spider Bite
The signs and symptoms depend on the amount of venom injected and the body’s response to the venom. Initially, there are no signs and symptoms of spider bite, though some report a slight prick or itch. The most common symptoms occur 2-8 hours after being bitten. The symptoms start with mild burning sensation at the site followed by irritation. The victim may develop one or more of the following symptoms:
- Severe inflammation
- Intense pain
- Bluish blister
- Redness on and around the wound.
- Chills and rigor
- Nausea or vomiting
- Seizures in severe cases
- Joint pain
- Body ache
- Lesion that initially has the appearance of a pimple
- Lesion may be filled with green or yellow puss
- Formation of ulcer
- Rashes
- Necrosis (the death of the cells)
- Itching
- Dark urine
- Fever
- Muscle cramps and pain
The bite of the brown recluse spider causes a painful wound that doesn’t heal quickly. Though fatalities are rare, in young children and the elderly, bites can be dangerous and may produce a volcano lesion or death. Volcano lesion is gangrenous tissue that creates an ulcerated area in the flesh.
Systemic Effects of a Brown Recluse Spider Bite
In severe cases, a combination of local and systemic manifestations may occur after brown recluse bites and can result in death:
- Destruction of red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia with injury to the kidney possible. Blood transfusion may be required.
- Consumption of platelets (the body’s blood clotting factors) resulting in Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The destruction of platelets (thrombocytopenia) is reported most often in children. DIC may lead to dangerous bleeding and rapid death.
- Acute kidney failure may develop leading to coma.
- Death
Symptoms of this potential complication include low energy, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Brown Recluse Spider Bite Treatment
Despite the severity of the brown recluse bite, there is no established treatment.
The Brown Recluse Spider is a dangerous spider known to cohabit with humans. If you have seen this spider in your home, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
Stopping Rodents | Pest Control Fort Worth
Friday, November 21, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Get Rid of Rodents | Pest Control Fort Worth
Winter is the season when we spend an increased amount of time indoors than out. Unfortunately it is a time when rodents are likely to come indoors seeking warmth and food. An estimated 21 million rodents enter U.S. homes each winter, spreading destruction, damage and the threat of disease. Don’t risk disease and damage to your home, get rid of rodents by scheduling pest control in Fort Worth.
Rodents are a clear threat to the sanctity and safety of our homes, not only are they likely to cause electrical fires by chewing the home’s wiring, and damaging wood in homes, they harbor diseases such as Hantavirus, Salmonella, Hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, Leptospirosis, Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis, Plague and numerous others. They can also bring fleas, ticks and lice indoors exposing us to the health threats those pests carry. A clean home and professional pest control in Fort Worth will evict the disease ridden pests from your home.
Unfortunately, even the contact with rodent scat or urine can result in illness, including air born particulates from the waste of rodents. Always wash the tops of cans and glass containers with hot soapy water before opening, in the event a rodent has urinated or defected on the item.
Professional pest control in Fort Worth will provide the best action the homeowner can select against winter pest, which also include ants, spiders and cockroaches. When pest control is utilized in conjunction with steps homeowners’ can provide, the outcome will have a greater success. The following pest prevention tips will assist homeowners to prevent pests in the home.
- Seal cracks and holes in siding, around cables, plumbing and HVAC pipes. Place metal wire over roof vent caps, chimneys and heat flues.
- Stored items in closets, garages, basements and attics should be kept in plastic, sealed containers to prevent rodents from nesting inside.
- Trim branches and shrubbery away from the home.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home and off the ground.
- Install door sweeps on exterior doors, replace loose or worn weather-stripping and repair damaged screens.
- Store food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage routinely. Utilize a tightly sealed trash can, especially in the home. This includes storing flour, cereal and other foods in cardboard packaging for the best effect.
- If you have an infestation, contact a local pest control specialist.
- Store pet food in sealed metal containers. Don’t leave pet food in bowls overnight.
