Pest Control Fort Worth
Friday, October 30, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

In the fall, insects and rodents are looking for a warm shelter for the winter. Unfortunately, our homes provide an inviting place for pests with food, water, and warmth. Termites and ants will invade a home and burrow into the wood, creating tunnels through the framework and support beams. The damage can be devastating, and the cost of repair excessive – when repair is possible at all. Scheduling professional pest control in Fort Worth can take control of invading pests, and prevent additional infestations.
Rodents will enter the wall spaces, chew on wires, and eat holes in sheetrock. They create the risk of fire by chewing on electric wires, and cause problems by chewing through phone, internet and other cables and wire. Locating the damaged wires can be difficult, and costly to repair, and rodents bring the risk of numerous diseases. The Bug Dude can treat your rodent problem, contact us to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth.
Cockroaches are a common reason for homeowners to call for pest control in Fort Worth. There is a good reason for treating the problem, as cockroaches carry the risk of disease into your home. They crawl over dishes in the cabinets, through packaged goods such as sugar and flour, crawl over the silver wear in the drawer, and leave feces behind with the stamp of viruses and bacterial diseases.
These creepy crawlies are not alone in their attraction to your warm home. Ticks will try to shelter there, and carry the risk of Lyme’s disease, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosos, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Tularemia to name a few. In addition, spiders, wasps, and fleas will try to enter your home, along with ladybugs, stinkbugs, silverfish, centipedes, and a host of others. Professional pest control in Fort Worth provides the solution to your pest problem.
You do not have to dread the fall migration of insects and rodents seeking shelter. Proper fall maintenance by sealing the potential entries of cracks and gaps, and scheduling professional pest control in Fort Worth can treat your yard and home, stopping many pests before they can even enter.
Actions a homeowner can provide to deter pests in conjunction with professionally provided pest control in Fort Worth include:
- Replace worn door sweeps on exterior doors, and install a steel or aluminum threshold
- Inspect the door seal under garage doors and replace if gaps are present
- Replace or repair damaged screens (see below repair tip)
- Ensure the proper fit of all exterior doors, if gaps have arisen that weather stripping is unable to seal replace the door and/or door facing
- Use screen over vents and chimneys. Ensure you utilize high temperature tolerant metal mesh over the chimney
- Seal cracks, crevices, and gaps on the outside of the home, including the areas where utilities, cables, ducts and pipes enter the foundation
- Store nonperishable food in airtight plastic or glass containers
- Store garbage in tightly sealed containers and dispose of regularly
- Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the basement foundation, doors, and windows
- Eliminate moisture by repairing leaking pipes, faucets, and clogged drains
- Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house, and do not bring extra into the home or on the porch
- Keep shrubbery and tree branches trimmed at least 12 inches from the walls and roof
- Have dead trees and stumps near the home removed
- Keep the lawn neatly trimmed, and free of leaf or debris piles
- Do not use wood mulch, consider using gravel or rock instead
- Replace rotted materials on the home such as fascia, for example
- Repair roof leaks and loose flashing
- Porch posts should sit on concrete, and not the soil
- Clean countertops, tables and floors routinely to prevent crumbs and other foods from attracting pests
- Do not leave dirty dishes on the counter or in the sink. If you are unable to wash them for some time, store them in the dishwasher
- Do not leave pet food out overnight
- Maintain a neat, clean and clutter free home to help prevent pests
- Frequent vacuuming can eliminate pests and eggs
- Do not store newspaper, magazines or other paper products, dispose of them properly on a routine basis
- Properly treat pets for fleas and ticks, and inspect them before bringing back indoors
- Professional pest control in Fort Worth will help to prevent fleas and ticks in the yard that can attach to pets
- Ensure tightly fitting crawlspace doors, to keep out pests and snakes as well
- Screen the air vents that provide ventilation for the attic
Screen Repair
Screen repair may be possible for small holes. Use household cement, instant glue, or clear nail polish to seal tiny holes. Trim larger holes in a neat square, and patch with a new piece of screen about ½ inch larger than the hole. Press some of the teeth on the patch through the screen and bend them to hold in place. Use epoxy to seal the patch in place on metal screen, or instant glue for vinyl or fiberglass screens. Large tears or holes will require screen replacement.
To prevent pest infestation in your home, or to treat a current one, contact The Bug Dude to inspect, identify and provide effective, professional pest control in Fort Worth. Our pest control professionals are up-to-date on the latest techniques and treatments for control of pests. We serve Fort Worth, Dallas and the surrounding areas with quality pest control services.

Cute to some, while horrifying to others mice do not appear to be especially threatening. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the damage and the threat these unwanted pests can cause in your home. With the fall season upon us, mice and other pests will be seeking alternate food sources inside structures, such as your home. The Bug Dude is ready to take your call for professional pest control in Fort Worth. You can rely on our knowledgeable specialists for pest control services.
When mice seek food in your home, not only can they spoil it with their droppings and urine, but can transmit dangerous bacteria, to countertops and food preparation areas, and can contaminate food by chewing through its packaging. Maintaining a clean home, and routine pest control in Fort Worth will help to ensure a pest free home.
In addition, mice are a significant threat to your home’s structural integrity. They destroy insulation, and can chew through wallboards, cardboard, wood, and electrical wiring. In fact, rodents are the cause of an estimated 25 percent of house fires in the United States every year. Do not take the risk if your home has mice. Contact us for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Good sanitation practices are one means of keeping mice out of your home successfully. Keep counters clean and free of clutter; eliminate clutter throughout the home, and routinely collect and empty garbage, and trash. In addition, be sure that all garbage receptacles indoors and out, have tight-fitting covers.
