The flea typically encountered in homes are cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis). These pests are intermediate hosts of tapeworms, which can infect humans when accidentally ingested. In humans, a flea bite is itchy, and may result in swelling when the person is allergic to flea bites.
Furthermore, flea anemia can be a concern for host pets and may be fatal to very young pets. If you are experiencing a problem with fleas, indoors or out, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. We can take care of your pest problems.

Fleas are small, wingless insects approximately 1/8 inch long when mature. Flea larvae are less than 1/4 inch long, and are more likely to be found in pet bedding. Fleas are brownish-black and have backward-pointing bristles that make them more difficult to remove by grooming. Adult cat fleas are about 1/8 inch long. The hind legs of the flea are long and well adapted for high, long jumping. They are capable of jumping to heights of up to 8 inches and at distances of 19 inches.
The cat flea feeds on the blood of cats, dogs, wildlife and though less common, people. A flea may feed on a blood meal as often as 15 times in a day. Fortunately, other types of fleas, such as the dog flea, human flea and rat flea are less common. The Bug Dude can take care of your flea problem with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
The Life Cycle
The life cycle of the flea goes through four stages-egg, larva, pupa and adult. Adult fleas will jump onto a passing host rather than travel long distances by jumping. Without a host, adult fleas will only live from a few days to two weeks.
The female flea lays eggs within two days of her first blood meal. Within four to nine days later she is producing approximately 27 eggs per day. She consumes 15 times her body weight each day in blood, with the majority excreted partially digested in feces. Flea feces is a fine, reddish-black dust seen in pet fur and bedding. The flea larvae feed on adult flea feces, and without it, they can’t survive. However, they also may feed on organic matter such as food particles, dead skin or feathers. Larvae develop in five to 11 days.
The pupa is the stage between the larva and adult. The pupa forms inside a cocoon, and in one to two weeks the pupa emerge as an adult. The adult flea can remain in the cocoon for up to five months, and is capable of emerging within seconds when a host passes by. Prompt treatment with pest control in Fort Worth when fleas are detected can prevent a heavy flea infestation.
Fleas survival is poorer in hot, sunny lawns, in relative humidity less than 50 percent, or when the soil temperature is above 95°F which kills flea larvae. Outdoors, fleas are most likely to be found in moist, shady areas near pet resting areas. Professional pest control in Fort Worth can identify potential flea breeding grounds and treat the area, ridding your lawn of fleas. Indoors, flea larvae are most likely to be found under furniture and in pet bedding.
Cat fleas don’t carry plague. However, fleas that feed on rodents can transmit diseases, including plague and Murine typhus. Avoiding close contact with wild rodents such as squirrels, rats and prairie dogs.
The difficulty in home treatment of fleas is that not all retail products address all stages of the life cycle. Treatment is most successful when rendered by professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Flea Control
People with flea problems often want to know how to prevent a flea infestation. A flea control program includes good sanitation and treatment of the pet and its environment. Changing pet bedding routinely and thorough vacuuming will assist in controlling fleas. Vacuuming removes up to 30% of flea larvae and as much as 60% of the flea eggs from carpet. In addition, it removes the dried blood the larvae require to survive.
Vacuum under furniture, cushions, chairs, beds and along walls as well as the carpet. Vacuum canisters should be emptied into a sealed bag and disposed of in the outdoor trash. Vacuum bags should be discarded. Contact The Bug Dude for flea treatment, with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Pet Treatment
A pet’s defense against fleas is a flea comb and a good bath, and flea treatment with an effective product. The pet’s bedding and living areas should be treated at the same time the pet is treated. This kills immature and newly emerging fleas and prevents re-infestation of the pet. If a flea infestation is taking over your home, contact our reliable professionals for pest control in Fort Worth.
Fleas Without Pets
Occasionally, commercial buildings and homes’ can become infested with fleas without any pets being present. Other animals such as roof rats, squirrels, raccoon’s, opossums and cats commonly nest in structures and can be the source of a flea infestation. The openings through which wildlife may enter the home/building should be sealed after removal of the animals, and professional pest control in Fort Worth should be provided.
The Bug Dude can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth you need for the treatment of fleas or other pest issues. Our highly trained professionals can
identify your pest problem and provide effective treatment. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Mosquito | Pest Control Fort Worth
Tuesday, August 09, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Mosquitos are a major concern due to the diseases they transmit, and the interruption of outdoor activities when they are present. The increased incidence of >mosquito caused disease is rising, with the Zika virus being the latest of many. While the potential diseases and long-term effects of diseases such as Zika are frightening, mosquitoes can be successfully managed through the efforts of property owners and pest control professionals. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule >pest
control in Fort Worth.

Here’s the facts on these dangerous pests:
The Mosquito
Few people realize that plant nectar provides the nutrients adult mosquitoes need to survive. Female mosquitoes utilize the protein found in their victim’s blood to support the production of eggs. Male mosquitoes have no need for the protein and don’t bite.
Mosquito eggs are laid in standing water in order to develop, and hatch in just 1 to 3 days. Any item that is capable of retaining water for several days is a potential site for mosquitoes to develop and hatch. This can include rain barrels, potting saucers, and old tires as well as others. Our professionals can assist you in locating potential breeding sites when you contact us for >pest control in Fort Worth.