- Maintain a clean house. Clean up crumbs and wash dishes or place them in a dishwasher. Rodents are opportunists always looking for a free meal!
Schedule service today with The Bug Dude to ensure a clean, healthy home with preventative pest control or to get rid of rodents and other pests with professional pest control in Fort Worth. Do not let rodents spoil your holiday activities with an untimely sighting while family and friends gather together. Our professionals are waiting to take your call, and provide home pest control.

Kissing Bug Disease | Pest Control Fort Worth
The Bug Dude provides professional pest control in Fort Worth for all of your pest control needs. It seems we are consistently learning of new vectors of disease in the U. S., illnesses’ that appear to be occurring in both vectors that were previously unaffected, or appearing in invasive species who have migrated to the U.S. from other areas. Chagas disease, also called the kissing bug disease is yet another disease the resident of the southern U. S. must now be alert for.
Residents of Texas and the entire southern U. S. have a new risk factor for a parasitic disease that can lead to severe heart disease and death. Kissing bugs transmit Chagas disease (also called American trypanosomiasis) by feeding on the faces of humans at night. Chagas was once thought limited to Mexico, Central America and South America. New evidence is emerging of locally acquired human transmission in Texas, according to studies, two of which were authored by Melissa Nolan Garcia, a research associate at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
The disease is spread mainly by insects called Triaominae or kissing bugs, through the feces of infected bugs containing the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which can enter the body through breaks in the skin. Chagas disease can also be transmitted through blood. With no vaccine available, preventative measures and professional pest control in Fort Worth comprise the most effective means of preventing this illness at the present.
All triatomine nymph instars and adults are haematophagous (blood sucker) and require a sheltered environment where they gather. Most species are found with wild vertebrates and live in ground burrows with rodents, armadillos, or in tree-dwellings with bats, birds, or opossums. They will sometimes invade homes, especially in rural or suburban areas. The Bug Dude can provide professional pest control in Fort Worth for the appropriate treatment of these vectors of disease.
Adult kissing bugs produce a pungent odor when disturbed, and are also capable of producing a sound. All 138 Triatominae species are potentially able to transmit Chagas disease to humans.
In a pilot study, Garcia’s team examined 17 blood donors in Texas who tested positive for the parasite that causes Chagas disease.
“We were surprised to find that 36 percent had evidence of being a locally acquired case,” she said. “Additionally, 41 percent of this presumably healthy blood donor population had heart abnormalities consistent with Chagas cardiac disease.”
“It’s a silent killer. People don’t feel sick, so they don’t seek care, but it causes heart disease in about 30 percent of those who get infected”, she said.
A third study found that most people infected with Chagas aren’t treated. Just how many people are infected with Chagas is unknown, as persons are rarely tested for it. Between 2007 and 2013 nearly 2,000 persons’ blood tested positive for Chagas. The CDC provided only 422 doses of medication for the infection, leaving most of those identified without treatment.
Symptoms of Chagas can range from no symptoms exhibited, to severe symptoms with fever, headache, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, body aches and severe cardiac, nervous system disorders and intestinal complications. Chagas disease can result in death if left untreated.
Currently there is no vaccine available, and treatment is not always effective, with a decrease in response directly related to the length of illness. Drug development is underway, but remains in the investigative phase at present. Currently the two treatments available remain under investigative drug protocol regulated by the CDC.
The lack of a current fully effective treatment or vaccine leaves control of the kissing bug in the homeowner’s hands with preventative measures and the provision of professional pest control in Fort Worth.
For further information about Chagas disease, visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Preventative Steps
The first goal should be to keep them out of the home, followed by pest control in Fort Worth to kill resident populations. Ensure all exterior doors close tightly without gaps. Replace missing or damaged weather stripping. Repair or replace damaged window screens, crawlspace vents and attic vents. Screens should be considered on roof vents, and chimney vents should include approved wire small enough to prevent the entry of insects.