Preventative action is the best means for ensuring your home remains rodent-free. Mice are opportunists that will look for a way inside a structure in search of food, water, and shelter, and during the fall and winter, you can count on mice searching for a way into your home. The following tips, and professional pest control in Fort Worth will assist you in taking preventative action against mice.
Mice Prevention Tips
- Seal cracks, gaps and holes on the outside of your home. Possible routes of entry include areas where utilities lines, cables, and pipes enter the home. This includes high points as mice can climb, and can jump up to 12 inches high, and can squeeze through the tiniest of openings.
- Replace loose mortar around the basement or crawlspace foundation, and seal cracks and gaps.
- Do not store firewood near your home, and use blocks or other to raise it above the ground high enough to see under.
- Keep shrubs and trees trimmed away from your home, cut the grass regularly, rake leaves, and remove debris piles in the yard.
- Controlling insects in the yard help to control mice populations. Contact the Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
- Inspect the weather stripping on the garage and exterior doors, and replace if necessary to eliminate gaps.
- Do not forget to check the screens on the dryer and other utility vents for tears or openings, and replace if necessary.
- Inspect the screens on windows, and ensure they fit tightly without gaps. Replace screen frames if they are warped, and screen wire or mesh if tears are present.
- Seal gaps around plumbing, wire, and cable entries on the inside of the home with caulking, expanding foam, or steel wool. Sealing cracks and holes in your home prevents mice and other pests from gaining access to your house.
- Mice eat up to twenty times per day, and look for a location with easy access to food. Accessing cabinets, (even the top ones) pose no difficulty for mice to find entry. Place food in plastic or glass containers with tight fitting lids to deter mice. This includes all packaged goods in cabinets and the pantry. This does not mean you have to open all the packaged food. Simply store packaged goods in tightly sealed plastic containers in the pantry. Cabinet size plastic containers can store your packaged goods, and can either lift out, or purchase tightly sealing plastic containers with hinged lids.
- Do not leave leftovers and vegetable parings, dirty pots and pans or dishes out until the next morning. To mice, this practice throws out a big welcome mat. Place food in a tightly sealing trash can, rinse off dishes and utensils to remove food residue (do not forget to run your garbage disposal), and store in a closed dishwasher until you are ready to run a cycle. Clean up food spills and dropped food. Remember, if mice are unable to obtain food, they will not hang around your home. If mice are infesting your home, contact us today to receive effective pest control in Fort Worth.
- Clean your closet and utilize plastic totes rather than boxes to keep mice and other pests away. Drawers anywhere in the home are favorite nesting spots for mice. Clean drawers routinely and store seldom used items in zip style bags, or vacuum seal bags. This will prevent mice from defecating and urinating on your little used clothing.
Scheduling routine pest control in Fort Worth is an essential part of good housekeeping practice to deter mice and other pests. Our professionals are trained and knowledgeable in evaluating your property and identifying your home’s specific pest control needs. Contact The Bug Dude today for effective pest control in Fort Worth, Dallas, and the surrounding areas.
Spiders in Texas | Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, September 17, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

The presence of spiders in and around the home is a common trigger for homeowners to schedule pest control in Fort Worth. There have been estimates of a thousand known species of spiders in Texas. While arachnologists say there is no need to call for treatment of non-threatening spiders, we understand that few persons want spiders in their home. Give us a call for professional pest control in Fort Worth. Some of the non-poisonous spiders commonly seen in and around our homes are:
Agelenopsis spp. (Grass Spiders)
As members of the funnel weaver family Agelenidae, grass spiders spin dense, sheet like webs with a funnel type retreat where they hide.
The cephalothorax is pear shaped, with two dark stripes running the full length. The abdomen is an elongated oval. Legs are spiny and hairy with a mottled appearance.
Agelenopsis is typically found on funnel webs among the grass, in the corners of buildings and other man-made structures. The spider spends most of its time in its funnel-like retreat, except for when waiting for prey. Males will leave the web at night to hunt, and can enter the home.
The Bug Dude will provide professional pest control in Fort Worth for the treatment of your home of spiders and/or other pests.
Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider)
Often called a Garden Spider, and a Golden Orb Weaver, the female of the species can grow to enormous sizes, up to 28 mm, almost 3 inches! They spin an orb web with a zigzag band.
Abdomen is semi oval shape, while the carapace is silver or white. The pattern on the top of the abdomen is black and yellow, while the underside is mottled black with two vertical, parallel yellow stripes. The adult male typically sports shades of brown and is considerably smaller than the female.
Legs are long with front two pairs of legs directed forward, while the rear two pairs of legs are directed backwards. Each distal leg tip has 3 claws. Common in forest edges, gardens, fallow fields, farms and orchards. The spiders prey are insects caught in the web, though they will occasionally capture lizards. These spiders seldom enter the home, though they may build nests between trees, and shrubs and the home’s walls. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home and property of pests.
Castianeira longipalpa (Ant Mimic Spider)
The Ant Mimic Spider is a distinctly patterned wandering hunter, catching prey at night and during the day. Their movements often mimic the carpenter ant, earning them the nickname “antmimic.”