Diseases Transmitted By Mosquitoes
The experts often state that mosquitoes pose a greater threat to human health than any other animal worldwide. Although not all mosquito transmitted diseases occur in the US, the numbers are rising and outbreaks are expanding.
Some diseases that occur in the US because of mosquito bites include:
- West Nile Virus affected 30,000 people in the US in 2001 according to the CDC, 1,200 resulted in death.
- Zika Virus is a disease that can cause birth defects in pregnant women.
- Dengue fever causes flu like symptoms and in rare cases leads to death. It is primarily a disease of tropical locations, but has been reported in TX and FL.
- Yellow fever was once common in the US. Today, vaccination is available if an outbreak were to occur.
- Malaria is still considered a major concern in the U.S.although it is rare.
- Chikungunya virus is primarily found in Africa and Asia. However, in 2013 it occurred in the Western Hemisphere on islands in the Caribbean. Since then it has spread to 45 countries with approximately 2 million cases reported. Cases have been diagnosed in the U.S. but were contracted elsewhere. At this time, it hasn’t been identified as naturally occurring in the U.S., although Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have reported outbreaks.
- Encephalitis occurs in more than one type, with Eastern Equine Encephalitis being the most deadly form in the U.S. While man is a dead end host for the disease, 30% of those infected will die. Of those who survive, 50% are rendered with varying degrees of mental disability and/or paralysis.
Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites
Identifying areas where mosquitoes lay eggs is an essential first step in controlling them. Without treating or eliminating the source, mosquitoes will continue to be a threat and nuisance. Contact The Bug Dude for >pest control in Fort Worth.
Inspect the following sites for signs of mosquito larva and adult presence:
- Ornamental ponds and natural or manmade bodies of water
- Green pools
- Flower pots and discarded items that may be holding water
- Rain gutters and crawl spaces
- Old car tires
- Landscaping and irrigation systems
- Bird baths and fountains
- Holes in trees
- Buckets/tubs
- Wheel barrels and lawn wagons
- Any area where water puddles after a rain and remains for 7 days
Mosquito treatment involves the two methods of larvacide mosquito dunks, and a standard barrier treatment. The Bug Dude can provide the >pest control in Fort Worth that you require.
Larvicide Mosquito Dunks
Larvacide mosquito dunks are an insecticide which is specifically targeted for the larval life stage of an insect. A tablet is introduced into the stagnant water where mosquito larvae are found. These mosquito dunks treat the ponds and/or other standing water sources, preventing mosquito larvae from growing into adults.
Barrier Treatment
Thick vegetation provides an ideal sites for adult mosquito. Mosquitoes roost on the underside of leaves, requiring mosquito fogging to be effective in treatment. In addition, the product will be transferred by adults to water sites when eggs are laid. This will kill off adult mosquitoes and help control the local population’s reproduction cycle. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Mosquito Control
Through diligent efforts from property owners and professional >pest control in Fort Worth, mosquitoes can be controlled with success.
If you require professional pest control in Fort Worth for a >mosquito problem or other pests, contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional services. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, July 18, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Spiders are one of the most dreaded and feared of pests that can occupy the home, and a common cause of the request for pest control in Fort Worth. The fear is not without reason. If a black widow or a brown recluse bites you, you can end up in the hospital. Controlling the spider’s food sources around your home is an essential component in preventing them in the home, along with routine pest control in Fort Worth.

Spiders eat other insects, and reducing other insects will reduce the food sources, and provides an environment less inviting for spiders. The Bug Dude can provide
professional pest control in Fort Worth for your home.
Not all spiders have the same habits. Numerous spiders will spend their lifetime on a web, and these can only be killed by direct contact with a pesticide, or your weapon of choice such as a rolled up magazine. Most web spiders let the prey come to them, and like to build webs near sources of light where flying insects are attracted.
Hunting spiders on the other hand will run their prey down. These too have a variety of members, such as the jumping spider with its short stubby legs.
Spiders with sturdy, long legs are the runners. This group includes the brown recluse spiders and the wolf spiders, for example. These spiders do not spin a web, and spraying the cracks and crevices they frequent will expose them to the chemical if its body contacts it. Contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
Spiders are often stealthy little predators. Some hang out in quiet, dark areas, such as a closet or pantry, while others travel along walls, beside, or behind furniture, between a headboard and wall. These frequented areas are the location of choice for placing glue traps, but a heavy infestation will require professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Controlling Spiders in the Home
- Carefully inspect your home for cracks, crevices, and gaps where spiders or other pests can enter. Common sites are around windows, doors, poorly aligned outlet covers, cracks between the wall and ceiling, cracks in the basement wall and gaps around cables, and pipe entering through walls or the floor. Seal these areas with the appropriate caulking or expanding foam. Please note, sealing of heated exhaust pipes, such as a furnace, wood heater or gas water heater require specialized heat tolerant sealant.
- Remove piles of papers, boxes, bags, and other clutter in the home to reduce potential nesting areas.
- Frequent vacuuming and sweeping of corners, closets, basements and other undisturbed will assist in reducing spiders in the home. Ensure to remove egg sacs to prevent additional spiders.
- Our specialists can identify your pest problem, including spiders, and provide the appropriate pest control in Fort Worth.