Caulk around openings for utility lines, plumbing and cables. Repair cracks in the foundation or siding that can allow insects to enter. If your property has a heavy infestation, it’s likely that neighboring properties will also be infested requiring professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Remove nests of squirrels, birds or other wild animals. Move firewood piles away from the home and use bug light bulbs for exterior lighting where possible. Inspect pets after being outdoors and regularly inspect bedding.
Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth for the application of the appropriate insecticide to aid in the prevention of the kissing bug disease. Have other pest control needs? Our professionals provide termite inspection, termite control, termite treatment, ant control, bedbug control and much more! Contact us to schedule pest control in Fort Worth today. Thanks for visiting The Bug Dudes bug blog.
Winter Pest Control Tips | Fort Worth
Wednesday, October 01, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
No Bugs Allowed | Pest Control Fort Worth
For numerous homeowners it seems fighting pests is a constant battle. Homeowners spray until their homes are the equivalent of a toxic dump. Spray is brandished around doors and windows, similar to how holy water and garlic were used during the middle ages to ward off vampires and other evil. It often appears to be a battle won by the pests, and lost by the homeowner. Thankfully there are pest control solutions to the invasion. When you have decided to throw in the towel, call The Bug Dude for Pest Control in Fort Worth.

Recently in the news was a report of global warming’s effect upon insects, with some species of spiders growing to unheard of sizes in specified parts of the country. The process is very simple. With global warming, they have a larger food supply due to the rise in other insect populations, leading to healthier and longer lived and larger spiders. They are also producing larger broods.
It isn’t simply spiders, but numerous bugs are proliferating in the warmer weather, keeping professionals in pest control in Fort Worth busy.
In some areas of the country drought has brought about a new problem. Home gardeners are used to battling deer and the occasional rabbit over their home grown veggies. But this past summer has brought out record numbers of starving squirrel and even rats from the forests to feast upon garden vegetables. The general consensus has been food is short in drought affected areas and the opportunists are looking for meals wherever they can find it.
The science is simple. When conditions are favorable the number of prey rise, while the number of predators keeps pace. It’s a foregone conclusion that theropod dinosaurs such as T-Rex were happy with the arrangement. But for humans, when the creatures are bugs, it spawns shivers and shakes and a no bugs’ allowed attitude.
In the field of science, new invasive species spark research in the lab eventually providing a means of eradication or pest control. The Bug Dude Professionals stay on top of the research taking note of new findings and habits of pests, and analyzing current data for the most effective means of addressing the problem pest with pest control in Fort Worth.
The Bug Dude can help you with your pest problem. By using professional pest control in Fort Worth, and good anti-bug practices at home, your pests can become a thing of the past.
Practical tips for helping to deter bugs in your home are:
- Vacuum carpets and rugs often.
- Have leaks repaired indoors and out. Bugs seek out water.
- Don’t leave food or leftovers out. Bugs seek out food.
- Repair holes and replace torn or poorly fitting screens. Replace worn weather stripping around doors and seal cracks and crevices. Replace worn door sweeps.
- Trim shrubs at least 1 foot away from the home. Planting beds should be at least a foot away from the home as well. Trim tree limbs that hang over your roof.
- Store unrefrigerated food in sealed containers, this includes grease and leftovers.
- Store trash in tight garbage cans and take out often.
- Store recycles in tight containers and also rinse out before placing it in the can.
- Don’t leave pet food or water out overnight.
- Replace loose mortar.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home.
- Seal holes around plumbing and cables with steel wool.
With the coming of fall, pests will be seeking a way into your home, for warmth and food. Schedule your professional pest control in Fort Worth now.
If your home treatments aren’t working, and you want your home to remain a no bugs allowed zone our professionals can help you. If you have an infestation, call to schedule an evaluation and pest control in Fort Worth with a qualified specialist from The Bug Dude. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas. Thanks for visiting The Bug Dude.