The abdomen is an elongated oval, typically brown, black, or dark red, with stripes of white or yellow hairs. The carapace is pear-shaped with a base color of black, brown, or dark red, though it is typically covered in white or yellow hairs. The legs are spiny, especially on the back legs, which are the longest. Two claws are located at the tips of the legs.
Typically lives in locations close to the ground in leaves, under rocks and logs. Habitat may also be close to, or in buildings. This spider is a hunter chasing its prey down and subduing it. If pests are a problem in your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional and effective pest control in Fort Worth.
Cheiracanthium mildei (Longlegged Sac Spider)
The Longlegged Sac Spider is pale green, tan, or yellow night hunter with very long front legs. Originally a native to southern Europe, this spider migrated to North America, where it has become fairly widespread. It is typically found indoors, where it prowls at night, looking for prey or mates.
The cephalothorx and abdomen are about the same size. The abdomen in oval in shape. Legs are long relative to the body size. The legs have 2 claws.
In the United States, its territory are the walls and ceilings of houses. The spider does not spin a web, though it does spin a bed where it rests during the day. The Longlegged sac spider hunts at night. The Bug Dude’s professionals can provide the pest control in Fort Worth that you need to rid your home of pests.
Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)
This spider is a large arachnid typically seen on tree trunks, fence posts, or the exterior walls of buildings, typically at night. They do not spin webs to capture prey, but ambush large insects, and occasionally minnows that come within striking distance when located near water.
The cephalothorax and abdomen are about equal in size, with the abdomen rounded in the front, and tapered towards the rear. The legs are long, especially in the males in proportion to the body size. They have 3 claws at the tips of their legs.
Pholcus phalangioides (Longbodied Cellar Spider)
Also called Daddy Longlegs, though it is not the six legged arachnid who shares the same common name.
The abdomen is cylindrical and elongated. The cephalothorax is beige and has two gray markings in the center. The legs are extremely long and slender with 3 claws at the tip.
This spider prefers low light areas in homes, buildings and caves. A disorganized web is used to capture insects, including spiders larger than itself. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth today.
Scytodes thoracica (Spitting Spider)
Unlike many spiders with eight eyes, Scytodes has only six. Both the cephalothorax and abdomen, are rounded and about the same size. The legs are pale and spindly, with 3 claws at the tips. This spider hunts its prey and immobilizes it by spitting a mixture of silk, glue, and venom onto it. Scytodes resides in homes on walls and ceilings, in cellars, closets, and other dark areas at night.
Though their territory is typically indoors, they can occasionally be found outdoors in close proximity to homes, as well. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
If poisonous or common spiders in Texas are infesting your home, give us a call. We will inspect your home, identify the species of spider(s), and provide the appropriate pest control in Fort Worth.
Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, September 07, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

For many of us, just hearing the word spiders causes us to shiver and shudder. They are among the least favorite of the creepy crawlies, and once they appear, a call is typically made to the local pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude can take care of your pest control needs.
Of the 45,000 known species of spiders, 205 species of the arachnids have been involved in medical research. It turns out, that 40% of the species have a peptide that will revolutionize the treatment of chronic pain in the near future.
Current research reveals that spider venom in the 40% contains seven peptides, with the ability to block the ascending nerve pathway to the brain. Incredibly (considering it originates from spider venom), the new class of painkillers will offer fewer side effects than traditional painkillers.
There are nine sodium channels in the human body (Nav 1.1 through Nav 1.9), and each channel affects particular cells. In simple terms, sodium channels are the “gateway” of nerve function. Nav 1.7 channels provide a pathway for pain to the brain, and the identified spider venom peptides offer the promise to block the pain pathway.
Spider venom not only has the potential to block pain pathways, but also promises to be a non-addictive solution for those who suffer from chronic pain.
However, knowing about the current research may not change your opinion of spiders, or stop the shivers when you see one in your home. However, spiders are helpful outdoors by eating a number of insects. The majority of spiders are harmless to humans, as not all are able to bite through our skin. However, all spiders do have venom. Contact The Bug Dude today for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Tips to Control Spiders
Inside the Home
- Maintain a clutter free home, garage, sheds, basements and other storage areas
- Control humidity in attics, basements, and other dark areas of the home
- Seal boxes and any openings with tape
- Routinely vacuum up spiders, webs and egg sacs
- Seal cracks and crevices around doors, windows and foundations
- Always check shoes before putting them on
- Vacuum behind headboard often, it is a frequent spider habitat
- Pesticides require more frequent application for spiders than other insects
Outdoor Control
- Wood piles, and piles of debris attract spiders, clean them up to deter them
- Shrubs and other plantings should not be closer than 12 inches from the home to deter spiders and other insects
- Keep webs removed outdoors on patio furniture and items near the home
- Insects attract predatory spiders, keeping the prey down with pest control in Fort Worth will help to control spider populations
Of the approximate 3,400 species of spiders throughout North America, only two in the southern and western United States are potentially deadly – the black widow and the brown recluse. These two species can rapidly become an infestation, and due to the severity of the risk they pose, require pest control in Fort Worth. While some spiders like damp environments such as basements and crawl spaces, other like dry environments such as your heating and air conditioning system’s duct work, corners, and attics.