Controlling Spiders Outdoors
- Spiders tend to spin their webs in quiet, undisturbed, and secluded areas.
- Keep firewood away from the home
- Clean up leaves, burn piles and remove other debris from around the yard
- Trim trees and shrubs away from the home with no less than a foot of clear space between
- If you haven’t already caulked and sealed cracks and gaps on the home’s structure do so now
- Ensure there are no tears or holes in screens, and replace poorly fitting doors or windows
- Place screens over plumbing air vent pipes
- Replacing standard outdoor mercury vapor lights with high-pressure sodium vapor, halogen, or LED lighting will reduce the amount of flying insects that attract spiders.
- Remove yard clutter, and routinely inspect under the hood and underneath riding lawn mowers. Black widow spiders and brown recluses love the riding mower, even
those often used.
Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Interesting Spider Facts
Though the black widow is the recognized arachnid for eating its mate after mating, most spider species share the same trait. Female spiders are typically larger than males of the same species, and when hungry, will eat any invertebrate including potential mates.
So risky is mating for the males, they often use courtship rituals to identify themselves as a potential mate rather than a meal. Web building spider males will approach the edge of the web and pluck a strand of silk to create an attention getting vibration. The male awaits a sign from the female that she is receptive before
approaching. Jumping spiders perform elaborate dances from a safe distance, and wait for a signal from the female.
The female Wolf spider carries her egg cocoon, holding it to her body. During the night, she leaves the sac in the tunnel while she hunts, and brings it into the sun during the day to warm the eggs. Once baby wolf spiders hatch, they cling to their mothers back after hatching until they are large enough to be on their own. There are approximately 200 types of wolf spiders in North America.
Little Known Black Widow Facts
The species Lactrodectus is commonly called the black widow spider. However, not all widows
are black. In the U.S., there is also a brown widow and a red widow.
While almost all black widow spiders have a bright red or orange hourglass shaped marking on the underside of their abdomens, the red widow Lactrodectus bishop, does not have the marking.
Black widow venom is 15 times more potent than a rattlesnake; luckily, the amount injected is small. Common symptoms associated with a bite by a widow include muscle
cramps, severe pain, hypertension, weakness, and sweating. If you are bitten by a black widow, medical attention is required.
Widows are a prolific species. During her lifetime, she may produce 15 egg sacs, with up to 900 eggs in each one. A black widow population in the home should be treated with pest control in Fort Worth.
Spider Identification
If you have spiders or other pests in your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude has the latest knowledge, tools, and equipment to safely deal with your home’s pest issues.
Ticks | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, June 06, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control
Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals, birds and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks vary in color depending on the species. Unfortunately, they are vectors of numerous diseases that can affect humans. Professional pest control in Fort Worth can significantly reduce your family’s risk of disease from ticks. Give The Bug Dude a call for effective treatment of pests.

Adult ticks possess four pairs of legs after feeding and gaining their first molt. Ticks tend to dwell within the habitats of their preferred hosts. These habitats may be found diverse areas, such as forests, grasslands and homes. After hatching, all stages of a tick’s life cycle feed on blood.
Common ticks include the American dog tick, deer or blacklegged tick and lone star tick. Some of the diseases ticks can transmit to humans include:
- Colorado tick fever
- Lyme disease
- Mammalian Meat Allergy
- Meningoencephalitis
- Q fever
- Rickettsia
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Tularemia
- Habitat
While ticks are widely distributed, they tend to flourish in warm, humid climates. This is due to their requirement for a certain amount of moisture in the air to
survive. According to numerous studies, features such as sandy soil, hardwood trees, rivers, and the presence of deer are good predictors of dense tick populations.
Behavior, Diet and Habits
Ticks are often found near wooded and highly vegetated areas. However, they may enter the home on clothing, pets, or people. Therefore, it is advisable to inspect pets and children when they have been outdoors to ensure they aren’t carrying a tick, and to wash clothing that may contain ticks. Numerous studies have shown the density of population and distribution of deer ticks correlate with large deer populations. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule pest control in Fort Worth.
Unfortunately, ticks may also enter the home through crevices or gaps, and also poorly fitting screens and doors. Careful sealing of these in the home’s foundation and walls can discourage ticks. In addition, frequent mowing of the lawn, and maintaining short grass may assist in controlling the population of ticks.
In tall grass and vegetation, ticks lie in wait for a host to brush past, enabling them to climb on a host. In addition, remove empty bird nests, and rodent nesting materials, as ticks readily infest these sources. The most effective means of tick control is through professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Ticks find their hosts by detecting animals’ breath and body odors, or by sensing body heat, moisture, and vibrations. Up to 3,000 eggs may be laid on the ground by a single adult female tick.
Pest Prevention Tips
When the inspection is complete, the Bug Dude may recommend modification of the ticks’ habitat. For example, trimming trees to allow sunlight to filter through into shaded areas may reduce tick populations. In addition, your technician may recommend removing thick leaf litter, thick ground cover and cleaning up debris piles, stacking firewood and rock piles. Cleaning and tidying up should target areas frequented by pets and family members, and clearing brush near the edge of the lawn.
Wildlife entering your yard can also bring ticks in. Constructing a fence will assist in keeping wildlife out. A tidy, well cut lawn and routine pest control in Fort Worth provides the best tick prevention.