Improve Health With Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, September 08, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Pests and Disease | Pest Control Fort Worth
How Pest Control Helps to Protect Your Health
Most of us are uncomfortable when we see pests or rodents in or around our homes. The fact is these pests can have harmful consequences upon yours and your family’s health. Understanding the health risks from these types of infestations helps us to prevent them. It is unsettling to us when we share our homes with these pests because of the serious threats they pose. You don’t have to put up with pests any longer. Call The Bug Dude today for pest control in Fort Worth.
In the following a more detailed overview of the health risks associated with some of the more common pests is discussed.
The saliva, decomposing bodies and droppings of cockroaches contain proteins known to trigger allergies and to increase the severity of asthma symptoms. This is especially important for children, as one-in-five children in the U. S. exhibit severe allergies to cockroach proteins. Cockroaches can also carry 33 known types of bacteria, including E coli and salmonella on their bodies, which can contaminate food, cooking equipment and food surfaces. In addition, they carry six known parasitic worms and seven other human pathogens.
Eliminating the attraction cockroaches find in the home can help to prevent infestations. They prefer warm, moist conditions. When coupled with pest control in Fort Worth, the following tips will assist in deterring roaches in the home:
- Do not allow dirty dishes to remain in the sink overnight. Wash the dishes, and after drying or placing in the dishwasher, dry the sink out.
- Don’t leave food on a counter top. Store them in the refrigerator or in tightly closed containers.
- Take the garbage bag out often and vacuum routinely.
- Routinely check and clean the evaporation pan under the refrigerator or freezer.
- Seal cracks and openings around the outside of the home to prevent pest entry. Potential indoor entries are around plumbing, cables and other intrusions into the home.
If you have an infestation, call for pest control in Fort Worth for treatment.
Rodents can enter a building through openings or cracks. Inspection for rodent droppings should include pantries and cabinets, under baseboards and along walls. Rodent droppings can cause allergic reactions in humans and pose serious disease risks, including the potentially deadly diseases that follow:
- Hantavirus
- Lyme disease
- Salmonella
- Rat Bite Fever
- Typhus
- Plague
- Rickettsia pox
The threat of rodents isn’t fully understood until you realize an estimated ten million plus persons have died in the past century from rodent – borne diseases. A pest control professional provides the expertise to provide the best protection of your health against a rodent infestation with pest control in Fort Worth.
Not only are rodents vectors for disease, they are very destructive. Every year they damage homes, businesses, automobiles, UTVs and farm equipment every year. The Bug Dude can provide your home and grounds with the rodent extermination you need.
As the prevalence of West Nile Virus continues to grow during the summer months, mosquitoes continue to be a major health threat. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 2001 West Nile Virus infections have topped 30,000 resulting in 1,200 deaths across the United States. In addition, mosquitoes are vectors of disease in the U. S. of other diseases such as Encephalitis, Chikungunya Fever, Dengue fever, Malaria, Yellow Fever and Dog Heartworm.
Tips to assist the homeowner in reducing mosquitoes include:
- Emptying rain water from objects that may collect it.
- Keeping the lawn mowed and landscaping neatly trimmed to allow air circulation around plants.
The use of professional pest control in Fort Worth will help to ensure mosquitoes don’t find your home an inviting habitat.
Lyme disease is a major health risk to humans. Once primarily found in the Northeast and upper mid-western Western states of the U.S., there have been an increase of Lyme disease in the Southern states. It is critical to check yourself and family for ticks, especially if you are in or have been in, wooded areas.
Symptoms of Lyme disease include:
- A “bull’s eye” rash around the bite
- Flu-like symptoms
- Severe fatigue.
Considering Lyme disease can cause permanent disability or death, homeowners must ensure tick infestations are treated, and check children and pets after they have been outside. If you suspect a tick infestation, The Bug Dude can provide effective treatment for ticks to your home and grounds with pest control in Fort Worth.
Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets and Other Stinging Insects
Stinging insects are the cause for more than 500,000 people to go to the emergency room each year in the U. S. A pest control professional provides the knowledge and expertise to rid your home and property of stinging insects and prevent further infestations.