Black Widows
Black widows are shiny black in color, and are identified by the red hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomens. Typical measurements are 3 to 10 mm in size. Females are larger than males and can measure up to 13 mm in body length. Spiderlings (babies) are white and orange in color and resemble adult black widow males. However, the females will turn black as they mature. If you suspect a black widow infestation, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth
The black widow spider prefers dark, secluded areas woodpiles outdoors. Inside the home, they prefer sheltered, dimly lit locations such as garages, dark corners, basements, closets and cluttered areas. Black widows are nocturnal spiders, though they spin webs during daytime. They are abundant in the southern U.S.
Several species of widows are present in the United States. The most common in the American South are the southern widow (Latrodectus mactans), and the brown widow (Latrodectus geometricus). Bites can result in a severe reaction, or even death. Contact The Bug Dude today for effective pest control in Fort Worth.
Brown Recluse
The adult brown recluse will vary in color from dull yellow to tawny, dark brown. Younger spiders are lighter in color than adults are. Adults measure approximately 6 to 11 mm in length of body.
Brown recluse spiders are identified by the presence of a dark, violin-shaped mark on the dorsum of the arachnid’s cephalothorax, with the neck of the violin directed toward the abdomen. The violin marking has also earned this spider the name of fiddle-back spiders.
Brown recluse spiders prefer dark, sheltered places in homes, barns, and basements. Webs appear disorganized, and are typically located near the ground, or floor level. The spider is a hunter, so the web is not a tool to catch prey. The spider roams around searching for prey. The brown recluse inhabits the central southern part of the U.S., from Texas to the western section of Florida.
The bite can result in infection, gangrene, and death. Infestations can expand rather quickly. If you suspect a brown recluse infestation, call The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Tip: If you utilize glue traps to assist with spider control, a bug on the trap will attract spiders. Take notice of the spider’s location, if all spiders are located on one side, examine the wall on that side for cracks, and seal it. Leave the traps out, as a species may be nocturnal, while others are active during the day.
If spiders are infesting your home, give The Bug Dude a call for expert pest control. We will inspect your home, identify the species of spider, and provide the appropriate pest control in Fort Worth for spider eradication. Our trained professionals can take care of your pest control in Fort Worth needs.
Venomous Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, August 24, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

There are close to 900 species of spiders in Texas. Of these, only two groups are poisonous to humans. Persons who receive bites from either of these two groups of venomous spiders should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Give us a call today to schedule pest control in Fort Worth, and the surrounding areas.
Brown Recluse
Loxosceles reclusa
The brown recluse spider is one of the most widespread in the southern and central U.S. The shy recluse hides during the day, and is active at night. It lives in and around buildings in dark, warm, dry places, such as closets, under porches, in barns, etc. The spider is also known as ‘the fiddle back’ spider, because of the marking of a violin on its back between the eyes and the abdomen. The shape of the violin is easy to mistake, so the eyes are the best means of identifying a brown recluse. The spider has six eyes, rather than eight like the majority of spiders.
An additional characteristic of the recluse is holding its legs at a slant when resting. Amazingly, the spider can go months without eating, and the female needs to mate only once to produce fertile eggs throughout her lifetime, producing 150 or more spiderlings in a year. Once they establish residence in a structure, they are often difficult to control without professional pest control in Fort Worth. Hundreds of brown recluses can be living in a home, while only a few are seen due to their reclusive behavior.
The spider’s venom causes the gangrenous death and decay of the tissue surrounding the site of the brown recluse spider bite. While some persons only experience intense itching, others report the symptoms of chills, itching, fever, nausea, sweating and general malaise (sickness and discomfort). A blister forms, with the potential for a volcano lesion to develop, and may take as long as 8 weeks to heal. Though rare, death may occur. Due to the large numbers that can be present in a home, when present, professional pest control in Fort Worth is strongly recommended.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends when bitten, wash the wound with soap and water, wrap ice in a cloth and apply 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off, repeating until you arrive at an emergency room. Bring the spider if possible for identification. Contact The Bug Dude for effective pest control in Fort Worth.
Other Facts
The brown recluse prefers dark, undisturbed locations, and is common in homes. It is wise to shake out shoes and clothing before putting them on, and to wear gloves while reaching into places where visibility is not good. The brown recluse does not use webs to catch prey but actively hunts its prey. Bites from the recluse are more common than from the black widow. If this spider is present in and around your home, contact us to provide pest control in Fort Worth.
Five types of brown recluses are known in parts of Texas: Loxosceles rufescens, Loxosceles apachae, Loxosceles devia, Loxosceles blanda and Loxosceles reclusa. The latter is the most commonly reported. The Bug Dude’s professionals can provide the pest control in Fort Worth that you need.
The Wolf Spider
The wolf spider is often mistaken for a brown recluse. Wolf spiders look similar to the recluse; however, they lack the violin shape on the head, and are hairy, unlike the recluse. They do not build webs to capture prey, hunting at night as the brown recluse does. The wolf spider is not venomous.
Southern House Spider
Kukulcania hibernalis looks slightly similar to a recluse, but is larger and does not have the violin-shaped marking on its head. Female southern house spiders build webs, while the male hunts, like the recluse or the wolf spider. This spider is not venomous.
Black Widow
Latrodectus mactans
Black Widows are found throughout the U. S., though it is most commonly seen in the southern states. It prefers dark corners and crevices, as well as protected cavities outdoors, such as sheds, garages, and other undisturbed places. The adult southern black widow is a shiny black spider with a distinctive red hourglass pattern on the underside of its globular abdomen. The northern black widow has a row of red spots down the middle of the upper surface of the abdomen, and two crosswise bars on the underside. Furthermore, the northern spider may be brown, rather than black.