Professional Treatment
If a tick infestation is especially heavy, it may be necessary to treat your pets, home, the lawn, and wooded areas. The Bug Dude can provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth that you need to get rid of ticks, and other pests. Professional pest control in Fort Worth is the most effective means available for preventing a tick infestation. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
Fire Ants | Pest Control Fort Worth
Monday, May 09, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Red imported fire ants, receive their name due to their ability to inflict painful bites and stings. They are an invasive species found throughout the southern United States, introduced into the U.S. in a shipment of cargo from Argentina. The Bug Dude can provide professional pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home and lawn of fire ants.
Fire ants prefer warm, sunny conditions of dry fields and lawns. They typically avoid shady wooded locations. Colonies may contain several hundred thousand ants, and
one or more queens. Common signs of fire ant activity are the presence of fire ants, and their earthen mounds. It’s common for mounds to appear after recent rain. When fire ant mounds first appear, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. Untreated fire ant mounds will rapidly escalate into a mass infestation.
Fire ants are omnivores, feeding on animal or vegetable sources of food. They are known to eat meats, greasy and sweet food sources, insects, earthworms, ticks, boll weevils, spiders, arthropod eggs, flea larvae, cockroach eggs, honeydew, and other sweets. Plant sources include seeds, including corn, sorghum, soybeans. Plants include, corn, potatoes, okra, and citrus fruit among others. Fire ants will also eat young and newborn vertebrate animals, including birds, rodents, and calves. In addition, fire ants readily consume carrion (dead animals). Contact the Bug Dude today to schedule effective pest control in Fort Worth.
The Sting
When fire ants attack, they use their mandibles to grip their prey, and inject venom through a stinger. Fire ant stings are painful and may be fatal to persons who are allergic to their sting. Fire ants are known to attack in large numbers, and considering a colony may contain 100,000 to 500,000 insects, the likelihood that multiple stings may occur can be high.
Professional pest control in Fort Worth can manage lawn infestations, and secure against indoor invasions of fire ants. They can nest about anywhere in and around your house, on lawns, in walls, stumps, and even under foundations. Without treatment, fire ants will not go away. A fire ant colony can live a relatively long lifetime, and do-it-yourself ant control can be ineffective due to the potential for high population numbers, and the number of colonies. Do-it-yourself treatment provides partial control only, whereas professional pest control in Fort Worth has the goal of eradication, and prevention of new colonies from entering your property from other sources.
Furthermore, the majority of home remedies doesn’t consider that different kinds of ant infestations require different treatments. Professional pest control in Fort Worth will identify the species of ant infestation(s), and provide the appropriate treatment.
Tips to Discourage Fire Ants in the Home
- Clean up food crumbs, and drink spills. In addition, store non-refrigerated food in tightly sealed containers. Throwing leftovers on the lawn close to the home will attract foraging ants.
- Fire ants can enter a home through poorly sealed windows, through gaps, and entrances of wiring, cables, ducts, and plumbing. Seal these entry points tightly with caulk or expanding foam, and contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
- Moisture from plumbing leaks (indoors or out), or a leaky roof can attract fire ants and other pests into your home.
- Inspect the soil of potted plants for fire ants before bringing them into the.
- Inspect other objects such as toys, before bringing them indoors. Fire ants will colonize the cavities of plastic toys, and other hollow objects. Check the toys before children play with them, and before bringing them inside.
- Store open bags of pet food in tightly sealed containers. Do not leave pet food out to avoid providing a food source for fire ants.
- Though mulch is beneficial for plants, it provides a convenient environment for fire ants. Talk to your pest control professional in Fort Worth about alternatives in your area.
- Keep shrubbery and trees trimmed back at least 2-3 ft. from the home to prevent pests from entering the home.
Effective fire ant treatment requires professional pest control in Fort Worth. The Bug Dude can provide the services you need to rid your lawn and home of fire ants, with professional pest control in Fort Worth. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding areas with professional pest control services.
Cockroaches | Pest Control Fort Worth
Friday, April 15, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

People tend to think of allergy triggers as occurring during the spring, summer, and fall. In addition, they tend to associate insect allergies with stinging insects such as wasps or yellow jackets. However, two of the most common causes of allergies and asthma are present year round, and are cockroaches and dust mites. The Bug Dude can take care of your pest problems with pest control in Fort Worth.
For those who suffer from allergies and asthma, cockroach saliva, droppings, and cast-off exoskeletons are known to trigger and worsen allergies, and asthma symptoms. Pest control in Fort Worth can rid your home of these and other pests.
Children are especially vulnerable for experiencing allergies and asthma when exposed to cockroach infestations. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, one in five children in the U. S. suffer a severe allergy to cockroaches.
In addition, cockroaches carry 33 types of bacteria including E. coli, salmonella, clostridium, staphylococcus, and streptococcus, parasitic worms, and other human pathogens. Diseases humans can contract from cockroaches include cholera, plague, polio, dysentery, typhoid, and gastroenteritis, to name a few. Contact The Bug Dude today to schedule professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Treating and preventing cockroach infestations can help keep your family healthy and safe. To assist in preventing cockroach infestations, use the following pest prevention tips to make your home less inviting, and consider professional pest control in Fort Worth:
- Seal cracks outside of the home along the foundation, around doors, windows, and dryer vents. In addition, use screen wire over plumbing vents on the rooftop. However, vents that exhaust heat from appliances, such as gas water heaters, gas furnaces, and chimneys require a specialized type of wire to withstand the heat.