While some ants’ sting and can threaten the safety of small children and infants, all ants have the potential to contaminate food. Ants can be difficult to get rid of by homeowners, if your efforts seem to be failing, give us a call for effective ant extermination from a qualified professional for pest control in Fort Worth.
Fleas will feed on the blood of any warm-blooded mammal, including humans. Fleas can cause itchy bites and severe allergic reactions in some people. If you have a flea infestation in your home contact a professional for pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home of dangerous fleas. Fleas can transmit bacterial diseases such as Typhus, Bubonic plague, Yersinia and other deadly disease. They can transmit viral disease, tape worms, and protozoan diseases.
The Bug Dude will provide the pest control in Fort Worth that you require to rid your home and property of the pests that are both annoying and have the potential to transmit disease to you and your family. Thanks for visiting The Bug Dude.
Flea Pest Control Fort Worth
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Fleas are the most widespread external parasite found on mammals and birds. There are over 2,000 species of the flea found worldwide, with more than 300 species being found in the United States alone. As fleas are a significant potential threat to human health, an infestation in your home calls for the prompt services of professional pest control in Fort Worth.

What do fleas feed on?
Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments and feed on the blood of any warm-blooded vertebrates, including dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels, rats, mice and humans to name a few.
Where do fleas live?
Once a flea attaches to a host the flea will feed, mate and lay eggs. The eggs frequently fall off of the host onto the lawn, bedding or carpeting for example. Fleas are blind and will avoid sunlight, preferring dark places such as sand, cracks, crevices and bedding. They can be located almost anywhere, in a home infested with fleas.
How dangerous are fleas?
Fleas not only cause discomfort from biting, they are vectors for disease. Fleas transmit viral, bacterial, and rickettsial diseases to humans and other mammals. In addition, fleas can also transmit protozoan and helminth infestations. An example of a helminth infestation that fleas can be responsible for in pets is a tapeworm, where the flea serves as an intermediate host.
Fleas are known to be the vector of epidemics such as murine typhus, which is transmitted to humans through infested rats; bubonic plague is an additional example that is well known for wiping out a third of Europe’s population primarily during the 14th century. Don’t risk your family’s health, call for professional pest control in Fort Worth today.
Signs of Flea Infestation in Dogs:
- Flea droppings in the fur and on the skin. This gives the appearance of dirt in the dog’s coat
- Excessive scratching, licking and biting of skin
- Allergic dermatitis
- Wounds and hot spots
- Hair loss
- Pale gums, which may indicate anemia due to excessive feeding by fleas
- Tapeworms
How to Prevent a Flea Infestation
There are a few tips that people should follow to prevent fleas from becoming a nuisance around the home. Controlling fleas on your pet in a home already infested won’t rid the home of fleas. The following tips will assist in prevention and control, but in an active flea infestation, pest control in Fort Worth will provide the most effective means of eliminating the problem.
Maintaining a clean home will help to avoid an infestation.
- Vacuum carpets, floors and furniture frequently, and wash bed linens regularly, to remove any existing fleas and to help prevent the laying of eggs.
- Keeping a lawn tidy and well-trimmed helps to prevent rodents and their fleas from entering your home. This includes regular mowing of the lawn, replacing loose mortar and maintaining weather stripping around doors and windows, and eliminating standing water and other sources of moisture around the home. Lawns can also be treated for fleas with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Providing Pet Care
- Check pets thoroughly for fleas, especially after outdoor activity.
- Provide routine baths for pets.
- Wash pet bedding, collars and plush toys frequently.
- Talk to your veterinarian about flea prevention treatments. It’s important to be aware that flea treatments for dogs can be hazardous to cats. In addition, dog flea and tick ointment can be hazardous to humans, use and handling should be according to instructions.
How do I get rid of fleas?