The Black Widow’s name originates from the reputation of some of the females of the species of devouring the males after mating, but this is not true of all. Only the female is dangerous to humans. The bite feels like a pinprick when felt at all. Initially, there may be slight local swelling and redness, and two red spots in the area of the bite.
Symptoms usually start within 20 minutes to one hour after the bite. Pain may become intense within one to three hours and can continue up to 48 hours. Pain is typically localized in the abdomen and back. Other possible symptoms include muscle cramps, pain in the soles of the feet, swollen eyelids, nausea, weakness, fainting, chest pain, profuse perspiration, dizziness, tremors, difficulty breathing, and speech, and vomiting. The victim may experience a weak pulse, cold clammy skin, unconsciousness, convulsions, and even death may result if the victim does not receive immediate medical attention. Bites are uncommon and death is rare, though if seen in your home, pest control in Fort Worth is strongly recommended.
Do not risk the bite of the black widow spider, if you have seen this spider in or around your home, contact us to provide pest control in Fort Worth.
What to Do
Seek immediate medical attention. Those at the greatest risk of a serious reaction to Black Widow venom are small children, and the elderly. If symptoms are severe, call 911 for emergency transport, so treatment can begin.
Other Facts
Not all black widow bites contain venom. The spider can choose to bite while injecting venom, or to deliver a bite without venom. The venomous bite is more likely to occur when it feels its life is threatened.
Texas claims four types of black widow: Latrodectus geometricus, Latrodectus mactan, Latrodectus various and Latrodectus hesperus. The black widow builds webs, which makes it easier for you to see it. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
If your home or office has a problem with venomous spiders or other pests, contact The Bug Dude to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are trained, and knowledgeable of the latest in pest control techniques, which enables us to provide effective custom treatment plans for every situation.
Pest Control Fort Worth — Fire Ants
Wednesday, July 01, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

With summer in full swing, fire ants are active in their continued expansion across the southern U.S. Fire ants are prolific invaders, and each year cause approximately $6 billion in damages throughout the U.S. Control is the best defense, and professional pest control in Fort Worth is the best means of managing a fire ant infestation.
The fire ant now inhabits the southern United States, and continues to invade new regions, expanding its territory. The fire ant first entered the United States at Mobile, Ala., in 1918 aboard a cargo ship thought to be from Argentina.
Since then, the infestation has reached Central Texas, southern Tennessee, and as far as North Carolina’s southern coastal plain. Not even flooding can deter fire ants. They simply form a raft by locking arms, legs, and jaws and can survive for months in this formation. The stinging pests have adapted well to life in the U.S., thriving in the climate and landscape with little or no predator, except for humans and pest control in Fort Worth.
Experts initially thought the colder climates to the north and west may limit further expansion of the fire ant. Unfortunately, plant nurseries and sod farms delivering soil across the country appear to be opening new avenues of diffusion, while the pests range continues to expand despite all efforts.
The fire ant lives in immense colonies that produce mounds of dirt, typically up to three feet across and as much as two feet high. Each colony has a queen, and can number up to 500,000 ants, which may include new queens.
The new queens will fly to new territories where they lay about a dozen eggs and establish new colonies. The eggs hatch about 7 to 10 days later. Once the colony is established, a queen fed by worker ants may lay up to 800 eggs per day. Adults emerge within 15 days. Worker ants exhibit a range of sizes and typically live about 5 weeks, while queen ants can live 7 years or longer. Pest control in Fort Worth is the best means of controlling fire ant infestations.
A fire ant colony is omnivorous, feeding on plant and animal sources alike, such as seeds, young plants, and other insects. However, fire ants can be beneficial as they feed primarily on other pests. In urban areas, fire ants feed on flea larvae, chinch bugs, cockroach eggs, ticks and other pests. Unfortunately, the ants will attack anything that inadvertently disturbs their mounds, swarming to the surface and inflicting painful stings. The can invade homes, and have been known to attack infants, and very young children as they sleep in their beds. In addition, fire ants take their toll on newborn livestock birthed on or close to a nest.
When attacking, fire ants first use their mandibles to grip their prey, and then inject venom through a stinger. Fire ant stings are painful, and may be fatal to those who experience an allergic reaction. Ants can enter through tiny cracks, seeking water or food. The most common sign of an ant infestation is the observation of worker ants in the home. Fire ants in the home require immediate action, contact the Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth when the painful pest invades your home.
Typical fire ant colonies with one queen per nest are monogyne colonies. Others can have multiple queens and are polygyne colonies. The polygyne colony is more difficult to control as a single surviving queen will ensure the colony’s survival. Polygyne colonies frequently expand with satellite mounds, which occur when some of the queens and workers create new mounds nearby.
Polygyne colonies result in significantly higher mound densities per acre, and while 50 mounds per acre is typical in heavy infestations, infestations as high as 1,000 mounds per acre can occur in the southeastern United States. Effective treatment of fire ants requires professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Fire ants will build mounds in almost any type of soil, but prefer open, sunny areas such as pastures, parks, lawns, and cultivated fields. New mounds can pop up almost overnight. Flooding causes colonies to leave their mounds and float until they can reach land to establish a new mound.
Tips to Discourage Fire Ants in the Home
- Clean up food and drink spills, and keep food in tightly sealed containers. Do not throw kitchen waste on the lawn close to the home, as this will attract foraging ants.