- Routinely vacuum carpet, rugs, drapes, and upholstery to remove cockroach excrement.
- Keep counters and floors clean and free of food, drink, and crumbs.
- Periodically clean under kitchen appliances to remove food debris.
- Store non-perishable food in tightly sealed containers to keep pests out.
- Routinely empty garbage cans and dispose of the bags properly. Don’t leave garbage cans open, select tightly closing cans.
- Repair leaks in and around the home.
- Inspect all bags and plants brought into the home outside before you enter the home.
- Providing routine professional pest control in Fort Worth, coupled with a clean home is the best means of preventing a cockroach infestation.
Worldwide there are about 4,000 species of cockroaches, with as many as 70 species living in the U.S. Only a handful inhabits human dwellings. Three of these are commonly found in homes and other structures, and include the American cockroach, the German cockroach, and the brown-banded cockroach.
Cockroaches are typically nocturnal. While it’s an unsettling thought, the few cockroaches you see during the day may mean they were forced out by overcrowding. Daytime roaches may be a possible sign of a severe cockroach infestation, and the need for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
For example, the American cockroach prefers living in food storage areas such as cabinets, the pantry, and also basements, and sewers. They prefer foods such as beer, pet foods, cosmetics, paper, glue, baked goods, wallpaper paste, and typically enter a home on bags, and through sewer pipes. In addition, they often live in bakeries, grocery stores, and restaurants. In order to prevent an American cockroach infestation, it is essential to eliminate the sources of food and moisture that is attracting them.
Furthermore, providing leak repair, and ventilating basements and crawlspaces, along with cleaning up spills, crumbs, washing up dirty dishes, and taking out the trash daily can help prevent an infestation of these and other cockroach species.
The Australian cockroach has habits similar to the American cockroach. However, it doesn’t like sewers and prefers to feed on new plant shoots or starchy foods. They are commonly introduced into the home on newly purchased potted plants.
The brown-banded cockroach is widely distributed in the U.S. They require less moisture, and are likely to be throughout the home. They prefer temperatures of 80 degrees F and above, and are likely to be found in appliance motors, inside electronics, on ceilings, in attics and other warm locations. They are one of the smallest of the cockroach species.
Cockroaches will feed on organic matter, preferring starchy foods, but will feed on sweets, grease, meat products, cheese, beer, leather, glue, hair, book bindings, dried skin or any decaying plant and animal matter.
Homeowners often attempt pest control themselves. However, these treatments often fail due to the cockroach’s habit of spending 70% of their time in cracks in walls, floors and other locations where treatment never reaches. Furthermore, the pests will typically retreat to their safe location when these methods are used. While you may see dead insects, it highly likely many more have escaped the effects, only to return.
Pest control professionals are trained with the necessary knowledge and tools to resolve cockroach infestations successfully. Furthermore, licensed professionals in pest control in Fort Worth have access to the quickest and most effective methods of cockroach elimination.
The Bug Dude will provide the professional pest control in Fort Worth you need to eliminate cockroaches and other pests infesting your home or business. The pest control services you need are just a phone call away, so call today. Our pest control professionals serve Fort Worth, Dallas and the surrounding areas.
Fleas | Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, March 03, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Our homes provide the perfect environment for fleas, even during the winter months when fleas primarily hibernate. Furthermore, the fleas on your pet account for only 1% of the total population living in your home. The remaining 99% are predominately developing fleas. Outdoor fleas die when the temperature drops below 30 degrees and remains there for several days. However, indoor fleas will require professional pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home of these pests.
Due to the higher body temperature of cats and dogs, fleas prefer the animals. Fleas typically bite humans on the legs and ankles. Flea bites are itchy and generally small, red, and slightly raised. When fleas bite, they inject an anticoagulant chemical to prevent blood clotting.
In addition, flea bites may pose numerous threats to human health. Bites may become infected, flea allergy dermatitis may occur, along with the threat of tapeworms, anemia, plague, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and flea-borne typhus to name a few.
Most of the adult and developing fleas are in your pet’s immediate environment, especially their favorite areas. Flea eggs and excrement are often called ‘Salt and Pepper’ due to their appearance. If your infested pet sleeps on your bed, the Salt and Pepper is likely to be concentrated on the floor around your bed. Itchy bites on your ankle can signal a flea infestation, give us a call for pest control in Fort Worth.
The best means to achieve flea control is with professional pest control in Fort Worth, which includes inspection, home prep, treatment of the home, and pet treatment. Additional steps the homeowner can make are to seal gaps, holes, cracks, and crevices where other hosts of fleas, such as mice and rats, may enter the home. When a flea infestation is present, prompt treatment with professional pest control in Fort Worth is essential. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get rid of fleas. Eggs will not be attached to your pet; they hatch in upholstery, carpet, rugs, bedding, and even cracks in the floor.