Flea infestations are difficult to control due to their rapid reproduction rate. If your home has a flea infestation it’s important to contact a pest control in Fort Worth professional. If your home has a flea problem, contact The Bug Dude for the professional treatment of your home.
Dealing With Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Worldwide, approximately 41,250 species of spiders have been identified, with approximately 3,400 species that call North America home. In the U. S. the Black Widow spider is the most venomous, while the Brown Recluse claims the largest number of bites in the U. S. The presence of either of these dangerous animals in the home should be met with pest control in Fort Worth. Routine treatment may be necessary, as they tend to restore populations in their former dwelling even after treatment. This is most likely due to the home providing a favorable environment for them.
Talking to your pest control expert can provide you with tips to make the home less attractive to spiders.
The prolific spider can rapidly infest a home. If you suspect an infestation and suspect the species are the Black Widow or Brown Recluse, call for pest control in Fort Worth.
Prevention is the best means of spider control. Making the home less attractive to spiders and providing routine pest control in Fort Worth will be the most effective means of preventing spiders.
Black Widow Spiders

Black Widow spiders are the most poisonous spider in the U.S.
Adult Black widow spiders are recognized for the red hourglass shape under their abdomen. Its name comes from the popular belief that the female black widow spider eats the male after mating, this actually occurs rarely. On the other hand, juvenile Black Widow spiders display a pattern of tan and white stripes. As the spider grows and molts, females will display increasing amounts of black coloring in the integument with each molt, whereas males will retain the juvenile pattern of tan and white stripes.
The Black Widow can lay up to nine egg sacks during the summer, and each sac may contain up to 400 eggs that will hatch in two weeks. The egg sacs are white, fading to brown as it dries out. Despite its prolific breeding, the Black Widow doesn’t claim the most bites among humans. This title goes to the Brown Recluse. Give us a call for pest control in Fort Worth.
A bite from a female black widow spider soon results in slight swelling and faint red marks, then within a few hours’ severe pain and stiffness set in. Other symptoms related to the bite include chills, fever, weakness, headache, elevated blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. Young children, the elderly and those with high blood pressure are at greatest risk. Medical attention should be sought for the symptoms if you are bitten. A black widow spider antivenin is available, but is rarely necessary.
If you are seeing Black Widow spiders in your home, you may have an infestation. Don’t risk it with the potentially deadly Black Widow Spider. Give The Bug Dude a call for prompt pest control in Fort Worth.
Brown Recluse Spiders

The characteristic trait of the Brown recluse spider is a dark brown violin marking on their back. These spiders spin irregular webs, which are used as a retreat. They prefer to build their web in dry locations that are generally undisturbed, such as closets, in stacked or piled clothes, in gloves, in dressers and sleeping sofas, and in the bedsheets of seldom used beds to name a few. The Brown Recluse bears potentially deadly hemotoxic venom. Infection due to necrotic tissue is common and requires immediate medical treatment. If you routinely see these spiders in your home, you may have an infestation, give The Bug Dude a call for prompt pest control in Fort Worth. Let us eradicate these potentially deadly spiders from your home.
The Brown recluse lays her off white egg sac May through August. Each egg sac contains 40 to 80 eggs, which hatch in 24 to 36 days. Up to 3 eggs sacs may be laid a year.
The bite of a brown recluse will include some pain or burning within the first 10 minutes of the bite, along with itching. Some of those bitten complained of a temporary pain with slight burning that last only a second or two, followed by intense itching. The bite assumes a bull’s-eye appearance with a blister in the center. When the blister breaks it leaves an ulcer that scabs over. The ulcer can spread and attack the underlying skin and muscle, causing severe pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, and anemia, and gangrene. Bite victims should seek medical attention, especially if the wound does not heal or symptoms of infection are present.
The area of the bite can become a deep red, swollen with pain present. The affected area can become quite large. As the tissue surrounding the bite necrosis, the wound area will take on a purple cast in some areas and may or may not be draining. If the victim has not already seen a physician at the point of the wound swelling and turning red, the victim must immediately seek medical attention as the infection can quickly overwhelm the body.