- Fire ants can gain entry inside the homes by many means. A common site of entry is through poorly sealed windows. Fire ants can also enter through gaps, and holes for wiring, cables, ducts, and plumbing. If you are able to identify points of entry seal them tightly, or contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
- Moisture problems caused by plumbing leaks may attract fire ants into your home, and may colonize walls, attics and other voids. Leaky outdoor faucets and roofs also attract the pests.
- Potted plants provide an attractive oasis for fire ants during hot, dry summers. Be especially cautious of bringing potted plants indoors, ensuring fire ants are not within the pot.
- Inspect other objects such as toys, before bringing them indoors. Fire ant will colonize the cavities of plastic toys, and other hollow objects.
- Store open bags or boxes of pet food in tightly sealed containers. Clean up uneaten food as soon as possible. Do not leave uneaten food out to avoid providing a food source for fire ants.
- Mulch is beneficial for plants, holding moisture in and preventing weeds. Unfortunately, mulch provides an attractive environment for fire ants as well. Talk to your expert pest control in Fort Worth about alternatives less favorable for fire ants in your area.
- Keep shrubbery and trees trimmed back from the home to prevent providing a “bridge” for pests to enter the home.
Do-it-yourself pest control seldom succeeds in little more than a reduced number of fire ants, with new beds cropping up after treatment. Effective fire ant treatment requires professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude can provide the treatment you require to get rid of fire ants, with professional pest control in Fort Worth. Do not suffer unwanted pests in your home or on your lawn, contact the reliable professionals at The Bug Dude to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
Carpenter Ants | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, June 01, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Preventive pest control in Fort Worth is the best solution for maintaining a bug free home. If your home is invaded by carpenter ants, and action is delayed or ignored, serious structural damage may occur to your home. When you suspect a carpenter ant infestation, call The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Carpenter ants are among the largest species of ant in the U.S., and are extremely active during the spring and summer. They build their nests in moist, decaying, or hollow wood. Carpenter ants do not eat wood, but will cut galleries and interconnecting passageways in wood. They deposit the removed outside of the nest in small piles. Unlike termites, these ants do not line the galleries with mud. Carpenter ants will feed on meat and sweets given the opportunity, and on other insects.
Once they invade a home, you are likely to find them behind bathroom tiles, around sinks, tubs, showers, and dishwashers. While these areas are prone to the moisture carpenter ants prefer, they may invade other areas of the home. They can nest in the hollow space around doors, behind walls, in ceilings, behind siding, and in storage boxes containing wooden items such as picture frames. The damage is often unknown until it is too late.
Due to their large size of up to 13mm, carpenter ants are not hard to spot. If you see them in your home (and often you will not), on porches or decks, and on the lawn, being proactive is the best response. Contact the Bug Dude for eradication of carpenter ants with pest control in Fort Worth.
Carpenter ants build two types of nests, parent colonies, and satellite colonies. Parent colonies consist of the queen, her brood, and worker ants. Satellite colonies consist of workers, older larvae, and pupae. These pests build satellite colonies when the parent colony lacks sufficient space, or when there is an ample supply of food or water to support an increased population. A single parent colony can have multiple satellite colonies. Effective pest control in Fort Worth is the optimal solution for combating carpenter ants.
Pest Control
Controlling carpenter ants on your own can be an ongoing struggle that typically fails to achieve full eradication. Professional pest control in Fort Worth is the most effective means of ridding your home and property of the pest, and the best means of preventing future invasions.
Getting rid of carpenter ants requires finding and destroying their nest, and satellite colonies. When you consider all of the locations they may be in your home, the task is daunting, and rightfully so. Once treatment is complete, take care of the cause of moisture to prevent a recurrence of the infestation. Contact a plumber repair water leaks, provide sealing of tubs and showers, or replacement of leaky tubs, showers, sinks, and toilets.
Carpenter Ant Prevention
In order to prevent damage to your home, early professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential, and is the best carpenter ant prevention measure. Other tips to discourage carpenter ants around the home include:
- Repair roof leaks, leaky chimney flashing, and plumbing leaks. If your home has a flood issue due to runoff after a rain, contact a plumber for a sump pump, French drain, or correction of gutter and downspout problems.
- Trim tree limbs or branches that overhang, or touch the roof. These can act as a bridge to your home. Trim foundation shrubs that touch the walls. There should be at least 12 inches between the plant and wall.
- Seal cracks and openings around the foundation. This includes utility pipes and wires or cables entering from the exterior.
- Stack firewood as far from the home as possible, elevate it off the ground on a non-organic material such as bricks or blocks. Do not store firewood inside the home, or on a porch. Always inspect it before bringing it inside. Carpenter Ants love to nest in firewood.
- The supportive posts of decks should rest on concrete, and not in contact with soil.
- Have dead trees, and stumps that are located near the home removed.
- Do not stack brush piles near the home.
- Cover food and store in containers. If you have little ones dropping food in the home, clean it up and vacuum often.
If you suspect your home has been invaded by carpenter ants, call The Bug Dude at 1-800-310-BUGS (2847). We will treat the infestation with professional pest control in Fort Worth, and restore your peace of mind. With summer fully engaged now, mosquitos and the risk of disease are also all about us. Our professionals can take care of your pest control needs.