Tips to Aid in Flea Control
- A well-groomed lawn offers less hiding places and food sources for rodents, and other animals that fleas feed on. In addition, fleas can pick up deadly diseases from their hosts, potentially transmitting them to your pets and you. Contact The Bug Dude to rid your lawn and home of potential pests with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
- When taking your pets outside, use a leash to reduce their entry into potentially infested areas. Provide routine baths with a flea control shampoo and provide regular grooming with a flea comb for your pets. It is essential to use flea treatments as recommended by your veterinarian.
- Wash the pets bedding every week.
- Clean and vacuum your home frequently to help remove fleas. Immediately empty the canister or remove the vacuum bag and place in the trash outdoors to prevent fleas from hatching in the appliance.
- Consider routine treatment for your home to prevent future infestation of fleas in your home.
When you find adult fleas, there may be hundreds of eggs already in your home. Eggs take 7 to 14 days to hatch, and the breeding cycle for each female begins within 48 hours after feeding. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home of fleas at all stages of the lifecycle.
Preparing the Home
The home’s entire flooring will require vacuuming, including under furniture, appliances (including those permanently installed, such as the dishwasher), and inside HVAC ductwork as well as possible. Remove cushions from the furniture, and vacuum underneath, vacuuming the cracks and interior of furniture as thoroughly as you can.
Extra effort is essential to flea control, as the larvae will spin cocoons in as little as 5 to 20 days after hatching. The cocoon stage is the final developmental stage before the adult flea emerges. The adult flea does not emerge until a potential host is detected by vibration, rising levels of carbon dioxide and body heat associated with the host. A pet or people moving around in the house alert the flea to emerge from its cocoon to feed within 48 hours. Shortly after the first meal, adult fleas will mate and the female will begin laying eggs on her host within a few days. Female fleas require a blood meal before they are able to lay eggs. Break the cycle of fleas in your home by calling The Bug Dude today, to provide pest control in Fort Worth.
Signs of Fleas
A common indication is pets scratching and grooming themselves. People may experience flea bites which leave behind itchy bite marks, although there are numerous causes of irritated skin. Consult a doctor before assuming your home has a flea infestation. The presence of flea dirt and flea feces can indicate flea activity. Flea dirt looks similar to coarse ground black pepper, and may be seen where pets sleep and hang out.
Homeowner’s often mistakenly believe treating fleas on their pets will rid the home of fleas. Effective flea control involves both professional chemical treatment and physical methods in the home, such as vacuuming and treating your pet for fleas. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Ladybugs | Pest Control Fort Worth
Wednesday, February 03, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Ladybug beetles, also known as Asian Lady Beetles are beneficial in the garden and cultivated fields during the spring and summer season. These little insects will control pests, such as aphids, white mites, flies, and scale insects. Unfortunately, when fall arrives, they become a nuisance by invading homes and businesses in search of a place to hibernate. Helpful outdoors or not, people simply don’t like insects in their homes, and typically call for pest control in Fort Worth when Ladybugs invade their home.
Asian vs. Native Species
The ladybugs accumulating on your walls and windows are most likely the Asian Ladybug Beetle, although native Ladybug species are just as likely to gather there. Imported from Asia in 1916, the Asian Ladybug beetles were released to control other species of insects. Today, they are in every part of the United States, and considered a nuisance inside homes. Call to schedule Pest Control in Fort Worth.
Ladybug Beetle Behavior
The first frost sends ladybug beetles in search of a cool place to spend the winter. They congregate on the south-facing exterior walls, and often find their way inside homes through cracks and holes in the siding, and around screens and doors. They are not destructive of any materials inside your home, and simply want to hibernate within your walls, attic, and other out of sight locations. When the weather warms up in the spring, the ladybugs will scamper to find their way outdoors. The best time for professional pest control in Fort Worth is after the insect has emerged from hibernation and has made its way outdoors.
Why Ladybugs are Active in Homes during the Winter
Once they are inside a home where the indoor temperature is warmer, the ladybugs metabolism enters their summer mode. They will instinctively move toward light, commonly the windows. With their metabolism raised for summer, and no food source available, they rapidly use up their winter reserves and die, piling up in window sills. This is the reason you will continue to see a few Ladybugs in your home during the winter. Warm days can also result in an increased number of the insect indoors. This is likely a sign they have found entrance into your walls where they can be present in large numbers. Contact The Bug Dude to schedule pest control in Fort Worth.
Indoor Invasions
Control Ladybug Beetle invasions by sealing cracks and crevices around windows, eaves, doors, and siding. In addition, seal gaps surrounding pipes, conduits, and wires entering your home. Sealing a multistoried structure can be difficult, and is why many homeowners prefer professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Allergies and Bites
Although it is uncommon, Asian Ladybug Beetles can cause allergic reactions in some people. Symptoms include itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. Sinus irritations and mild skin irritations have been associated after encounters with the Asian ladybug beetle. Medical studies indicate the severity of sinus issues subside once the beetles are removed from the home with pest control in Fort Worth.
For those adversely affected by the insect, it is essential to provide proper sealing of the home, frequent vacuuming, and routine pest control in Fort Worth. Asian Ladybug Beetles do not carry disease, and are not toxic or venomous. You may feel a slight prick on your skin when handling the beetles. This is due to small spurs on the beetle’s hind legs.
