Fleas are the most widespread external parasite found on mammals and birds. There are over 2,000 species of the flea found worldwide, with more than 300 species being found in the United States alone. As fleas are a significant potential threat to human health, an infestation in your home calls for the prompt services of professional pest control in Fort Worth.
What do fleas feed on?
Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments and feed on the blood of any warm-blooded vertebrates, including dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels, rats, mice and humans to name a few.
Where do fleas live?
Once a flea attaches to a host the flea will feed, mate and lay eggs. The eggs frequently fall off of the host onto the lawn, bedding or carpeting for example. Fleas are blind and will avoid sunlight, preferring dark places such as sand, cracks, crevices and bedding. They can be located almost anywhere, in a home infested with fleas.
How dangerous are fleas?
Fleas not only cause discomfort from biting, they are vectors for disease. Fleas transmit viral, bacterial, and rickettsial diseases to humans and other mammals. In addition, fleas can also transmit protozoan and helminth infestations. An example of a helminth infestation that fleas can be responsible for in pets is a tapeworm, where the flea serves as an intermediate host.
Fleas are known to be the vector of epidemics such as murine typhus, which is transmitted to humans through infested rats; bubonic plague is an additional example that is well known for wiping out a third of Europe’s population primarily during the 14th century. Don’t risk your family’s health, call for professional pest control in Fort Worth today.
Signs of Flea Infestation in Dogs:
- Flea droppings in the fur and on the skin. This gives the appearance of dirt in the dog’s coat
- Excessive scratching, licking and biting of skin
- Allergic dermatitis
- Wounds and hot spots
- Hair loss
- Pale gums, which may indicate anemia due to excessive feeding by fleas
- Tapeworms
How to Prevent a Flea Infestation
There are a few tips that people should follow to prevent fleas from becoming a nuisance around the home. Controlling fleas on your pet in a home already infested won’t rid the home of fleas. The following tips will assist in prevention and control, but in an active flea infestation, pest control in Fort Worth will provide the most effective means of eliminating the problem.
Maintaining a clean home will help to avoid an infestation.
- Vacuum carpets, floors and furniture frequently, and wash bed linens regularly, to remove any existing fleas and to help prevent the laying of eggs.
- Keeping a lawn tidy and well-trimmed helps to prevent rodents and their fleas from entering your home. This includes regular mowing of the lawn, replacing loose mortar and maintaining weather stripping around doors and windows, and eliminating standing water and other sources of moisture around the home. Lawns can also be treated for fleas with professional pest control in Fort Worth.
Providing Pet Care
- Check pets thoroughly for fleas, especially after outdoor activity.
- Provide routine baths for pets.
- Wash pet bedding, collars and plush toys frequently.
- Talk to your veterinarian about flea prevention treatments. It’s important to be aware that flea treatments for dogs can be hazardous to cats. In addition, dog flea and tick ointment can be hazardous to humans, use and handling should be according to instructions.
How do I get rid of fleas?
Flea infestations are difficult to control due to their rapid reproduction rate. If your home has a flea infestation it’s important to contact a pest control in Fort Worth professional. If your home has a flea problem, contact The Bug Dude for the professional treatment of your home.