Brown Recluse bites can result in death due to infection and gangrene. They have been known to invade homes and present the threat of infestation. They are not aggressive, and will bite only when threatened or mashed (usually accidentally as in putting on shoes where the spider resides). However, due to the risks they pose, if you see these spiders often you may have an infestation populating and breeding in the walls or under your home. Don’t risk it, seek pest control in Fort Worth for spider control.
Spider control can be a serious concern for homeowners. Of the approximate 3,400 species of spiders throughout North America, only two in the southern and western United States are potentially deadly – the black widow and brown recluse. They can rapidly become an infestation, especially with the Brown Recluse, and require pest control in Fort Worth.
If spiders are infesting your home, give us a call. We will inspect your home, identify the species of spider and provide the appropriate pest control in Fort Worth for spider control. Thanks, for visiting the The Bug Dude.
Termite Prevention Tips | Pest Control Fort Worth
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Termites are difficult pests to detect, as they typically enter through the soil. They eat their way through the structural wood of your home and before you know it, can cause significant and costly damage. If you have termites in your home, fast action is required to prevent further damage to your home or other structures. Give us a call for a thorough inspection and review of treatment options. We provide professional pest control in Fort Worth and the surrounding regions.

Prevention of termites by denying them the conditions they favor goes a long way in termite prevention. Unfortunately, termites may occur despite a homeowner’s best effort. The best means of preventing costly damage to your home is by utilizing the following tips, along with routine professional pest control in Fort Worth
The prevention tips homeowners can use as a termite deterrent include:
- Use synthetic wood or other similar building materials for garages, fences, decks or other structures that contact the soil.
- Remove any wood piles, untreated fence posts, tree stumps and buried scrap wood near structures. Do not leave brush piles near your home.
- Keep wood piles off the ground to prevent any contact with soil. For example, building materials or firewood should be elevated off of the ground on concrete blocks or slabs or other non-wood materials.
- Keep attic, crawlspaces and foundation areas well ventilated and dry to deter the moisture that attracts termites.
- Repair foundation cracks and seal openings on exterior walls to prevent termites from entering.
- Keep wooden exteriors of your home well-maintained and sealed with paint or stains. Caulk cracks around windows, doors and fill any holes in the wood structure appropriately. In addition, seal all intrusions such as where gas lines or water lines enter the home.
- Keep gutters and downspouts clear of leaves so moisture does not build up. Use splash guards to direct rain water away from the home’s foundation.
- Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and not touching the house.
- Regularly inspect porches, decks and foundation wood for signs of termites. If you see signs of termites call a professional for pest control in Fort Worth.
- Repair leaking outdoor faucets, or other leaks that provide the moisture termites love.
- Crawl spaces should be covered in plastic by a minimum of 90% coverage.
- Repair any rotted wood on your home, as well as exterior repairs that may allow termites an access point. This includes leaky roofs, and keeping gutters clean.
- Direct sprinklers to spray away from your home. If water contacts the walls shorten the spray to not contact home or near the foundation.
- Use attic ventilation to reduce humidity.
- Inspect the home’s foundation for mud tubes. Termites use these to reach your home. If you see cracked or loose paint, tap it. If it sounds hollow termites may be present.
- Firewood should be stored at least 20 feet away from the home, and elevated off of the ground.
- Don’t use wooden trellises on exterior walls.
- Don’t use mulch against your home. Mulch should be of non-wood material and at least 6 inches away from the foundation to prevent moisture.
- If your basement routinely floods, consider having a sump pump installed to pump the water away from your home.
- Have your home and surrounding structures routinely treated with professional pest control in Fort Worth for the best defense against termite infestation.
Termites can’t be controlled with DIY treatments by homeowners. Once termites are spotted damage is typically already present. Immediate action by professional pest control in Fort Worth is required to stop costly damage to your home.
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