Pest Prevention Tips
The pest prevention tips for Ladybugs have the added benefit of working to prevent the entry of other pests. In the following, we look a little closer at locations that may be overlooked:
- Sealing gaps, cracks and holes will assist in preventing the entry of Ladybugs, as well as other crawling and flying insects, and mice. It also has the added benefit of potentially reducing the energy bill! Start with the exterior walls, by sealing cracks and gaps in siding, especially around windows and doors if unsealed. Use a silicone or polyurethane-based caulking product to allow for expansion and contraction of the vinyl window.
- Seal large gaps around cables, wires, pipe, and ducts with steel wool, and fill the remaining gap with expanding foam. You can also use an expanding foam product alone for small gaps and cracks.
- Attach screen wire to the inside of foundation and attic vents, and seal ventilation pipes on the roof. However, for hot exhaust pipes such as for a gas furnace or gas water heater, a heat tolerant type of metal mesh is required.
- Trim shrubs and tree limbs back from the house. Insects and animals will use them to gain access to your home.
- Feed pets indoors, and don’t leave food out overnight.
- Don’t stack firewood, or pile debris near your home.
- A clean house deters pests. Wipe the dishes clean, and store in a closed dishwasher if you are unable to wash them before going to bed. Ensure garbage cans are tightly sealed, and empty often.
- As water attracts pests, it pays to have leaks repaired.
- Repair or replace damaged screens, and ensure the frames fit snugly without gaps.
To prevent Ladybugs and other pests in your home, contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth. Our pest control professionals serve Fort Worth, Dallas and the surrounding areas with quality pest control services. In addition, if you also have a problem with opossums, armadillos or other wildlife, our professionals offer humane wild animal control services.
Termites | Pest Control Fort Worth
Tuesday, January 05, 2016 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Termites cause billions of dollars in property damage throughout the U.S. every year, and homes can be reach the point of being structurally unsound without your even being aware of an infestation. All termites consume cellulose-based plant materials, and every home has numerous sources, which can provide food for termites. Give The Bug Dude a call for a suspected termite infestation, our professionals will provide the pest control in Fort Worth that you need.
Termites feed on dead plants and trees as well as dead parts of living trees, and including wood and wood in the soil. A termite’s feeding habits are capable of causing significant damage to property. Subterranean termites typically construct their nests in the soil. When a colony has matured, termites in a home will swarm, and the winged insects will be attracted to windows and doors. Winged termites are most active in the spring. However, they are active year round, working 24 hours a day. If you see termites in or near your home, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth.
What Can You Do to Help Protect Your Home?
Professional pest control in Fort Worth is required for a termite infestation. However, you can take steps to make your home less inviting. Eliminating moisture and food sources will go a long way in deterring termites from your property.
Eliminate Moisture Problems
- Repair water leaks, both indoors and outside of the home. Moisture creates an ideal environment for termites, and repairing leaks and other causes of moisture will deter termites.
- Divert water from the foundation by ensuring gutters are functional and in good shape, and free of clogging debris. Use downspout diverters to carry water safely away from your home or have them plumbed to empty into the municipal sewer system.
- Remove excessive plant cover and wood mulch. Foundation plants should be at least 12 inches from the foundation, and trimmed to ensure they don’t touch the walls.
- Contact a roofer for repair of leaky roofs.
- Keep all ventilation pipes free of debris and open. In addition, covering vent pipes with a screen will prevent insects from entering your home through the pipe.
- Seal entry points around water and utility lines or pipes to keep pests like termites out of your home, in addition it may assist you on your energy costs.
Termites need moisture to survive, and will die if exposed to sunlight or open air for more than a few minutes. Their tunnels protect them from the elements. High moisture areas like basements and crawl spaces are very attractive to termites and can serve as starting points for an infestation. Once inside, termites can infest any part of your home.
When you contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth, we will provide an examination of your home and provide suggestions for deterring termites and other pests.
Remove Termite Food Sources
- Store firewood, and lumber as far from your home as possible. Twenty feet is the minimum you should consider. Termites can travel as far as 130 feet from the colony, and once they detect a food source, they leave a chemical trail for others to follow.
- Piles of brush, limbs, sticks and other woody debris are attractive to termites and other pests. Cleaning up around your home goes a long way in termite prevention. In addition, have stumps removed to deter termites. Once your property is free of the cellulose material termites love, contact The Bug Dude for pest control in Fort Worth to rid your property of existing termites.
- Routinely inspect decks and wooden fences for termite damage. Remember, termites are attracted to dead or rotting wood. A deck or fence in good repair is less likely to attract termites. An even better solution is to utilize synthetic materials that won’t rot.
Signs of Termites
The following are some of the signs of a termite infestation, and an indication of the need to call for prompt pest control in Fort Worth:
- Wood that sounds hollow when tapped.
- Mud tubes on exterior walls, wooden beams, on the foundation or in crawl spaces.
- The presence of discarded wings from swarming insects indicated an infestation.
- Buckling paint or small holes in the wood may indicate the presence of termites.
- Swarming termites inside of your home are evidence they have infested the structure.
Although termites may only be visible during the spring and summer, termites are active even when they are not visible. If you see termites inside your home, remember it means damage may already be underway. Contact our knowledgeable professionals for pest control in Fort Worth.