Yellow Jackets | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, May 04, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

While the warmer weather is welcome after winter’s end, the insects of spring and summer are not. Yellow jackets are a type of predatory wasp feared for its painful sting. Need assistance ridding your property of these pests? Contact the Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
While yellow jackets are primarily recognized as the common yellow and black Eastern yellow jacket, others may be black and white or red and white. Yellow jacket behavior includes the characteristic side to side flight prior to landing. Only females are capable of stinging, and while they are feared by almost everyone, they are predators of other insects known as pests.
Yellow jackets build nests in trees, shrubs, or in protected places such as inside man-made structures, or in soil cavities, etc. Nests are constructed from wood fiber they chew into a paper-like pulp. A colony of yellow jackets may contain 1,000 or more workers by the fall, all of which are sterile females. Males appear in late summer, and once they become adults, they will mate with the females that will become the next year’s queens.
The fertilized females will hibernate through the winter, while the workers and the males will perish when the weather turns cold. Receiving professional pest control in Fort Worth when nests are known can reduce the number of hibernating queens, and consequently the number of nests the following year.
In the southeastern United States, where the southern yellow jacket (Vespula squamosa) resides, nests may persist through the winter, and colonies of this species may reach a population of 100,000 adults.
A large number of yellow jackets are ground-nesters. Their colonies can be found under porches or steps, in sidewalk cracks, around railroad ties or at the base of trees. They will also build on the side of hills. Sometimes the queen will nest in a buildings wall void. Some yellow jackets build aerial nests in bushes, low-hanging branches or in the corners of buildings. Use caution when confronted with large numbers of the pest in specific areas, it is possible a nest is nearby. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth if you suspect one or more nests.
The sting of a yellow jacket is extremely painful, with victims often claiming the pain can last up to two weeks. Unfortunately, each insect is capable of delivering multiple stings. Yellow jacket stings may induce severe allergic reactions in some persons, and can be life threatening if a person is stung multiple times. Furthermore, yellow jacket stings typically result in swelling and redness. The eradication of yellow jacket nests is best left to professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Yellow jackets are drawn to fast movement, particularly when agitated after a nest has been disturbed. Get away from the area as quickly as possible, but with the least amount of noise and commotion. Yellow jackets have been known to chase a person who disturbed their nest as far as 300 yards. If you are tired of yellow jackets around your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth to eradicate these stinging insects.
If you suspect a yellow jacket nest located inside a wall of a building’s do not seal the entrance until all of the yellow jackets are dead. If the entrance is sealed, members of the colony will try to escape to the inside of the structure and thus create a stinging hazard to the occupants inside the building.
Some of the preventive efforts that your pest management professional may recommend include keeping trash cans closed and clean so that yellow jackets are unable to feed on food residues either inside or outside the refuse container, and using specialized traps to capture yellow jackets that are attracted to the traps. Traps alone will not control them, however, the nests must be located and destroyed and a professional pest control in Fort Worth provide the safest means of doing so.
Yellow Jacket Tips
- Never crush a yellow jacket. A dying yellow jacket worker releases an alarm pheromone that alerts its nest mates. You could find yourself surrounded by angry members of its colony. Leave their eradication to The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
- You can reduce their attraction to you by avoiding the use of hairspray, perfume, or aftershave and don’t wear bright-colored clothing, especially bright yellow, light blue, red, or orange. Wear white or light tan fabrics instead.
- Underground yellow jacket nests in East Texas have been known to be over 6 feet across and contained over 1 million cells.
- If chased by yellow jackets, run in a zigzag pattern, and seek shelter in a building or automobile. Do not jump in water, yellow jackets wait for you to surface.
- Yellow jackets require water for drinking and nest building. Reduce available water by repairing defective spigots and watering pets indoors.
- Keep fruit that drops from trees picked up and disposed of.
- Wear shoes when walking through lawns to avoid painful stings to bare feet.
- Be cautious when drinking from a can or bottle, as you may swallow a yellow jacket and receive a sting in the throat. Look before you drink.
If you are bothered by yellow jackets, or other pests, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude serves Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Fort Worth Pest Control | Carpenter Ants
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

April Showers Bring – Carpenter Ants
Springs arrival brings carpenter ants, and unfortunately this is sometimes out of the woodwork – literally. Carpenter ants damage wood by hollowing it out for nesting, The difference between carpenter ant damaged wood and termite damaged wood, is the lack of mud in tunnels and nests. Late spring brings carpenter ants out in swarms, endangering wooden structures including your home. If you have carpenter ants, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
Carpenter ants vary in size, but are typically large in size (1/4 to 1/2 inch) and black in color. Shredded wood similar to coarse sawdust may be ejected through cracks in the wood, or exits made by the ants. This pseudo sawdust is a good indication of a carpenter ant nest nearby. If you see unexplained “sawdust piles” contact us for pest control in Fort Worth.
Carpenter ants prefer moist wood, but will nest in dry wood. Inside the home, nests are typically found in wood that is damp from water leaks, such as around bathtubs, sinks, leaky windows or doors, roof leaks and leaky chimney flashing.
The nest can be inside or outside of the home or other affected structure. Carpenter ants establish two types of nest, the parent colony which contains the queen, her brood and several thousand worker ants, and satellite colonies which contain large numbers of worker ants only. Contrary to popular belief, they do not eat wood as termites do, but merely tunnel through wood, and nest in it.
The best way to control carpenter ants is to hire a professional for pest control in Fort Worth to locate and destroy the nests. The extent of damage to a structure will directly depend upon how many nests there are, and how long the infestation has been occurring.