Any home in the southern U.S. is vulnerable to a termite infestation, and should be routinely inspected by a professional for termites. In the South, termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes each year. Even if your home has a concrete block foundation or basement, termites can enter the home. No home is immune, but The Bug Dude can provide your best defense with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Termites typically emerge during on warm days after rain. Spotting termites outdoors near tree stumps, brush piles or other outdoor locations, is not an indication that your home has an infestation, but does mean they are present on the outside.
Subterranean termites nest in the ground and build mud tubes that connect the moist nest to the food source. The presence of mud tubes may indicate an active termite infestation, although a lack of the tubes does not necessarily mean the structure is termite free. Termites can access the wooden structure of your home through tiny cracks or voids in the foundation wall, beneath outside stucco or siding, through earth-filled porches, steps, and other means. Breaking the tubes open will allow you to determine if an active termite infestation is present.
If termites are infesting your home, give The Bug Dude a call. We will inspect your home, identify the species of termite and provide pest control in Fort Worth to rid your home of termites. Once termites are spotted damage has often already occurred. Immediate action with professional pest control in Fort Worth is required to stop the damage, termites are inflicting to your home. The professional results you need are just a phone call away, so call today.
Bed Bugs | Pest Control Fort Worth
Thursday, December 03, 2015 | Mid-Cities Pest Control

Bed Bug Infestation Prevention
Experts believe the growing problem of bed bugs in the U.S. is due to increased travel, and the increased resistance of the pests to many pesticides. The environment that bed bugs require to thrive can be found inside your home. While the thought is cringe worthy, there are specific steps you can take to discourage them from infesting your home. Use the following tips to assist in making your home less attractive to these pests, and call The Bug Dude for treatment of an active infestation with pest control in Fort Worth.
The Elusive Bed Bug
Bed bugs are elusive pests who like to hide in cracks and crevices. An area that you can slide a business card into is the hiding place of choice for a bed bug. Though named bed bugs, they are not limited to this location. However, it is one of their preferred locations, so check under the mattress, bed frame and the headboard. Inspect for small rust-colored spots on bed sheets, mattress tags, seams, and bed skirts. If you find a bed bug infestation, or the potential signs give us a call for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Use Mattress Covers
Before a bed bug infestation occurs, place the mattress and box springs in sealed mattress covers that entirely encase the mattress/springs, and seal with zippers. Although this protects the mattress, it does not get rid of an active infestation. An active infestation requires professional pest control in Fort Worth
Bed bugs typically feed at night, but when an infestation exists, they can generally be found during the day within a 5-foot radius of the bed.
Discouraging Bed Bugs
- During extermination, bed bugs will take refuge in power outlets until it is safe to come out. Plug unused power outlets with childproof safety plugs.
- Use the vacuum to help rid the home of these pests. Thoroughly vacuum all mattresses, box springs, and floors ensuring careful vacuuming of the crevice where the floor and wall meet. Inspect other furniture, and vacuum thoroughly if infestation is suspected. An abundance of caution is preferred in bed bug infestations. Vacuuming may nip a bed bug infestation before it gets out of control.
After vacuuming is complete, remove the bag, place in a sealed trash bag, and dispose in the garbage can outdoors. For vacuums with removable canisters, empty them into a trash bag outdoors. This precautionary measure can prevent the pests from escaping back into your home.
- Clutter provides a safe sanctuary for bed bugs so tidy up. Organize and properly store items to prevent their becoming a refuge for bed bugs. If bedbugs are still present after you declutter and follow all other tips, contact us for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
- Vacuum-sealed bags are a solution for storing clothing and extra bedding such as sheets, quilts, and blankets. Not only will they keep the contents clean, dry and free from pests, they enable you to neatly organize and maximize closet and storage space.
- Monitor pet bedding for bed bugs. Select pet beds you can wash and dry on the highest setting.
- Be cautious of purchasing used items. Used furniture, clothing, electronics and other used items can appear clean, and harbor bed bugs. Remember to check the cracks, crevices and ventilation areas.
- Public laundry facilities are a haven for bed bugs, transferring them from one location to another. Consider using plastic garbage bags rather than an open laundry basket.
- Inspect rooms when staying in hotels. Inspect the bed, furniture, and artwork for signs of bed bugs. If bed bugs are in the room, ask to be moved far from its location, as adjacent rooms are likely to also be infested. When repacking for the trip home, carefully inspect the luggage for pests, and keep it off the bed. Do not store luggage in your bedroom when you return. Place clothing from the luggage in the dryer on the highest heat for 15 minutes after you return. If bed bugs are present after a vacation contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth.
- Seal cracks and crevices on the outside and inside of your home. Inspect windows and screens for torn or damaged areas and repair or replace.
Help is Only a Phone Call Away
If you already have a bed bug infestation, or suspect one, contact The Bug Dude for professional, and effective treatment. Scheduling routine pest control in Fort Worth is an essential component of preventing pests. Our professionals are trained and knowledgeable in identifying your home’s specific pest control needs. Furthermore, our technicians are up-to-date on the latest in pest control techniques, enabling us to provide a custom treatment plan for every situation. Contact The Bug Dude today for effective pest control in Fort Worth, Dallas, and the surrounding areas.
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