Because carpenter ants often utilize electrical wiring and plumbing to move within a home, an extensive and long lived infestation may require access through the walls for treatment. Effective extermination often requires a multi-pronged approach with professional pest control in Fort Worth for prevention and treatment of existing infestations. After the initial treatment, quarterly applications from a professional should be applied to prevent further infestation in the future.
The following is recommended in addition to professional pest control in Fort Worth to assist in discouraging carpenter ants in and near your home:
The Bug Dude uses a variety of approaches to treat carpenter ants as recommended by the scientific research for Fort Worth and the surrounding areas, and our extensive research.
For colonies within a home, we may directly apply a registered pesticide dust into voids to reach carpenter ants. The dust formulation is often used in carpenter ant treatment due to the following:
- Long-lasting properties
- Easy access to the insect
- Has less odor than conventional insecticides
- The fine particles stick to the hairy surfaces of ants’ bodies and is carried into the colony. As they clean themselves and feed other ants and larvae, the insecticide is spread throughout the colony.
Standard treatment of carpenter ants typically provides a quarterly perimeter spray with professional pest control in Fort Worth throughout the year. This spray disrupts foraging trails and assists in preventing entry from parent colonies nesting outside your home. The exterior perimeter spray typically includes an application against the foundation, under the edges of the siding, around window and door frames, and on carpenter ant trails.
Preventing Carpenter Ants
Homeowners should use the following ant pest control preventative steps to reduce the potential for future carpenter ant infestations:
- Repair roof leaks, plumbing leaks and faulty gutters and downspouts. Ensure water drainage is well away from the home’s foundation.
- Ensure mulch and planter beds are at least 12 inches from the homes foundation, and that soil surrounding the foundation slopes away from the home. Splash guards should also slope to distribute water away from the home to prevent water from standing near the foundation.
- Keep tree limbs, and other vegetation off of the roof or siding of the house.
- Seal cracks and openings in the foundation, and where utility pipes and cables enter from the outside. Seal gaps and cracks surrounding windows and doors; ensure door sweeps are in good condition.
- Stack firewood at least five feet from the home. The further away it is from any structure, the least likely carpenter ants, termites or other insects are to invade your home. Elevate it 8-12 inches off of the ground to allow air flow to circulate under it, preventing the build-up of moisture that insects such as carpenter ants favor. Never store firewood in the garage or other areas of the home, to help to prevent carpenter ants.
If you suspect you have carpenter ants don’t delay, give us a call for effective ant extermination with professional pest control in Fort Worth. Call The Bug Dude today.
Pest Control: Fire Ants | Fort Worth, TX
Monday, March 02, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Each year fire ants cause approximately $6 billion in damages across the nation. For the electric and telecom industries, the cost due to the stinging pests is $638 million. Primarily located in the Southeast, fire ants are continuing the migration westward and have spread as far west as California. Management is the best defense against fire ants, and professional pest control in Fort Worth is the best means to manage a lawn infestation, and secure indoor locations against them.
Fire ants invade electrical equipment, especially transformers, and build their large dirt mounds that can cause power outages and compromised equipment. They appear especially attracted to high voltage, and dead ants can build up in and around contacts, leaving behind equipment in need of repair.
HVAC technicians in Texas confirm that one third of all summer HVAC repairs are due to the ants. They invade outdoor electrical service panels, well pump controls, utility meters, electrical plugs and lamp sockets, and one of their favorites – transformers. Not even automobiles are exempt, leave behind food or drink, even crumbs, and fire ants will take up residence in your car, and under the hood.
Fire ants are omnivorous, meaning they will feed on animal or vegetable sources of food. The fire ant worker’s diet includes insects, earthworms, ticks, spiders, arthropod eggs, honeydew and other sweets. They will feed on weakened honey bee colonies as well. Plant sources of food include seeds, such as germinating seeds of corn, sorghum and soybeans. They kill plants by tunneling into young corn stalks, potatoes, okra and citrus fruit. Young and newborn vertebrate animals eaten by fire ants include birds, rodents and calves and others, whether the ants caused the death, or if due to other causes.
An interesting fact regarding fire ants pertains to the honeydew they love. Sucking insects, such as aphids produce the honeydew. Fire ants provide protection for the honeydew producing insects, though they will cull unhealthy or diseased members of the population, enabling the honeydew producing population to thrive. Fire ant management with pest control in Fort Worth will assist in controlling the population of sucking insects.
Management is required for these aggressive pests or they will continue to proliferate on your lawn. In the Southeast where they first invaded, there have been reports of 100 nests per acre. Even worse, some nests have been known to be large enough to cover a full grown adult human body though this is uncommon.
Even more dangerous is the fact that fire ants will invade a home and attack those unable to defend themselves, such as human infants and toddlers. When this occurs, not all survive. DIY treatment alone is never successful in fully ridding your lawn of fire ants; they simply spread back from neighboring untreated lawns. Even worse, after a while, they seem to develop a tolerance to retail treatments, requiring the homeowner to switch up several times during the warm seasons. Even season long treatments will not last throughout the entire season before the fire ants return. Fire ant management is best achieved with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
If you need assistance or advice on a fire ant infestation contact the professionals at The Bug Dude. Our specialists can provide the services to get rid of fire ants, and/or other pests with professional pest control in Fort Worth. Do not suffer unwanted pests in your home or on your lawn, contact the pest control specialists at The Bug Dude to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
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